Proverbs 1 - 31 Questions and Answers
Q. Who wrote Proverbs? A. Proverbs 1:1 = Solomon, David's son, while Solomon ruled Israel.
Q. Is there a purpose for Proverbs? A. Proverbs 1:2 = Yes. To teach wisdom and discipline, to help us understand wise sayings.
Q. What can I hope to get out of Proverbs? A. Proverbs 1:3 = Instruction in:
1) Discipline
2) Good conduct
3) doing what is right, just and fair.
Q. What if I'm not that clever? A. Proverbs 1:4 = You'll get clever!
Q. Can Proverbs help young people? A. Proverbs 1:4 = Yes. Proverbs gives young people knowledge and purpose.
Q. What if I've already gotten wisdom from God in other parts of the bible? A. Proverbs 1:5 = You'll get wiser!
Q. What if I already know how to conduct my life wisely? A. Proverbs 1:5 = You'll receive guidance.
Q. How? A.Proverbs 1:6 = By exploring the depth of meaning in these proverbs, wise sayings and riddles.
Q. What do I need before I can receive knowledge? A. Proverbs 1:7 = To fear the Lord.
Note: To know God that is right and I must form my thoughts to His thoughts is the first lesson in wisdom. To see my very off thinking and accept that it has to change for me to be better is discipline.
Q. What if I don't want it? A. Proverbs 1:7 = Then I am a fool.
Q. How does a child get wise? A. Proverbs 1:8 = In listening and taking to heart his parents' teachings.
Q. How does a child get stupid? A. Proverbs 1:8 = Neglecting that teaching.
Q. Is there a reward for listening to our parents? A. Proverbs 1:9 = Yes. A crown of grace and clothing of honor is a parent's reward for teaching his child God's ways.
Q. How do I keep from sinning when people I love are insisting I join them in sin? A. Proverbs 1:10 = Turn your back on them. Say NO!
Q.What is so startling about some non-believers? A. Proverbs 1:16 = They rush to commit crimes.
Q. Even a bird who sees a trap being laid will stay away. Why do these folks not see the consequences of sin? A. Proverbs 1:19 = All they can see is making money. Greed blinds people to all kinds of sin.
Q. What is the ultimate consequence? A. Proverbs 1:19 = Sinners are robbed of life.
Note: What things are you doing that steal your time? How much time on the local mission field do you spend? This time will never be forgotten!
Q. Is wisdom available for everyone? A. Proverbs 1:20 = Yes! Wisdom seeks us out!
Q. What is a person without wisdom? A. Proverbs 1:22 = 1) Simple-minded
2) loving to mock
3) fighting the facts.
Q. And people ignore wisdom? A. Proverbs 1:23-25 = Yes!
Note: When we are in crisis, this is the time to read God's Word, ask God for guidance and SLOW DOWN. Panic decisions happen. Panic happens. Never make a life-altering decision when in panic mode! Wait till it passes. Trust God and He will guide you through a brand new door!
Q. Does wisdom hide when we don't listen? A. Proverbs 1:28 = Yes.
Q. What does God call ignoring wisdom? A. Proverbs 1:29 = 1) hating knowledge
2) choosing not to fear the Lord.
Q. Is it necessary to suffer the consequences of bad choices? A. Proverbs 1:31 = Yes.
Q. Why? A. Proverbs 1:31 = So hopefully people can learn to listen to wisdom.
Q. What is characteristic of fools? A. Proverbs 1:33 = 1) They have no peace
2) They are not safe from harm
3) v.31 = Their paths lead to terror.
Q. But wisdom returns next time to help? A. Proverbs 2:1 = Yes. Hallelujah!
Q. What must I do to get wise? A. Proverbs 2 = 1) Listen to wisdom
2) treasure it like gold
3) Turn my ears to wisdom
4) Concentrate on understanding wisdom
5) Cry out to God for insight and understanding
6) Search for wisdom.
Note: Don't make the mistake of rushing through the bible for the sake of completing its reading. The bible is alive and God's voice is in it. Take the time to understand it. All understanding of this wonderful book is given by God. God will take your faithful reading of it and apply it to everyday life, either in your own life or in someone else's. Each time I read a passage, God reveals yet another perspective on it. It is impossible to completely search out these writings from heaven. You will see!
Q. What do I get in return? A. Proverbs 2:5 = 1) Understanding of what it means to fera the Lord
2) I will gain the knowledge of God.
Q. Then God will grant me wisdom? A. Proverbs 2:6 = Yes!
Q. What else is wisdom? A. Proverbs 2:7 = A treasure of good sense.
Q. How does the Lord help guide us? A. Proverbs 2:7 = God is our shield, protecting those who walk with integrity.
Note: When you take a stand in a hostile world, you need God's shield before you. Don't worry; God is there!
Q. God will see me through because I'm doing the right thing? A. Proverbs 2:8 = Yes! It is an act of faith to know God protects you!
Q. Does wisdom have absolutes? A. Proverbs 2:9 = Yes. It is understanding right from wrong, just from unjust, fair from unfair, the right course of action from the wrong course of action.
Q. When we get wisdom, where does it proceed from? A. Proverbs 2:10 = The heart.
Q. What is a sign that I am receiving wisdom? A. Proverbs 2:10 = Knowledge (wisdom) fills me with joy.
Note: Do you love God's ways? If you don't, then you haven't been granted wisdom. Can you appreciate your parents, even if they don't know God? If you can't, you don't love God's ways. Their salvation is no condition for your honor of them.
Q. Does God want us to plan for the future? A. Proverbs 2:11 = Yes. All decisions we make should be considered carefully. Whether it is mral or physical, you are safe if you don't act too quickly. Slowing down is always the rule!
Q. How do we know a good man whose steps are worthy of following in? A. Proverbs 2:20 = If he has integrity and is upright.
Q. What gives me favor with God and men? A. Proverbs 3:3 = Loyalty and kindness.
Q. What gives me a good reputation with people? A. Proverbs 3:3 = Loyalty and kindness.
Q. Is there something wrong with my initial ability to understand? A. Proverbs 3:5 = Yes. Apart from God's Word, my understanding can be the very opposite of God's!
Q. Then how could I possibly win? A. Proverbs 3:6 = Step back, ask God to lead you.
Note: If I have God's Word in my heart, if I have nurtured myself in His life lessons, then when I need His guidance, I need to physically shut off my fleshly mind in order to allow God to use that which I have internalized in decision-making. Just because I have internalized much wisdom doesn't make me run on automatic in making good choices. I still have to step back and invite God to go before me through that door. As long as I have breath, my human, selfish nature will naturally try to go ahead of God. With every decision, there is a forerunner decision to invite God to lead in it.
Q. Do my carnal choices seem impressive to me? A. Proverbs 3:7 = Yes!
Q. What are carnal choices actually? A. Proverbs 3:7 = Evil that I need to turn my back on.
Q. What is it called when I refuse to listen to my own carnal knowledge in favor of God's wisdom? A. Proverbs 3:7 = Fearing the Lord.
Q. How do I regain my health and vitality? A. Proverbs 3:8 = Fearing God. Ignoring my human wisdom.
Q. How do I conduct my life and avoid evil? A. Proverbs 4:25 = 1) Look straight ahead, fixing my eyes on what lies before me
2) Mark out a straight path for my feet -- then stick to it
3) Don't get sidetracked
4) keep my feet from following evil.
Note: 1) keeping my eyes on God
2) who has said plainly what is good
3) say no to evil
4) make the choice to stay on the path.
Q. Is wisdom available to everyone? A. Proverbs 9:1-6 = Yes. It is laid out and organized so that anyone who wants it can get it.
Q. What is the best way to stop a quarrel? A. Proverbs 10:12 = with love.
Note: The chaos of quarrels is in forgetting you are loved in spite of yourself. Remember to love and the quarrel is exposed as foolish, destructive behavior.
Q. What are some basic characteristics of godly people? A. Proverbs 10:1-32 = Godly people causes his father joy
2) lives right
3)God feeds him
4) works hard and gets rich
5) blessed
6) remembered fondly
7) receives instruction gladly
8) firm-footed
9) bold in reproof, promoting peace
10) wise in words
11) loves at all times
12) treasures knowledge
13) his earnings enhances his life
14) he accepts correction
15) conducts himself wisely
16) his hopes come true
17) lives long
18) is happy
19) protected by God
20) lives in peace
21) speaks helpful words.
Q. What are some basic characteristics of foolish people? A. Proverbs 10:1-32 = 1) brings grief to his mother
2) steals
3) has cravings for wrong things
4) lazy
5) passes up opportunity
6) covers up his harmful intentions
7) not remembered at all
8) babbling fool who falls flat
9) follows a crooked path
10) winks at wrong
11) hates
12) quarrels
13) is punished with a rod
14) invites trouble
15) is poor
16) squanders his money on sin
17) ignores correction
18) leads others astray
19) hides hatred
20) slanders
21) talks too much
22) has a worthless heart
23) has no common sense
24) thinks doing wrong is fun
25) his fears come true
26) Disaster comes suddenly to him
27) is a bad employee
28) has a shortened life
29) will not get his expectations
30) God destroys him
31) is removed from the Lord
32) deceives
33) corrupts with his tongue
Q. What does being kind profit me? A. Proverbs 11:17 = I nourish my own soul.
Q. Where does cruelty lead me? A. Proverbs 11:17 = I destroy myself.
Q. What is the rule about giving? A. Proverbs 11:24 = Give freely and become more wealthy prosper, and be satisfied and refreshed.
Q. What about being stingy? A. Proverbs 11:24 = I lose everything.
Q. Should I search for good? A. Proverbs 11:27 = Yes. God wants us to always search for good.
Note: Is something happening to you right now? A crisis that seems unbearable? Search for the good in it. What is God doing with your enemies? Pray for them and God will show you the good of what is happening.
Q. What if I search for evil? A. Proverbs 11:27 = It will find me!
Q. How can I teach myself to learn? A. Proverbs 12:1 = Learn to love discipline; love correction.
Note: The bible makes many clear statements that are contrary to today's human views and opinions. If you want God's guidance, you must first agree that God is right about all He says in His word.
Q. Can choosing the right words help me to get through, or does it matter? A. Proverbs 12:14 = It does matter! Especially when recuiting volunteers. It is good to have a good repoire with them. If you have trouble with diplomacy, don't worry, the work of your hands will make up for it!
Q. Because I'm a pastor, do I need to listen only to God? A. Proverbs 12:15 = No! Only fools think they need no advice. We all need each other. Even the most simple person can encourage and build up his pastor.
Q. I have trouble with a short temper. How do I see that from God's eye view? A. Proverbs 12:16 = God wants you to stay calm when insulted. Make that choice now. Never believe you were born to blow your top! If God says He's given you the ability to control yourself, you can take hold of that and practice, starting now.
Q. If I don't practice? A. Proverbs 12:16 = Then I'm a fool.
Note: What a good thing we do for ourselves when we begin to take God at His Word and do all He says we can! Ask the Holy Spirit for His strength and resolve. Maybe He'll give you some written exercises like listing things that trigger your temper. When you're done with your list, lift it up with holy hands to heaven and give it to God. Don't you feel lighter? Do the exercise as often as you like. God never stops teaching or forging. Repent again. He has only good thoughts for you!
Q. I have a witty tongue, but it can get out of control. Can I strike a balance without denying this gift? A. Proverbs 12:18 = Yes. Get on your knees every morning and ask God to let His words dominate your speech. "What would Jesus say?" is your plumb line to heaven. Your wit is a gift! Let God bless it for heaven's use!
Q. How will God use my wit? A. Proverbs 12:18 = To bring others healing!
Q. How do I handle it when some lie begins amongst my peers and I'm its target? A. Proverbs 12:19 = Wait it out. God will expose the lie. Truth stands the test of time.
Q. How? A. Proverbs 12:20 = Liars bear rotten fruit; peace is the fruit of good labor. They'll all see!
Q. Do godly people experience the same kind of harm that ungodly people experience? A. Proverbs 12:21 = No. We still have trouble, but God doesn't allow it to devastate us. We are somewhat shielded all the time. That doesn't mean that we can't foolishly set aside our protection by sheer want of something we're not supposed to have! But we are shielded from plenty that we also don't see. God sees all and He is happy to look out for His own.
Q. Is it that big a deal if I break a promise? A. Proverbs 12:22 = Yes! So don't make promises. Your word should be your bond. Use it wisely. Jesus said not to make rash vows. He cares about honor.
Q. How do I keep from being a showoff? A. Proverbs 12:23 = Realize that just because God has bestowed me with perhaps many gifts and talents, He still should guide their use in His family and on the missin field. Strive to use them only for God, when He wants them!
Q. Is there really a payoff for hard work? A. Proverbs 12:24 = Yes. God blesses hard work!
Q. What is the best medicine for worry? A. Proverbs 12:25 = A good friend who encourages you.
Note: People don't need our sage advice and pat answers. They need a reminder that God still loves them and they need a friend nearby. I feel sorry for the one who doesn't have at least one encouraging friend! Don't surround yourself completely with negative people. If they are Christians, then let them be those who have a positive outlook on life. God wants us to be there for all kinds of people. But who you let into your closest inner circle of friends is crucial. You need healthy friends to assist you to grow spiritually. This, my friend, is your life homework!
Q. But what if I have already less than healthy close relationships? A. Proverbs 12:26 = What kind of advice did they offer you? Did they consider WWJD? Wouldn't it have worked out better in 20/20 hindsight with godly friends instead?
Q. What is characteristic of a bad friend? A. Proverbs 12:26 = 1) Giving bad advice
2) Leads you away from God
3) Laziness. He does things halfway and then stops. Unreliable. Cannot depend on him.
4) His path leads to death.
Q. What is characteristic of a godly friend? A. Proverbs 12:26 = 1) Gives good advice
2) Is resourceful
3) Encouraging
4) If you need to follow for a while, his path is one leading to life.
Note: This is so true! How can I discern a good friend from a bad one? Spend a month in God's Word: Proverbs and Psalms. See how these godly patriarchs behaved in trouble and in good times. See God's care in all of it. Ask God to bring these kinds of folks into your inner circle. Then watch what He does! Keep in the Word. We'll never know enough to warrant setting aside God's Word. And if you do forget to stay in the Word, your friends may soon find they want to kick you out of their inner circles! This is not some pious game. There is much potential in each of us and we should want to reach it. Friends will make or break you. Friends are your choice!
Q. Is there such thing as a wise child? A. Proverbs 13:1 = Yes. One who accepts his parents' discipline is a wise child.
Q. What other kinds of children are there? A. Proverbs 13:1 = Mockers. They refuse to listen.
Q. What is a good rule of thumb when giving advice or counsel? A. Proverbs 13:2 = Words can change things forever. Am I considering the consequences of my words? What do I want to come out of this counsel? Is my counsel clearly conveying that? Do I have only good thoughts about this person I counsel? WWJD?
Q. What is a counseling trap I can easily fall into? A. Proverbs 13:2 = Harsh tone of voice -- it'll build a wall between me and the one I really want to help. My own impatience or mood of the day can overshadow a vulnerable counselee. I must fall before my heavenly Father and make sure I operate in His will and guidance before qualifying one word I speak.
Q. How do I control the outcome of a counseling session? A. Proverbs 13:3 = By controlling my tongue!
Q. How important is willing my tongue to submit to the Holy Spirit's leading? A. Proverbs 13:3 = Important enough to be rewarded with a long life if I do it.
Note: God cares tremendously about how we treat each other. He hates sibling rivalry in our ranks and has given us in His Word the ability and power to overcome self-destruction. If I will trust Him, He will empower me. Then I will enjoy the positive results (v.1).
Q. What is characteristic of a lazy person? A. Proverbs 13:4 = He has big dreams and little anything else.
Q. How does this contrast with a hardworking person? A. Proverbs 13:4 = Instead of dreaming, he's working. Because he's working, he has much and is satisfied.
Q. Why should I hate lies? A. Proverbs 13:5 = They bring shame and disgrace.
Q. Isn't striving for godliness a ball and chain around my neck? A. Proverbs 13:6 = No way! Godliness helps us all through life. It is foundational to life and becomes second-nature. In other words, don't try to memorize God's Word like a bunch of rules and regulations. Rather, let it be running deep below your footsteps. Remember when you were learning to drive a car? There was so much to remember! But it became easier and then pretty soon, you were talking with passengers and adjusting the volume on the radio while driving on the freeway. God's Word is like that. Knowing it incorporates deeply the tools you need for everyday living. The Holy Spirit brings what you learn to mind when you need it. You stay far from trouble, from bad influences, from laziness, almost by second nature. Funny, we can learn the rules of the road and not challenge them too much. Physical consequences are immediate! In ignoring God's rules for living, it sometimes takes years to hang ourselves! Excuses are broad and creative. The results are the same. We shorten our lives and have the nerve to not repent and turn back! But it's never too late. Every day is new.
Q. How do some people pretend to be rich? A. Proverbs 13:7 = Living off credit cards. Daydreaming. Lying to make an impression.
Q. How do rich people pretend to be poor? A. Proverbs 13:7 = They tell everyone they have nothing, live like paupers in filth, live as homeless ones on the streets.
Q. What is a burden for the rich? A. Proverbs 13:8 = They can afford to pay a ransom so he can be wary for his life.
Q. What is nice about being poor? A. Proverbs 13:8 = You know you're safe from being ransomed!
Q. What else do the godly have that the ungodly don't? A. Proverbs 13:9 = Light and joy to the full.
Q. Don't the ungodly also have light? A. Proverbs 13:9 = Yes, but not for long.
Note: This is true of Christians who don't bathe daily or at least weekly in God's Word, which is fresh with each new day. The Word is light and makes the days pass well! For the ungodly, God has blessed every person with light in the form of talents and gifts, which will get snuffed out eventually if they don't find their way to God for renewal.
Q. How can I tell that my pride has risen up? A. Proverbs 13:10 = I refuse advice and argue with the advisers.
Q. What does God think of get-rich-quick schemes? A. Proverbs 13:11 = They quickly disappear.
Q. Why? A. Proverbs 13:11 = Easy come, easy go. Wealth is not appreciated by the recipient unless it is a result of hard work.
Q. What is hope in delay? A. Proverbs 13:12 = When you work hard for something, like a raise, and don't get it. When a promise is broken on your back, when you've been a good friend and you're tossed aside. When your reward doesn't come for your effort.
Q. So it's normal to have feelings of heart sickness from hope's delay? A. Proverbs 13:12 = Yes. God will bring the joy and reward eventually -- maybe not from people or bosses, but God is pleased with godly people and will see personally that you are rewarded and have life and joy again.
Q. What if I feel very competent in my job or mission -- I do most of the work -- know more about it than anybody -- and people who work for me try to advise me anyway? A. Proverbs 13:13 = I must listen! We are not made to do anything alone! That is the rule! Listen to your underlings! They will keep you out of trouble!
Q. If I listen and consider their words, what else am I doing? A. Proverbs 13:13 = Showing respect for them.
Note: In the world of volunteerism, nothing is better than acknowledging those who freely help. Nothing drives them away faster than rudeness.
Q. What is good about taking advice? A. Proverbs 13:14 = It is like a life-giving fountain; those who accept it avoid the snares of death.
Q. What is an example of a snare of death? A. Proverbs 13:14 = What can ruin my ministry or mission? Disrespect for others, insensitivity, a growing illusion that I'm the only one doing this work; any lie that hell presents as truth. These are things especially noticable in bosses and leaders. Guess who sees and warns us? Yep, the underlings. We humans are terrible judges of ourselves. It costs us nothing to listen, acknowledge, repent and mature!
Q. What is a good behavior tool? A. Proverbs 13:16 = Think before you act. Don't let your temper flare. How much better to stop. Ask God about the situation upon you. Nothing good can come out of a quick, gut reply or action.
Q. What is an unreliable messenger? A. Proverbs 13:17 = One who relays a message inaccurately and causes trouble.
Note: Get your information right before relaying it. It is supposed to bring healing!
Q. Should I accept criticism even though it can mean I need to drastically change the way I do things? A. Proverbs 13:18 = Yes. It might mean a lot of unplanned work, but the results are riches and honor.
Q. Criticism of my ministry or work leads to honor? A. Proverbs 13:18 = Yes!
Q. Some folks can't seem to reach their goals. Why? A. Proverbs 13:19 = They refuse to turn from evil to attain it.
Note: We can desire the right things, but be stuck in bad habits that prevent us from going forward. Addictions of every kind are bad habits that hell uses to keep us in the dilemma. We don't need drugs to give us equalibrium. We need fortitude -- the goal of walking toward God, our Father, who not only wants to help us reach our goals, but wants to know us as His children. Isn't that amazing?
Q. I love all kinds of peole. Don't they shape who we become? A. Proverbs 13:20 = Yes! If they are wise, we become wise. If they are fools, we suffer harm.
Note: Take care of that inner circle of friends. Know the difference between a friend/counselor and a friend who needs your counsel desperately. Be both a teacher and a counselor to a weaker brother, and accept the counsel of those whose lives reflect honor and dignity consistently. Life is ministry and mission. Be part of the answer and you won't be part of the problem.
Q. What if my friend talks of helping others, but bears no fruit over time? A. Do everything you can do to counsel and guide. Your friend's heart is in the right place. Get him in the Word on a daily basis. God is the only one who can ultimately reach him.
Q. Should I offer to help him in his ministry? A. Minimally. It is important that they get their anointing and enthusiasm for it from God. If you get involved, you may over-commit and then you don't have time for your own whatever it is God has for you to do.
Q. What if my friend has constant trouble? A. Proverbs 13:21 = God is dealing with him so let Him!
Q. Should I feel guilty that I am blessed in so many ways? A. Proverbs 13:21 = No. God blesses the righteous. Enjoy it!
Q. Should I leave a legacy to even my grandchildren? A. Proverbs 13:22 = Yes!
Q. What happens to an evil man's wealth? A. Proverbs 13:22 = It passes to the godly.
Q. Why do people sometimes have hardship, even though they work hard? A. Proverbs 13:23 = Injustice.
Note: Don't try to guess why trouble comes on someone. Injustice is a broad rason for failure. It covers unfair laws to getting hit by a bus. Our roles never change. We encourage, lift up, remind them of God's love for them, etc. It is humility to know that circumstances can flop at any time and suddenly are in need of good friends!
Q. Should I leave discipline my kids to just curbing their temper tantrums? A. Proverbs 13:24 = No. The most long-lasting sins are subtle. White lies and teasing may seem cute or harmless, but if you don't unmask it for what it is, then it will always be taken lightly. Lying to get one's way is very damaging. It isn't even looked at as sin these days, but rather a means to an end. Prayer changes hearts and minds. Lying is a huge stumbling block and ugly and hurtful to many. No man is an island. Every sin poisons those around you which is sometimes felt for a lifetime. So talk to your kids about lying until they see it for what it is. Never let it slide.
Q. And if I do let it slide? A. Proverbs 13:24 = God says you don't love your kids. Ask God to give you love to pass onto them.
Q. So if my kids sin and I ignore it, they feel unloved? A. Proverbs 13:24 = Yes.
Q. And if they refuse to listen and reach adulthood lying? A. Proverbs 13:24 = What heartache you will have! Trust God, but be free of parental neglect. You, too, are being tested by your Father in heaven. Pray!
Q. How much thought should I give before disciplining my child? A. Proverbs 13:24 = Not much. Be prompt! They need you to expunge the evil ASAP.
Q. Why does God allow starvation? A. Proverbs 13:25 = Starvation is caused by a wicked life. Oftentimes, God gets a wicked son's attention by hunger.
Q. What kind of clout does a woman really have on this earth? A. Proverbs 14:1 = She is the builder of her house -- or the demolition ball!
Q. Is it easy to follow God? A. Proverbs 14:2 = It is a learned behavior to follow God. Slowing down and letting God lead is the fear of the Lord. Believing that I don't have to analyze every step I take (thinking too much) and letting God go before me lightens my decision-making and my reactions, surrounding me with peace, making me receptive to wisdom.
Q. Isn't that kind of a romantic attitude? A. Yes! My daily walk with God is a romantic one, and pure foolishness in the eyes of the world!
Q. How so? A. Proverbs 14:2 = The unbeliever marches quickly down his own path. He has a million prospects and paths to choose. To shut up and let God go forth is the opposite of what his human nature screams for, and he despises God for even asking him to follow Him.
Q. Is it that important to think before speaking? A. Proverbs 14:3 = Yes. Do you remember a time when you said something carelessly and someone beat you with your words? We need to be careful to speak with accountability in mind. Right words will come!
Q. Is it enough to know what my talents and gifts are? A. Proverbs 14:4 = No. God wants us to use them to bear fruit, whether it be income or for His kingdom.
Q. Who can understand God's ways? A. Proverbs 14:6 = One who is not given to mocking God; one who has understanding.
Note: The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Understand first that God is right. God always loves His own and has the best in mind for us. His thoughts for us are good (Ps 139:17-18). If you don't approach God with a proper understanding of Him, how can you know His wisdom?
Q. So as long as one is mocking in attitude, he cannot learn wisdom? A. Proverbs 14:6 = Yes.
Q. What trap should I avoid when seeking God's guidance in a particular circumstance? A. Proverbs 14:7 = Advice from fools, i.e., those not walking closely with God cannot offer you godly guidance, though they readily offer it.
Q. Should I make plans for the future? Should I consider possible outcomes in my choices today? A. Proverbs 14:8 = Yes. God takes care of us, but we are not to be like infants, dependent completely on our Father in heaven for our material lives on earth. Always consider the source in everything, listen and try to read between the lines in counseling. Look at track records of those who want to do business with you. Do all you can to prepare for something and ask God to bless your ventures. He will compensate you in pitfalls we cannot see coming. He knows we can only see so far. But we should make the whole effort too!
Q. If I sear my conscience enough, what becomes of my conscience? A. Proverbs 14:9 = I begin to make fun of my guilty feelings.
Q. How do I get back on track? A. Proverbs 14:9 = Acknowledge my sin and seek reconciliation.
Q. Should I expect even my closest friend to understand my pain? A. Proverbs 14:10 = No. No one can understand my pain.
Q. Should I expect even my best friend to understand my joy? A. Proverbs 14:10 = No. No one else can fully share in my joy, except God.
Q. Is it okay if I am poor all my life? A. Proverbs 14:11 = Yes. Riches pass, things pass away, but God can do great things with your humble means if you love Him.
Q. Do some people think they do right, but are actually dead wrong? A. Proverbs 14:12 = Yes. Not all wrong ways are blatantly wrong. (Only God's Word will keep us straight.)
Q. Are people who laugh easily necessarily happy? A. Proverbs 14:13 = No. Laughter can conceal a heavy heart.
Q. Are we prone to believe everything we hear? A. Proverbs 14:15 = . Yes. Wee need to learn to carefully consider each step in any venture.
Q. What if I backslide into whence I came? A. Proverbs 14:14 = God will let me reap the consequences.
Q. Is it good for me to move forward with caution? A. Proverbs 14:16 = Yes. I avoid danger this way.
Q. How do I recognize a fool's venture? A. Proverbs 14:16 = He plunges ahead with great confidence.
Q. Why should I curb my temper? A. Proverbs 14:17 = I do foolish things otherwise.
Q. Is it easy to spot a simpleton? A. Proverbs 14:18 = Yes. He is proud of his stupid ways.
Q. What about a wise person? A. Proverbs 14:18 = Yes. Even easier to spot.
Note: Maybe not more available is the wise person, but wait for him, while avoiding the fool.
Q. Should I fear evil people? A. Proverbs 14:19 = No. They will one day bow before me because I am godly.
Q. What dilemma do poor folks face? A. Proverbs 14:20 = Having many fake friends.
Q. What does God say about my poor neighbors? A. Proverbs 14:21 = It is sin to hate them for their poverty and I am blessed if I help them.
Q. I have a creative mind. What should I do with it? A. Proverbs 14:22 = Don't plot evil or else be lost; plan good and be granted unfailing love and faithfulness.
Note: Let your life be a plan to do good. Think about the outcome of what you do. If you write, consider that everything a person reads changes hm forever, so don't write violence or evil. Let that thing that changes them forever be an inspiration to missions or ministry. What power we have to do good things for one another!
Q. Should I worry about population explosion? A. Proverbs 14:28 = No. A growing population is a king's glory.
Q. Should I worry about a dwindling population? A. Proverbs 14:28 = Yes. It is a king's doom.
Q. If I control my anger, how does that reveal me to be? A. Proverbs 14:29 = To have great understanding.
Note: To know that anger ruins people and decisions is great understanding.
Q. Is it possible to react in anger and have the outcome be good? A. Proverbs 14:29 = No. Hasty tempers make for mistakes.
Note : So true! I have played the fool because of my temper. I said the truth in anger so it was not received. How much better to have said nothing!
Q. Is it okay to be easy going? A. Proverbs 14:30 = Yes. It lengthens life.
Q. What if an unwanted third person comes between me and my spouse? A. Proverbs 14:30 = Relax. Jealousy rots your life away. It does not stop the problem!
Q. Why should I help the poor? A. Proverbs 14:31 = When I do, I honor God.
Q. What if I oppress the poor? A. Proverbs 14:31 = I insult God.
Q. Does God crush the wicked? A. Proverbs 14:32 = No. They are crushed by their own sins.
Q. How should I see wisdom? A. Proverbs 14:33 = As enshrined in an understanding heart; as something fools could never offer.
Q. Does God mean for nations worldwide to love Him? A. Proverbs 14:34 = Yes.
Q. Why? A. Proverbs 14:34 = Godliness exalts a nation.
Q. Is sin known to be sin by every nation? A. Proverbs 14:34 = Yes. Sin disgraces any nation.
Q. Is there ever a reason to answer harshly? A. Proverbs 15:1 = No. Gentleness is best.
Q. A. Even if my opponent is furious?
Q. A. Proverbs 15:1 = Yes. A calm answer calms him down.
Q. What if I answer harshly in return? A. Proverbs 15:1 = It'll get worse.
Q. If I have something to teach, how do I go about teaching it? A. Proverbs 15:2 = Make the lesson a joy to learn. (Ask God how!)
Q. How do I know when I'm not getting through? A. Proberbs 15:2 = It sounds like foolishness.
Q. God sees all. Does He keep His eye on just good things? A. Proverbs 15:3 = No. God keeps His eye on evil too.
Note: Pray for your rescue. God knows intimately the details of your circumstances. He watches evil so it won't consume us. Isn't that awesome?
Q. What is a good rule of thumb when speaking? A. Proverbs 15:4 = Gentle words bring life and health.
Note: Has someone shared with you his hopes and dreams? Your response can make a person or break him. What have you got to lose to choose to believe in him, even if his dream seems unreachable to you? Imagine what prayer can accomplish! The problem with sarcasm is that it, like all words, is in a limited timeframe. You have time to be gentle or sarcastic, but not both. Choose to be gentle. If you forget to be gentle, don't worry, practice until it is a habit. What fruit there is to bear in gentleness!
Q. What if I have a point to make? A. Proverbs 15:4 = If you can't make your point without hurting someone, it isn't meant to be made. Wait until you are able to make your point in gentleness. What's the rush? (See 1 Corinthians 13:1.)
Q. What results in saying something that is truthful in the wrong way? A. Proverbs 15:4 = The receiver gets his spirit crushed.
Note: Healing from a crushed spirit can take a lifetime. To crush it takes but a moment. Be careful with your words, your motives for saying them, your servant's heart. Especially, check your humility. That subtle pride demands foolishly that you be found right!
Q. Is it possible for a wise parent to raise a fool? A. Proverbs 15:5 = Yes. Pray for your kids. Their choices are their own. Don't let their rebellion stop you from all God has for you.
Q. Being corrected is embarrassing! How should I see this? A. Proverbs 15:5 = Learning anything about myself is good. I am wise to learn from it.
Note: Sometimes correction is a blatant mistake. Do you have the humility it takes to consider words of correction carefully and give a gentle answer? Or to keep it in mind and ask God to confirm it?
Q. What is a wicked person like? A. Proverbs 15:8 = 1) He makes sacrifices to God on his own terms
2) His ways seem right, but are wrong.
Note: He has thought this through and is totally wrong! 3) v.11 = His heart is wicked.
Q. What can a wicked man do to make it right? A. Proverbs 15:9 = 1) Pursue godliness
2) Return to the right path
3) receive correction.
Q. What are sure signs that someone is wicked? A. Proverbs 15:11 = 1) He thinks God doesn't see his heart's motives
2) He mocks
3) He doesn't love those who rebuke him so he stays away from the wise.
Q. What's another sign of a foolish person? A. Proverbs 15:14 = He feeds on trash.
Note: Trying to help a fool while he is into poisonous things is a wasted effort. First, get him to stop bottom-feeding and give him the Word to replace the hobby. Folks don't realize just how much they are influenced by seemingly harmless activities. When the trials come, they fall completely apart because they don't know the truths that hold up their Christian counterparts. Feed on truth--God's Word, and not on trash. Men have no answers apart from God.
Q. What is another sign of a foolish person? A. Proverbs 15:15 = Every day trouble comes to him. He has no happiness within and feels overwhelmed with bad luck.
Q. But trouble does come to everyone. What is the difference with the believer's everyday life? A. Proverbs 15:16 = He is content in it. He knows God provides.
Q. What are other characteristics of the believer? A. Proverbs 15:15 = 1) A happy heart
2) a great outlook on life
3) He is content to be poor
4) He tries to stop fights
5) His path is easy
6) He is sensible
7) He has fitting words to say at the right times
8) He is gentle in speech
9) He teaches with wisdom
10) He learns from correction
11) He has treasure in his house
12) He gives good advice
13) He prays
14) He pursues godliness
15) Mockers avoid him
16) He has a glad heart--a happy face
17) He is hungry for truth
18) He fears God
19) He is cool-tempered
20) He stays on the right path
21) He brings joy to his parents
22) He receives counsel from many.
Q. For my trouble, what is the outcome of a good life? A. Proverbs 15:24 = See last answer!
Q. Why should I pray for and with those in trouble? A. Proverbs 15:29 = God hears our prayers on behalf of others. A person may need me to pray because he is in a very bad place and doesn't know how to get out of it. Because I pray, I ask for clarity from God for the situation and remind him too that God is near and he can learn to pray by hearing me pray.
Note: This is true! God gives us words to pray on behalf of others. People are oftentimes blown away at my words on their behalf. They were too afraid to pray those exact words because hell was screaming NO! Such a burden is lifted and they then can look forward to our next prayer time.
Q. We are so focused on material riches. What is the truth about them? A. Proverbs 15:25 = God destroys the house of the proud, but He protects the property of widows. You cannot measure wealth. It all belongs to God and He does what He wishes with it.
Q. What is good to remember when in the presence of family or friends? A. Proverbs 15:30 = I can share good news or bad news. Share the good news and give joy; it brings good health. Save the bad news for laying it at Jesus' feet. He is not adversely affected by it and wants to lighten our loads.
Q. Do wise people get criticized? A. Proverbs 15:31 = Yes! And they listen!
Q. Why should I listen to correction? A. Proverbs 15:32 = I'll harm only myself in ignoring it. I won't grow in understanding If I don't listen.
Note: Everyone is correctable! The irony is that the more education one is exposed to, the less they think they are correctable.
Q. If I have stopped listening to correction, I have stopped growing in understanding? A. Proverbs 15:32 = Yes! I have stopped growing, period!
Note: We are made to need one another. We will never stop needing love or correction!
Q. Does "Fear of the Lord" have a basic function? A. Proverbs 15:33 = Yes! It teaches a person to be wise.
Note: The fear of the Lord is putting God at the head of my daily events, decisions, questions that need answering. It is realizing I am #2 in my life and not #1. The fear of the Lord is knowing that God cares for me more than I can ever care about myself. Therefore, I will let Him into all aspects of my life, line up my decisions with His Word, and let Him guide me.
Q. That sounds a lot like humility. Is it? A. Proverbs 15:33 = Yes! In this same verse, it says "Humility precedes honor."
Q. So God will honor my life as a result of letting Him lead? A. Proverbs 15:33 = Yes!
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