Questions and Answers Numbers 21 - 36
Q. The whole world knew it when Israel broke camp, since they were so large a nation of gypsies. The world also must have known that God promised to give them Canaan, who was not going to let them just walk in and take over. What did these nations do? A. Numbers 21:1 = The Canaanite king of Arad, who lived in the Negev, heard that Israel was approaching from the road to Atharim. He attacked them, taking prisoners.
Q. How did Israel respond? A. Numbers 21:2 = With a vow to God: If God helped them conquer the Canaanites right there, they would completely destroy their towns. The place was renamed Hormah, which means "destruction."
Q. So Israel set out from Mount Hor, went around Edom, taking the road to the Red Sea. Were they still eating manna? A. Numbers 21:5 = Yes. And some complained about it were bit by poisonous snakes sent by God. Some died.
Q.How did the Israelites respond to those deaths? A. Numbers 21:7 = In repentance, asking Moses to pray to ask God to take away the snakes.
Q. Did God do it? A. Numbers 21:8 = Yes. But with a gesture of obedience. Those bitten would live under certain circumstances.
Q. What were they? A. Numbers 21:8 = God told Moses to make a bronze replica of a poisonous snake and attach it to a pole. They would live if they looked at it. Theyhad to believe that just looking at the replica, in obedience to God, would allow them to live.
Note: John 3:14 = Jesus referred to this event to teach the Jews about faith. Salvation is by faith alone! That simple? Yes!
Q. Where did the Israelites journey to next? A. Numbers 21:10 = 1). To Oboth,
2). Then to Iyeabarim in the wilderness on the eastern border of Moab
3). Then to the valley of Zered Brook
4). Then to the far side of the Arnon River in the wilderness adjacent to the territory of the Amorites (The Arnon is the boundary line between the Moabites and the Amorites)
5). Then to Beer (which means "well") and the people sang a song about it
6). Then they left the wilderness and went through Mattanah
7). Nahaliel
8). Then to Barmoth
9). Then to a valley in Moab where Pisgah Peak overlooked the wasteland.
Q. When was Moses' next contact with the Amonite king, Sihon? A. Numbers 21:21 = Right after arriving at the valley in Moab. He sent a message asking permission to pass through the land in using the same procedure he used with the king of Edom.
Q. How did this 2nd king receive the message? A. Numbers 21:23 = He refused passage and sent his entire army to attack Israel in Jahaz.
Q. Did the Amonites win? A. Numbers 21:24 = No. Israel slaughtered them and occupied their land from the Arnon River to the Jabok River. They stopped at the Amonite border.
Q. Why? A. Numbers 21:21 = It was fortified.
Q. So Israel finally began taking over the promised land? A. Numbers 21:21 = Yes.
Q. Who did Israel conquer next? A. Numbers 21:32 = 1). First the Amonites
2). then they drove the Amorites out of Jazer, taking their towns and regions
3). Then King Og attacked them at Edrei. God assured them they'd win as with the Amorites in Heshbon. They occupied their land.
Q. Where did they go next? A.Numbers 22:1 = To the plains of Moab, camping east of the Jordan River, across from Jericho.
Q. What did the king of Moab think of that? A. Numbers 22:4 = He was terrified, but thought he could avoid being conquered.
Q. How? A.Numbers 22:5 = He knew a man of God that could curse and bless anyone and it came about.
Q. What Israelite would possibly consider cursing his own people? A. Numbers 22:5 = Balaam, a prophet of God. At first, he tried to deceive Balaam into helping him, sending with him official looking messengers. God set the story straight!
Q. Did the king give up then? A. Numbers 22:15 = Yes. With even more official looking messengers.
Q. Did God intervene again and instruct Balaam? A. Numbers 22:20 = Yes. God told Balaam to go with these official Moabites as they requested, but to only do what He said.
Note: God humbled Balaam after his donkey spoke to him. It must have been awesome to hear from God and to prophesy such great words for Israel; and to such a powerful king too! Balaam blessed Israel 3 times, then prophesied Moab's doom, and returned home.
Q. Is it possible to be seduced into worshiping idols? A. Numbers 25 = Yes. The Moabite women seduced the Israelite men, inviting them to attend their worship of idols.
Q. What did God do? A. Numbers 25:4 = He had Moses round up the ringleaders and execute them before the Lord in broad daylight.
Q. Who carried out the executions? A. Numbers 25:5 = Israel judges. They were told by Moses to execute all worshipers of Baal of Peor.
Q. Did they miss anyone? A. Numbers 25:6 = Yes. One foolish Israelite brought a Midianite woman right up to the temple entrance where everyone stood weeping.
Q. What happened? A. Numbers 25:7 = Aaron and his grandson, Phinehas, ran the foolish man and the Midianite woman into his tent and Phinehas speared the man on top of the woman.
Q. Who exactly was this Midianite woman? A. Numbers 25:18 = Daughter of Cozbi, who was a Midianite leader -- this deception was planned!
Q. Phinehas was passionate for God's ways. What was happening in the wake of this execution period? A. Numbers 25:8 = A plague was killing the Israelites -- 24,000 died and it stopped with Phinehas' spear.
Q. Was God pleased with Phinehas? A. Numbers 25:11 = God said Phinehas' zeal turned his anger away --He made a covenant with him to always have his family as priests.
Q. What was the punishment given to the Midianites? A. Numbers 25:17 = The Israelites destroyed them-- because of their deceit.
Q. Where were the Israelites camped? A. Numbers 26:3 = On the plains of Moab, beside the Jordan River, across from Jericho -- still.
Q. Was there a 2nd census taken? A. Numbers 26:2 = Yes. It was taken at this time. It went as follows, from Jacob's eldest child to youngest child:
Reuben's tribe:
1. Hanochite clan
2. Palhite clan (his sons conspired with Korah, whose sons survived.)
3. Hezronite clan
4. Carmite clan
Total of the Reuben tribe's men counted = 43,730.

Simeon's tribe:
5. Nemuelite clan
6. Jaminite clan
7. Jakinite clan
8. Zerahite clan
9. Shaulite clan
Total of the Simeon tribe's men counted = 22,200.

Gad's tribe:
10. Zephonite clan
11. Haggite (Haggi) clan
12. Shunite clan
13. Oznite clan
14. Erite clan
15. Arodite clan
16. Arelite clan
Total of the Gad tribe's men counted = 40,500.

Judah's tribe:
17. Shelanite clan
18. Perezite clan >Hezronite clan and the Hamulite clan
19. Zerahite clan
Total of the Judah tribe's men counted = 76,500.

Issachar's tribe:
20. Tolaite clan
21. Puite clan
22. Jashubite clan
23. Shimronite clan
Total of the Issachar tribe's men counted = 64,300.

Zebulun's tribe:
24. Seredite clan
25. Elonite clan
26. Jahleelite clan
Total of the Zebulun tribe's men counted = 60,500.

Manasseh's tribe (Joseph's son)
27. Makirite clan > Gileadite clan
Iezerite clan
Helekite clan
Asrielite clan
Schechemite clan
Shemidaite clan
Hepherite clan
Total of Manasseh's tribe counted = 52,700.
Note: Hepher's son, Zelophehad, had no sons. His five daughters are mentioned. They were (Numbers 26:33) Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah.

Ephraim's tribe:
28. Shuthehalite clan > Eranite clan
29. Bekerite clan
30. Tahanite clan
Total of the Ephraim tribe's men counted = 32,500.

Benjamin's tribe:
31. Belaite clan > Ardite clan > Naamite clan (Naaman)
32. Ashbelite clan
33. Ahiramite clan
34. Shuphamite clan
35. Huphamite clan
Total of the Benjamin tribe's men counted: 45,600.

Dan's tribe:
36. Shuhamite clan
Total of the Dan tribe's men counted = 64,400.

Asher's tribe:
37. Imnite clan (Imuah)
38. Ishuite clan
39. Beriite clan (Beriah) > Heberite clan > Malkielite clan
Asher's daughter was Serah.
Total of the Asher tribe's men counted = 53,400.

Naphtali's tribe:
40. Jahzeelite clan
41. Gunite clan
42. Jezerite clan
43. Shillemite clan
Total of the Naphtali tribe's men counted = 45,400.
Q. How many men were there total (over the age of 20) in this 2nd census? A. Numbers 26:51 = 601,730 men.
Q. What was the census for? A. Numbers 26:53 = Dividing up the land fairly.
Q. Were the Levites counted? A. Numbers 26:57 = Yes, but kept separately from the main census. They would not be given land (26:62).
Q. How were the Levites counted? A.Numbers 26:62 = From one month old and up, all males were counted. 23,000 in all.
Q. How was this 2nd census different than the first? A. Numbers 26:64 = Not one person God said would not enter the promised land was counted, except for Caleb and Joshua.
Q. What exactly was the genealogy of the daughters of Zelophehad? A. Numbers 27:1 = Jacob (g-g-g-g-grandfather)
Joseph (g-g-g-grandfather)
Manasseh (g-g-grandfather)
Makir (great-grandfather)
Hepher (grandfather)
Zelophehad (father)
5 daughters
Q. What happened to Zelophehad? A. Numbers 27:3 = He died in the wilderness because of his own sin --not for rebelling against God.
Q. Did his daughters receive land since there were no sons? A. Numbers 27:4 = Not initially. But they stood together before the tribal leaders and requested land. Bewcause of this, God made a thorough proclamation of how land would be passed down if there were no sons.
Q. What was the land inheritance pecking order to be? A. Numbers 27:7-11 = 1st - sons
2nd - daughters
3rd - brothers
4th - father's brothers
5th - nearest relative in his clan
Q. How did Moses spend his last days? A. Numbers 27:12 = With God, who was telling him how to die.
Q. How? A. Numbers 27:12 = The Lord instructed Moses to climb to the top of the mountains est of the Jordan River, look out over the land God gave his people, but would never live in because of his pride. He would then die.
Q. What was Moses' response? A. Numbers 27:15 = He requested a new shepherd for the Israelites to be appointed.
Q. God granted him his request. Who would be appointed? A. Numbers 27:18 = Joshua. He had the Holy Spirit within him. Moses laid hands on him, presented him to Eleazar the priest before the whole community and publicly commissioned him withthe responsibility of leading the people. Moses then transferred his authority to him so that the whole community would obey him.
Q. How did Joshua, filled with the Holy Spirit, lead the people? A. Numbers 27:21 = Joshua would stand before Eleazar, who would cast sacred lots.
Q. Did God add more offering instructions at this time? A. Numbers 28 = Yes. In the daily burnt offerings, a lamb was offered in the morning and at night, each offered with flour and olive oil. There was a fermented drink offering - 1 quart of it poured out in the Holy Place as an offering to the Lord.
Q. When did Moses die? A. Numbers 31:1 = Right after he and the Israelites conquered the Midianites.
Q. Did God ever tell us to take vengeance on somebody else? A. Numbers 31:2 = Yes. The Israelites conquered the Midianites to take vengeance for leading them into idolatry. God's orders!
Q. How was war waged? A. Numbers 31:4 = 1,000 men from each tribe of Israel = 12,000 men total, as soldiers went to battle.
Q. Who led the army? A. Numbers 31:6 = Phinehas, son of Eleazar, who was a priest led the battle.
Q. Did they realize this was God's war of revenge? A. Numbers 31:6 = Yes. They carried along the holy objects of the sanctuary and the trumpets for sounding the charge.
Q. Did the Israelites take survivors? A. Numbers 31:7 = No men survived. All 5 kings died. Even Balaam, son of Beor, died by the sword.
Q. Why did they kill Balaam? A. Numbers 31:15-16 = He advised the Midianite women on how to get the Israelite men to rebel, then caused the plague.
Note: God may not punish immediately, but He punishes when the right time comes.
Q. Did they kill everybody? A. Numbers 31:9 = No. They took women and children as plunder.
Q. What did Moses think of that? A. Numbers 31:14 = He was furious.
Q. What did he order them to do? A. Numbers 31:17 = Kill all boys and non-virgin women. Virgins could live and even marry the Israelites. They would follow ceremonial cleaning afterwards.
Q. How was the rest of the Midianite plunder divided? A. Numbers 31:25 = God instructed Moses to make a list of all the plunder, including people and animals. Half went to the men who fought, half went to the rest of the people. But first, they gave God His share.
Q. What ws God's share? A. Numbers 31:28 = He required (out of the soldiers' share) on a ratio of 1:500, cattle, sheep, goats and donkeys.
Q. How did God get it? A. Numbers 31:29 = The soldiers gave it to Eleazar, the priest, as an offering to the Lord. It included a ratio of 1:50 captives, cattle, donkeys, sheep and goats -- from the half of plunder belonging to the rest of the Israel.
Q. Who got plunder on behalf of God? A. Numbers 31:30 = The Levites.
Q. What was the Midianite plunder? A. Numbers 31:32 = 675,000 sheep; 72,000 cattle, 61,000 donkeys, 32,000 young girls.
Q. What happened to some of the girls? A. Numbers 31:47 = 640 of them went to the Levites.
Q. Who of Israel was lost in battle? A. Numbers 31:49 = None!
Q.How did the military commanders react to that? A. Numbers 31:48-54 = They gave all the gold they plundered to the Lord for sparing their lives.
Q. How much gold was there? A. Numbers 31:52 = 420 pounds!
Q. What would the gold be a reminder of? A. Nmbers 31:54 = That the people of Israel belonged to God.
Note: Isn't gratitude refreshing? They could have offered God any part of the spoils. None was required. This is what God wants: willing people who will give without routine or command to do it. Heaven will be filled with loves of God!
Q. Leaders were preordained to divide the promised land of Canaan. Who were they? A. Numbers 34:19 = Tribal leaders:
Judah's tribe = Caleb led
Simeon's tribe = Shemuel led
Benjamin's tribe = Elidad led
Dan's tribe = Bukki led
Manasseh's tribe = Hanniel led
Ephraim's tribe = Kemuel led
Zebulun's tribe = Elizaphan led
Issachar's tribe = Paltiel led
Asher's tribe = Ahihud led
Naphtali's tribe = Pedahel led
Note: Reuben and Gad are not listed as they chose to live outside of Canaan.
Q. What about the Levites? A. Numbers 35:2 = God instructed Moses to tell the Israelites to give the Levites from their property certain towns to live in along withthe surrounding pasturelands. Their livestock, which was always their part of the Tabernacle offerings (as the Levites were also paid) would enjoy these pasturelands.
Q. Where was their property to be? A. Numbers 35:4 = The pasturelands would extend 1500 feet from the town walls in every direction -- with the town at the center.
Q. What were the cities of refuge? A. Numbers 35:6 = six cities to serve as places to flee for persons who accidentally killed someone.
Q. Were they included in the Livites' land inheritance? A. Numbers 35:6-7 = Yes.
Q. How many towns with surrounding pasturelands did the Levites get? A. Numbers 35:7 = 48 in all. Each town was given in proportion to the tribe's inheritance.
Q. When did God enact "a fair trial before conviction?" A. Numbers 35:12 = The murdered one's family could not touch the slayer until tried and found guilty by the community.
Q. Where were these six cities of refuge to be? A. Numbers 35:13 = there were 3 on the east side of the Jordan and 3 on the west side inthe land of Canaan.
Q. What else would cities of refuge be used for? A. Numbers 35:15 = Resident foreigners and traveling merchants.
Q. When could a city of refuge not be used by a slayer? A. Numbers 35:16 = If he used a piece of iron, a stone or wooden weapon to kill, it was automatic murder and immediate execution occurred.
Q. Who would carry out the execution? A. Numbers 35:19 = The victim's nearest relative (like in "Next of Kin"). He becomes the avenger.
Q. When was "premeditated murder" first mentioned inthe bible? A. Numbers 35:20 = Includes 1). pushing another to death
2). throwing an object at another so that he died
3). hitting to death with a fist.
Q. And if the above hapened accidentally? A. Numbers 35:22 = A slayer went to the city of refuge, had a fair trial and was protected from the victim's family. The slayer would live there till the death of the high priest. Then he could return to his tribe (v.28)
Q. What if this accidental slayer left the cityof refuge and was found and killed by the victim's next of kin? A. Numbers 35:27 = Then the slayer's death was justified.
Q. Why all the details to observe about slayers? A. Numbers 35:33 = Murder polluted the land.
Q. Could atonement be made for murder? A. Numbers 35:33 = No. Only execution served as atonement.
Q. Why did God warn the Israelites not to defile the land? A. Numbers 35:34 = Because He lived there Himself!
Q. Did anyone raise question to Makir's daughters receiving their land inheritance in place of a brother's inheritance? A. Numbers 36:1 = Yes. Makir descended from Gilead and those tribal leaders were concerned that when the daughters married, the land would go with them and their property would be reduced. (These were all from Joseph's tribe.)
Q. Was God outraged? A. Numbers 36:5 = No. He agreed with their concerns. (Isn't God good?)
Q. How was the problem handled? A. Numbers 36:6 = The daughters of Makir would marry into their own tribe so the land would stay in the tribe.
Q. Were marriages arranged? A. Numbers 36:6 = No. Daughters married anyone they liked.
Q. Who did these five daughters marry? A. Numbers 36:11 = Cousins on their father's side from the tribe of Manasseh.
Note: The tribe of Joseph's land allotment was preserved because people spoke up. There are problems that arise that surely God knows about, but He's left them for us to petition Him about. God has the answers. What if we didn't feel qualified to raise questions to God? To ask Him for wisdom?
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