Proverbs 20 - 25 Questions and Answers
Q. Do we benefit by drinking alcohol? A. Proverbs 20:1 - Not at all. Wine produces mockers; liquor leads to brawls.
Note: Do you want to bring mocking and fighting into your homes?
Q. Do wise people drink? A. Proverbs 20:1 = No.
Q. How does God describe the behavior of a drunk person? A. Proverbs 20:1 = As led astray by drink.
Note: Astray is an encompassing word. The worst is astray that we succomb to is that we already know that we need to keep our tongues in check-- when sober. But we blurt carelessly when intoxicated because our sense of judgment and common sense is impaired.
Q. How should I react when someone tries to start an argument with me? A. Proverbs 20:3 = Avoid it. Only fools quarrel.
Q. Doesn't that make me a chicken? A. Proverbs 20:3 = No. Avoiding an argument is a mark of honor.
Note: Christian chat rooms can be filled with quarrelers. Instead of good fellowship, encouragement and comaradarie, there is debate of the most wasteful of times. Don't join in. Steer the dialogue to the fruit of the Spirit. You will gain honor. Remind the chatters of all God's blessings and you will have a chat room of praisers!
Q. Does God oftentimes work within a timeframe? A. Proverbs 20:4 = Yes. Consider farming. A time to sow and a time to reap. If you don't pay attention to the times to sow, guaranteed, there will be nothing to eat.
Note 1 = Pay attention to opportunity! God provides us with opportunities to serve Him. If we miss one because of our laziness, God will give our missed opportunity to another -- you we miss out on the blessing (harvest).
Note 2 = Do you have an opportunity to go back to college? Will your employer pay tuition? Take it and your harvest will be great for your trouble. You will increase job security and enhance your work portfolio. The opportunity will pass onto another if you don't take advantage now. Nowadays, you can work and be in school full time. It used to take a decade to finish a 4 year degree. Now, your masters degree can be obtained in 4 years while you work full time. It's hard work and homework is nightly and year-round, with a few random weeks off. What opportunity though! When my husband did this, I thought about what he would otherwise be doing (watching cartoons!) and am grateful for the opportunity to give this gift to our family.
Q. Is wisdom something that is readily available to share? A. Proverbs 20:5 = No. Wisdom lies deep within a person's heart. We draw from it from deep within.
Note: God answers a request for wisdom after a "pause." The first thing we blurt out is just us, so wait to reply! Check your attitude. Humble yourself. God will give you the right words if you will wait!
Q. Is there really such a thing as a loyal friend? A. Proverbs 20:6 = Not really! Jonathan was loyal to David. I am best friend to many people. But why did I get such a status? Because I loved them at a critical time. As time passes, people change and move on. If we mature, we let God end and begin new friendships. Be loyal while you can to the friends you have now. Know that they may change and move on!
Q. How can I know who is godly? A. Proverbs 20:7 = Look for integrity. Godly people are stable in their beliefs, don't swerve when trials beset them, don't succumb to the beliefs of the day and love all men the same.
Q. What is good about godly folks? A. Proverbs 20:7 = Their children are blessed!
Q. What lesson can be learned from a good king? A. Proverbs 20:8 = How to judge correctly.
Q. How do I judge correctly? A. Proverbs 20:8 = Carefully weigh all the evidence, distinguishing the bad from the good.
Note 1 = Judging is a priveledged and rare calling. As believers, we're not supposed to judge each other. Maybe that is because we don't see what God sees. A king must settle disputes, making many decisions. These rules of thumb are wonderful for us too.
Note : Sometimes we hear preaching that rings wrong with us. Maybe we are right, having more insight into God's Word, or about God Himself! If you hear something from the pulpit that is inconsistent with what the Bible says God is, feel free to differ. Remember the Bereans in Acts 2? They listened to the preacher, then checked their Scriptures to make sure what they were being told was true. Preachers make mistakes and we all should be held accountable for our teaching.
Q. We are all vulnerable, aren't we? A. Proverbs 20:9 = Yes. The one who thinks he doesn't need his brother to keep him upright is a fool.
Q. How are we vulnerable to deception? A. Proberbs 20:9-10 = 1) We behave like we are more deserving than others, thereby hurting others
2) We make double standards without even realizing it.
Q. Who can see through a deception? A. Proverbs 20:11 = Children.
Q. How? A. Proverbs 20:11 = By our conduct. If it's pure and right, they can see it easily.
Q. What does it mean by "pure conduct?" A. Right motives.
Q. Who else can see deception? A. Proverbs 20:12 = Anyone who will use their eyes and ears carefully.
Q. Are they considered of great value to God? A. Proverbs 20:12 = Yes. They are gifts from God to us!
Q. Who uses speech wisely? A. Proverbs 20:15 = Almost no one!
Q. Whatis the value of wise speech? A. Proverbs 20:15 = More valuable than gold and rubies.
Note: Learn to speak wisely and you are the richest person in the world!
Q. Does God offer investment advice? A. Proverbs 20:16 = Yes. We should get collateral for money lent to strangers or foreigners, even lending through someone we know.
Note: Good advice! Third party investing makes the middle man accountable to you.
Q. Do thieves really enjoy their booty? A. Proverbs 20:17 = No.
Note: Only God brings happiness. Thieves think material wealth brings happiness. But to steal separates one from God and that brings unhappiness.
Note: How many ways this is true! Only drawing close to God brings happiness, but the devil has so many fake happinesses out there we can preoccupy ourselves with taking up our precious time.
Q. Why should I seek good counsel when making plans? A. Proverbs 20:18 = To ensure success.
Note: No matter how brilliant we think we are, we will never see all possibilities of pitfalls without the counsel of others. Let others in on your plans and listen to their opinions throroughly. They really do help us!
Q. Why should I take counsel before going to battle? A. Proverbs 20:18 = Same reason!
Q. What is characteristic of gossips? A. Proverbs 20:19 = 1) They tell secrets
2) They talk too much.
Note: Are you talkative? Slow it down a notch. Remember, wise words don't come quickly. Ask God to help you speak on His behalf and speak as if God were there beside you.
Q. Why should I be careful how I speak of my parents? A. Proverbs 20:20 = God will take my life to stop it.
Note: Parents, take your role seriously. God protects reputations, even from our kids!
Q. Should I give my kids their inheritance while they are young? A. Proverbs 20:21 = No way. If you want it to be a blessing to them, they need to get it when they are old!
Note: If you are young, you may not understand this truth. A child who knows he will be financially solvent soon will not live up to his potential. An empty stomach motivates him to find his own success. Inheritance should be a dessert, not an alternative to the adventure called life!
Q. Does God want us to right a wrong? A. Proverbs 20:22 = If possible, yes. But not by revenge! God expects us to trust Him to handle wrongs done against us. All conflicts should be handled with kid gloves. Poor grace and mercy on every person and treat them like you know they are made precious by God.
Q. How do people make double standards? A. Proverbs 20:23 = In dishonesty.

Note: Dishonesty is a large word, encompassing so many ways we practice hypocrasy. We serve up an argument and tip the scales in our favor with the perfect white lie. We tell a marriage counselor how our spouse leaves suddenly for days; that they don't respond to us at home, so the counselor concludes that a chastisement for running away is called for. The scales are hidden from the counselor's eyes. See sample below. Note that Spouse 2 has sought marriage counseling:

(Incomplete facts given by Spouse 2)
Spouse 1
Doesn't communicate; runs away.
Spouse 2
Is at the end of the rope with spouse. Feels abandoned, but is willing to talk things out.

(When in actuality, this is happening:)
Spouse 1
Getting high to cope with unhappiness; Runs from verbal abuse of spouse 2; feels blackmailed and trapped.
Spouse 2
Accused spouse 1 of child abuse, is toxic in speech, has major outbursts; holds children hostage; moves out suddenly.
Dishonesty in one-sided counseling ensures relationship conflicts to be doomed for failure. Love yourself enough to face your own shortcomings, call them what they are and lay off your partner! Be honest and you will be helped by God and heaven to do the impossible. If you are unhappy, work on yourself. Your spouse is not responsible for your happiness! Your becoming more loving and filled with the fruit of the Spirit will save a marriage faster than a speeding bullet!
Q. Life is scary and sometimes I think I shouldn't be as scared as I am on this road of life. Is this normal? A. Proverbs 20:24 = Yes! We don't understand everything there is to know about the road we travel, but God does. He is there directing our steps -- but we have to take steps before He'll direct our feet!
Note: Life is an adventure. Don't sleep through it!
Q. Does God want us to make promises to Him? A. Proverbs 20:25 = No. But if we do, He'll hold us to them!
Q. How should we deal with wickedness? A. Proverbs 20:26 = Call it what it is, get it out of our lives.
Q. What does humility understand? A. Provberbs 20:27 = It lays itself open to God's searchlight, exposing every hidden motive.
Note: Can you run up to the throne of God and beg Him to weed out every wrong motive within you? Yes! Can you remember to ask Him to do this daily? I hope so! My desire is to serve God with all that I am. Keeping my flesh out of it, or some profit gained by it, takes some consideration. For instance, what motivates me to volunteer at the food pantry? Is there a conflict of interest? Am I hungry? If so, I need to find another food resource for my family, just to keep my motives for doing it in check. Otherwise, I may volunteer only when I need help; and need to learn to care more for those in need.
Q. What should be my servant-motive? A. Proverbs 20:28 = Love.
Q. What does that do? A. Proverbs 20:28 = Unfailing love and faithfulness protect the king; his throne is made secure through love.
Note: Now apply this truth to being God's servant. Love is the ultimate motivator for the believer, setting us apart from the world and causing light to enter the darkest of places. We have the capacity to love Large. God is the source of love and He gives as we ask for it.
Q. What is the difference between the young and the old? A. Proverbs 20:29 = Young = Glory in strength;
Old = Glory of experience.
Q. Is corporal (physical) punishment really necessary? A. Proverbs 20:30 = Yes. Physical punishment cleanses away evil and purifies the heart.
Note: Acceptance of punishment is key to learning a lesson. God has ways of dealing physical blows on even us older folks and He does it to cleanse out evil to purify our hearts. Without purification, we can have no relationship with God.
Q. Does God influence kings? A. Proverbs 21:1 = Yes. A king's heart is directed like a stream of water by God.
Note 1: Sovereignty. All point to God's eternal purpose for creating mankind in order to be with Him forever.
Note 2: Do you know that God can give you a new heart that would be able to love Him? The one you have before salvation lacked any interest in its Maker. This is why Christian counseling does not work on the unbeliever. It seems like brainwashing and foolishness to the unbeliever. A new heart gives you an awesome God-consciousness that needs to know how to handle living life in the presence of God.
Q. Can we sincerely want to do right and yet be totally wrong? How? A. Proverbs 21:2 = Yes. How? We fail to examine our motives.
Q. Does God want our money to prove we love Him? A. Proverbs 21:3 = God wants us to obey Him and humble ourselves before Him and give sacrifically. But more than that, He wants us to Do the work -- what is just and right.
Note: Saying we believe God for all He is needs to match what we do. When we don't show love in His work, we even look ugly and proud. Act and do what is just and right and people will see God -- that is His ultimate purpose of missions!
Q. What is characteristic of doing wrong? A. Proverbs 21:4 = 1) Having a superior attitude toward anyone
2) Being prideful of my own heritage or accomplishments
3) Evil actions.
Q. I'm a young man with an offer of a great job. The boss says I don't have to go to college. Should I take it, even though I know I'd do well in college? A. Proverbs 21:5 = No! Take no shortcuts to success; take the time to learn a trade, plan out your life carefully, or you'll end in poverty.
Note: It may take years to get through college. You may have dyslexia. Don't let that stop you from learning a marketable skill. Take the time while you are young and be patient with yourself to learn at your own pace. It can only lead to great things!
Q. Does God take wealth away from folks who got it by lying? A. Proverbs 21:6 = Yes. The consequences can lead to death.
Q. Is it true that violent people die by violence? A. Proverbs 21:7 = Yes. Violence is a boomerang, which goes back to its owner.
Q. What is characteristic of folks who are guilty? A. Proverbs 21:8 = They walk a crooked path.
Note: Crooked path = Lack of vision or goal; can't see ahead to avoid traps; doesn't get involved in church or with other believers, so forgets who he is.
Straight path = Keeps eyes up, knows what God wants and follows His clear path. Loves church and the weekly reminder of who God is and also the regular fellowship of believers.
Q. So this word "guilty" speaks of one involved in sin? A. Proverbs 21:8 = Yes. It is like one who dives into cloudy water. Until he confesses and becomes innocent and clean again, he will remain vulnerable to hell's games -- crooked path.
Q. How serious can the sin of a toxic-mouthed wife be to her hapless husband? A. Proverbs 21:9 = Hapless hubby will go live in the attic to get away from the barrage of words. As one put it: She thinks she's throwing a pebble-sized rock; he receives a boulder! He wants to survive and gets out. Women -- please determine to control your tempers! Men are infuriating enough without throwing kerosene on their sins. You are gifted in gab, so use it to figure out creative ways of telling him all the things he does right. If God has thousands of good thoughts for you, shouldn't you think on those things too?
Q. But isn't it poverty that provokes her outbursts? A. Proverbs 21:9 = No. It's just her inability to cope that sets her off. There is nothing more sweetly passionate than a woman who feels passionate on a multitude of subjects, can wear her emotions on her sleeve, and yet be capable of self-control in the tongue.
Q. What is going on inside the heart of an evil person? A. Proverbs 21:10 = They are loving the evil they do.
Q. You mean they aren't miserable and are just acting out of that? A. Proverbs 21:10 = No.
Q. What is the difference between how a simpleton and a wise perosn learns lessons? A. Proverbs 21:11 = A simpleton can learn only by seeing mockers punished; a wise person learns from instruction.
Note: Television shows like "Cops" have a place in society. Simpletons need to see mockers get punished! Wise folks need only be told what is right or wrong.
Q. What is characteristic of wicked people? A. Proverbs 21:12 = Evil goes on in their homes.
Q. What happens to them? A. Proverbs 21:12 = God will bring them to disaster.
Note: We are protected from evil behind the scenes as God removes much evil we are even unaware of. Isn't that just like a protective Father?
Q. What happens to those who ignore the poor around them? A. Proverbs 21:13 = The same will happen to them.
Note: This means not just meeting a need one time, but every time they cry out for help. The first handout is different -- it's easy. The continual demands of the poor is the point made here. God will repay you. Just do it -- wisely!
Q. What can I do to calm someone down when he is angry? A. Proverbs 21:14 = Give him a secret gift -- a surprise from you that nobody else knows about.
Note: Remember that anger begins and ends with the angry person. Anger is a terrible state of personal slavery, when a thousand negative things spur on a thousand more. Throw a gift in there, one from a loving heart, and you've stopped the acceleration of the anger, much like throwing a screwdriver into the spokes of a fast-turning bicycle wheel. A gift speaks a thousand kind words all at once, pulling the angry one out of the anger episode. Anger really says, "I hate myself; nobody loves me; I'm a failure and a fool!" The gift says, "I love you; I'm thinking about you; you're special." What a nice habit to get into -- gift giving on behalf of people hard to get along with!
Q. Why do some people protest good laws? A. Proverbs 21:15 = They do evil and it cramps their style.
Q. I know some really smart people who say a lot, but their words go around and around, meaning little. What's up with that? A. Proverbs 21:16 = They have strayed from common sense and end up in the company of the dead.
Q. Does this verse imply that God grants common sense to all, but we can lose it? A. Proverbs 21:166 = Yes! Sometimes at a very young age too.
Note: Intellectuals, beware! God has given you a portion of something that will always help you sort through the layers of information available to you for your benefit. Without applying this common sens "goo", you will stop making sense, stop communicating, and end up far out in left field -- alone!
Q. Why don't two-income marriages work better financially than one? A. Proverbs 21:17 = The extra money is spent on luxury, expensive hobbies, vacations or booze. Two-income families become poor eventually.
Q. You mean that all the television shows depicting wine, women and song are a fantasy? A. Proverbs 21:17 = Yes!
Q. How does God sometimes rescue His children? A. Proverbs 21:18 = By punishing the wicked and treacherous.
Note: Think about this: God will always defend you. He can remove the most dangerous people from your life. Feel free to pray for His intervention in this area of your life!
Q. What does God think of women who become crabby and complaining? A. Proverbs 21:19 = God sympathizes with her family! God can't blame them for wanting to run away. He wants her to choose a peaceful existence (which is up to her).
Q. Should we save money? A. Proverbs 21:20 = Yes! Don't spend every penny you get!
Q. What will I get if I do save? A. Proverbs 21:20 = Wealth and luxury.
Q. What is the godly's perspective on life? What should I aim for? A. Proverbs 21:21 = Whoever pursues godliness and unfailing love will find life, godliness and honor.
Note 1: Goid will put seemingly impossible to love situations into your life just so you can pursue godliness and unfailing love in it. What life lessons we can benefit from if we do this in everything! Never be shocked by what happens next -- rather, look for opportunities to pursue godliness and unfailing love in it.
Note 2: I am in a terrible predicament and my flesh screams UNFAIR! My thoughts are a whirlwind, yet I am choosing to pursue godliness and unfailing love in it. The opportunies to shine God's light are wide open in this situation and I will grow if I handle it right. I am sad, as it is very tragic, and it is not easy for me to do the right thing. Nevertheless, I choose to pursue godliness and unfailing love. Doing this is like climbing up a precarious cliff; very wearying and filled with uncertainty. (I'll let you know the outcome!)
Q. Is brute strength, which I can see, something to be intimidated by? A. Proberbs 21:22 = No. a wise person conquers strong cities because he trusts in God to fight for him. He follows God's Word, which is to let God fight, and humbles himself to wait for God to win. God will win for him at the right time.
Q. It's hard to wait. In the meantime, what can I do to prepare? A. Proverbs 21:23 = Keep quiet. Premature words can cause trouble later on. Remember that if there is a pliable heart, God will work with it. If it is a hard heart, God will punish it. God wants everyone to know Him. Who knows if this trial isn't for their salvation? Remember Joseph? Learn his story well. In the end, after all the injustice, he concluded that God meant all to happen for the day when he, Joseph, would save his family. Let God work; don't become bitter; check your attitude toward what is happening and be right with God all the time. It feels like being in the eye of the storm. Calm!
Q. How can Iknow I'm behaving properly throughout the storm? A. Proverbs 21:24 = Check your pride. Are you feeling self-righteous? Are you mocking? Repent and be quiet.
Q. What is characteristic of lazy people? A. Proverbs 21:25 = They want more and more with greed out of control. They are opposite of godly people who love to give.
Q. So if someone doesn't work, always asking for a handout, but never gives to anyone of anything in return, I should recognize it as laziness? A. Proverbs 21:25-26 = Yes. People who live beyond their means, yet shop at the finest stores at your generous expense, are definitely lazy! Ironically, those godly folks supplying the cashflow are content to shop in thrift stores. Go figure!
Q. Does God just ignore the sacrifices of evil people and leave it at that? A. Proverbs 21:27 = No! God hates those sacrifices!
Q. What if people are seeking something back from God in making a sacrifice? A. Proverbs 21:27 = That is worse. Never expect God to bless in return. Your sacrifice should be one of love for your heavenly Father, in appreciation for His Words, His salvation and protection, and a thousand other things, not for bribing Him! God's answers may be different than you wished, but He does know best.
Q. Why should we sometimes do things by the court system? A. Proverbs 21:28 = The truth is heard and the liars are shut up -- officially!
Q. What if my enemy puts up a bold front? A. Proverbs 21:29 = Don't mimick that! Proceed with care. Be careful of your reactions and keep your eye on the mark. God sees through the chaos.
Q. What if my enemy is so clever, planning every step against me -- even using God's wisdom in the strategy? A. Proverbs 21:30 = Human plans, no matter how wise or well advised, cannot stand against the Lord.
Note: If you lose after doing it all God's way, then it was God's will. Do everything you can on your part and you will avoid regrets.
Q. If I win, who really has won? A. Proverbs 21:31 = God has.
Q. If I lose, who has won? A. Proverbs 21:31 = God has.
Q. What do some people lose when they get rich? A. Proverbs 22:1 = Their good reputations.
Q. How can I protect my reputation? A. Proverbs 22:1 = Don't compromise it in any way.
Note: I was given a name of a lawyer who was sure to win a case for me. I really want to win the case, as the stakes are enormous. But at what cost? The lawyer is notorious with a bad character flaw he is proud of. Therefore, I will keep looking. In the end, I keep my reputation because I didn't do business with him and my testimony remains intact. How much do I love God? Enough to not let anyone be hindered from seeing His face in me.
Q. How valuable is a good reputation? A. Proverbs 22:1 = More valuable than having silver or gold.
Q. It's hard for me to be the friend of a poor person. How can I get over myself? A. Proverbs 22:2 = Remember what you have in common: The Lord made you both.
Q. Is it wrong to prepare for a trial that I sense is coming? A. Proverbs 22:3 = No! A prudent person foresees the danger ahead and takes precautions.
Q. What if I ignore it? A. Proverbs 22:3 = A simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.
Note: I think we all can relate to this. Years ago, I let a legal technicality slip by and only because I was trusting the word of someone I barely knew. I should have been wary. But I was tired, jetleagged and too believing in this very unstable character. What's worse is that I didn't learn my lesson and repeated my mistake. Both lessons brought about long-lasting consequences, but I did finally learn! I see others taken in by the same hooks and offer now to splash cold water on their faces! We, as believers, want to "believe all things," but we are also to be "shrewd as the serpent." Don't let the devil get the best of you!
Q. What is the secret of happiness? A. Proverbs 22:4 = True humility. The fear of the Lord leads to riches, honor, long life.
Note 1 = In order to understand all that humility is, what God means by it, do a word study on humility. God to The NLT Bible and in the "verse finder" box, type in "humility." Have fun!
Q. What is characteristic of a deceitful person? A. Proverbs 22:5 = They've chosen a thorny, treacherous path. Their actions are not life-giving.
Q. Should I get out when I recognize deceit in a person? A. Proverbs 22:5 = If you value life, you'll get out!
Q. So a person chooses deceit and so I must choose to stay away? A. Proverbs 22:5 = Yes!
Note: Leaving a deceitful friendship not as easy to do as it is to say. Seduction is deceit's best strategy for hooking you onto a deceitful person. Establishment and bonding of a friendship that has to be confessed to be a liability is very difficult. If you want to live, you'll suffer the loss. God is looking out for you. Trust Him to see you through.
Q. Will my kids listen to all they have been taught by their parents? A. Proverbs 22:6 = God has promised it.
Note: Prodigals happen. Parents make mistakes and mistakes make prodigals. But when crises hit our kids, they return to their teaching. The tragedy of kids who grow up without the benefit of their parents' teaching is that they have nothing but a pit to fall into in crises. You, believer, may have a prodigal. He's not carryint his teaching tools properly, rather, he's dragging them behind him ona crooked path. When crises comes, he'll scramble for them!
Q. What do I need to consider when making a large purchase, such as a car? A. Proverbs 22:7 = If you finance it, you are servant to the loan company. Wouldn't you rather seek to be the one who leads? Try to pay cash for everything, or buy a used car. Save your money. Even a little put aside accumulates over time.
Q. When wronged, what is a promise from God I can count on? A. Proverbs 22:8 = Your enemy will harvest disaster and his reign of terror will surely end.
Note: This can be hard to believe if you are the victim. God knows what is happening and will see that justice is served.
Q. Who does God consider generous? A. Proverbs 22:9 = Those who feed the poor.
Q. Is feeding the poor supposed to be a burden? A. Proverbs 22:9 = No. Feeding the poor blesses you and the one fed.
Note: Long-time believers who have sheltered themselves amongst the believing community get overwhelmed by the effects of poverty. They don't want to help because they are overwhelmed. Don't go home! Stick with it -- feeding the poor is a matter of obedience to God -- it comes with a blessing for you that you will know in time. This basic Christian obedience holds the secret as to how to really live! You can't be totally happy and whole and fulfilled unless you feed the poor. You cannot grow in faith unless you feed the poor. Witness God's miracles starting today and find somewhere you can feed the poor. For example, remember the movie "The Matrix"? When the main character was really woken up, he commented that he felt weak in his limbs; the reply was "That's because you have never used them before." In the same way, you are using new spiritual muscles meant for use in missions. They feel weak and will only get stronger with use.
Q. What do I do with a mocker who enters my house? A. Proverbs 22:10 = Throw him out.
Q. Why? A. Proverbs 22:10 = The mocker causes fights, quarrels and insults.
Note: If you love the mocker, you do him a favor in kicking him out. He can only mock when allowed. He may even be humiliated into seeing his error and repent. I have a close, older relative who habitually mocked me. I finally had the nerve to issue a warning: If you begin to mock me, I will immeditely leave or hang up the phone. After five long years, the mocker stopped mocking. Once he stopped, he realized that he could carry on a conversation without mocking and began to be enjoyable to be with for the rest of the family as well.
Q. So God doesn't equate being loving to letting a mocker humiliate us? A. Proverbs 22:10 = No. We are allowed to set boundaries and keep the bad stuff out!
Q. How should I view a person who will not stand behind my president, but rather, insults him with shameful accusations and open rebellion? A. Proverbs 22:11 = He is actually taking on the role as enemy of the president.
Note: To be passionate for your candidate is one thing, but to gain votes by appearing to be an elected official's enemy is very wrong. Once a candidate is elected, I will pray for his safety, that God would direct his every decision, for rich blessings on him and his family, no matter how disappointed I am that my candidate did not win. In all outcomes, God wins. Since I am on God's side and He commands that I put myself under the authority He has set in place, I will prove my loyalty to God by honoring the elected one. In the end, only God can change the heart, even of a non-believing official. Even those officials who despise God cannot refuse to obey Him in the position of leadership. So pray for whoever gets elected; rejoice that God has won again, and pour out His blessings on every official who would be your leader. How? By faith in God's Word. God has promised that He will look out for all of us. How much easier it would be if we acted on our beliefs! "Anyone who loves a pure heart and gracious speech is the king's friend." (22:11).
Q. The Bible is so big and there is so much to know, I get overwhelmed. What should I know about the time I take to know the Bible well? A. Proverbs 22:12 = "The Lord preserves knowledge..."
Note: God will recall His Word to you when you need it. Spending time in God's Word is the best investment you can make and it lasts throughout eternity. It will help you in unimaginable ways in your life, grow you up (because you know to feed the poor), stabilize your psyche and make you a blessing to others. The best part is that you will get to know Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is so awesome, a true Friend, my Maker and eternal companion. He sees all that is going on around me and protects me from hidden agendas. His loyalty to me extends to forever. All He asks is that I honor Him in return. The Word of God is His gift to me and it is my choice to benefit from it. God will never bully me into learning it, but He'll cry for me when I stumble just because that's what happens because I don't know the Word. Somehow, the Word is Jesus, who was from the beginning. No extreme sport or stunt can thrill you more than being in the presence of God's Word. Knowing that God only has good thoughts for me, I go to Him and ask Him to reveal Himself to me in His Word; in Jesus, who is the Word. Let yourself, too, be launched into heaven on eagle's wings and see what life is really about in this living Word, the Bible.
Q. What is comforting to know about God's working behind the scenes? A. Proverbs 22:12 = God ruins the plans of the deceitful.
Note: Why worry? God sees the whole picture and nothing gets by Him, no matter how ominous. It's not hard for God to intervene, even in terrible evil and the worst of chaos.
Q. What does God think of those who claim to have agoraphobia (fear of leaving the house)? A. Proverbs 22:13 = That man is lazy and full of excuses and needless fears which come as a result of laziness.
Note: Don't spend too much time indoors. You cannot shine your light hiding it under a bushel! We are not made to be sedentary (sitting around). The best remedy for those suffering needlessly from agoraphobia is to repent of the cause -- laziness -- ask God to deliver you from fear and then put on your outside clothes and leave the house. If you are overcome by negative thoughts about it, tell each one to be quiet as they come, in Jesus' name, and go forward! Agoraphobia, like all phobias, are from hell and used by hell to disable your life for God. Join a gym and take back your physical strength. Welcome back to the land of the living! Get in God's Word and believe in Him for great things.
Q. What happens when an immoral woman speaks? A. Proverbs 22:14 = Her mouth is like a deep pit, which those who keep her company fall into.
Q. Does God warn folks to stay away from immoral people? A. Proverbs 22:14 = Yes. Not only women can be immoral, men can be too. Even more openly!
Note: If you have immoral people in your life, I hope it is for the purpose of snatching them from hell. That is our mission. Keep pure and pour God's grace and mercy on her, as Jesus did with the woman at the well. Jesus did not forget who He was in her company. If you don't forget who you are, she will be convicted of sin in your presence. She'll either run away or be drawn to God as a result. Isn't that exciting?
Q. Truth or myth: Children are guaranteed to be foolish. A. Proverbs 22:15 = Truth. "A yongster's heart is filled with foolishness, but discipline will drive it away."
Note: There is no age stated in the Bible for when a child begins to display foolishness. Discipline makes it go away because pain is associated with the behavior. There are different kinds of foolish behavior. One is non-rebellious, like when a very small child runs away from you and into the street. He doesn't know it is dangerous, but you do. He will be rescued by you, his guardian, again and again. Some children respond to a verbal reprimand of NO! as you whisk them away from screeching tires and back into the safety zone. Others require a firm swat and a NO! It's not easy to use corporal punishment. But each time you do, think this: Do I want this child to be as big as me and defy the laws of nature? When I say NO!, do I want him to know the severity of what that word stands for? If he learns to obey my voice, he'll recognize God's voice when he is old. If he defies me, he'll defy God. Nevertheless, I will discipline my defiant child in love, not in anger, and at least if he rebels when he's older, he'll be able to recall it.
Q. What are taboos to getting rich? A. Proverbs 22:16 = 1) Don't get rich by oppressing the poor
2) Don't get rich by showering gifts on the rich.
Note: Thisis the very essence of integrity.
Q. What are the consequences for doing either of these things? A. Proverbs 22:16 = You'll end in poverty.
Note: Not all poverty is a discipline from God. Sometimes we need to clarify who loves us best. You might be shocked at who your real friends are. We went from an abundance to poverty and folks who always counted on our help actually deserted us the first time we said NO. A hard lesson, but one needing to be learned. Humans are very dense; even the most well-meaning ones!
Q. Is it enough to merely hear wisdom? A. Proverbs 22:17-18 = No. Listen to wisdom carefully, apply it to your heart. Learn it well and it will always be on your lips and will affect all you do and how yo see things.
Q. Why must I learn wisdom? A. Proverbs 22:19 = In no other way will you learn to trust in the Lord.
Note: The best advice you can offer someone is to dive headlong into the Word. Remember how you learned to be a good advisor -- by being in the Word. God wants to be your friend's guide too. God increases faith. We cannot do that.
Q. Did Solomon offer a game plan for those seeking how to do things God's way? A. Proverbs 22:20 = Yes. He wrote 30 sayings to follow.
Q. What are Solomon's 30 sayings? A. Proverbs 22 - 23
1) 22:22-23 = Don't rob the poor. God will intervene for them!
2) 22:24-25 = Keep away from angry, short-tempered people or you'll harm yourself.
3) 22:26-27 = Don't cosign someone else's note or guarantee someone else's loan. You'll end up poor (It is God's job to provide).
4) 22:28 = Don't move the right boundaries of your property to cheat your neighbor out of his land.
5) 22:29 = Hire competent workers. Be competent yourself and you will serve kings, rather than ordinary people.
6) 23:1-3 = Don't overeat before a king. You may be deceived!
7) 23:4-5 = Don't weary yourself trying to get rich. Riches can disappear quickly so you waste your precious time on earth.
8) 23:6 = Don't eat with stingy people. They are counting the cost of the food and you'll be upset and throw up in the end.
9) 23:9 = Don't waste your breath on fools; they will despise the wisest advice.
Note: Even your most beloved child will act like a fool until he learns his lessons from God -- with a rod! Yield to God and trust Him to handle it.
10) 23:10 = Don't steal the land of defenseless orphans. Guess who will get you back for it? God will!
11) 23:12 = Make a commitment to receive instruction. Tune your ears to receive words of knowledge.
Note: Choice! You tune into God!
12) 23:13-14 = Don't fail to correct your children. They won't die if you spank them(though it might sound like it!). Physical discipline may well save them from death.
13) 23:15 = Become wise and your parents will leap for joy. Their hearts will thrill whenyou speak what is right and just.
Note: Notice that it is a choice to become wise? You don't get wisdom by having believing parents. You get wisdom by making your own choice to take the time to learn it and apply it.
14) 23:17-18 = Don't envy sinners, but rather, continue to fear the Lord. You have a future ahead of you and your hope will not be disappointed.
15) 23:19-20 = My child, listen and be wise. Keep your heart on the right course. Do not carrouse with drunkards and gluttons, for they are on their way to poverty. Too much sleep clothes a person with rags.
16) 23:22-25 = Listen to your father, who gave you life, and don't despise your mother's experience when she is old. Get the truth and don't ever sell it; also get wisdom, discipline and discernment from your parents. The father of godly children has cause for joy. What a pleasure it is to have wise children. So give your parents joy! May she who gave you birth be happy.
Note: We have two children: One who loves wisdom and one who does not. This statement is true. The younger loves God and is such a joy to me. The older is nice when he needs help after making another wrong choice, but turns ornery again in a short time. My heart breaks for this child. He is a prodigal. I'm glad I had a godly child last. I'm too old to chase a young prodigal! I do trust in God to bring him into a close relationship with Him. Meanwhile, I pray, pray, pray...
17) 23:26-28 = Let your father have access o your heart. May your eyes delight in his ways of wisdom. A prostitute is a deep pit; an adulterous woman is treacherous. She hides and waits like a robber, looking for another victim who will be unfaithful to his wife.
Note: If you don't open up to dad, my son, then you'll open up to a prostitute. The intimacy you seek you can have with your parents. But it is pure communication and love that they will give you.
18) 23:29-35 = Don't drink heavily. It leads to fighting, you'll say crazy things and be disoriented too.
Note: Alcohol affects all of us. Don't label yourself as an alcoholic. Anyone who drinks mind-altering stuff will be mind-altered and do foolish things. Don't waste any more time in a stupor. God has so many good plans for you, thinks so many good thoughts about you. Don't you want to know more about Him?
19) 24:1-2 = Don't envy evil people.
20) 24:3-4 = A house is built by wisdom and becomes strong trhough good sense. Through knowledge, it is filled with precious things.
Note: it's okay to invest here on earth. God doesn't want all your money!
21) 24:5 = Wisdom is mightier than strength. A wise man is more powerful than a strong man, so don't go out to war without wise guidance; victory depends on having many wise counselors
22) 24:7 = Wisdom is too much for a fool. When the leaders gather, the fool has nothing to say.
23) 24:8-9 = A person who plans evil will get a reputation as a troublemaker. The schemes of a fool are sinful; everyone despises a mocker.
24) 24:10 = If you fail under pressure, your strength is not very great.
Note: So how does one get stronger? God's Word!
25) 24:11-12 = Rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to death; don't stand back and let them die. Don't avoid responsibility by saying you didn't know he was innocent. God knows better. He knows all hearts and sees you. He keeps watch over your soul. He will judge all people according to what they have done.
26) 24:13-14 = My child, eat honey, for it is sweet. Wisdom, like honey, is sweet tothe soul. Success will come to you.
27) 24:15-16 = don't do evil to godly people. They are seven times stronger than the ungodly. They may trip seven times, but they'll get up every time!
Note: Bad stuff happens to everyone. Believers are best at recovering!
28) Don't rejoice when your enemies fall into trouble. God disapproves and will turn His back on you.
Note: I know of one person who acts dispicably. Just when I think I have met the worst of people, here comes a brand new enemy. Which means I must pray for this new enemy, lest he gets the best of me. I must remember how miserable my enemies are inside. I want to long for their salvation from their private hells. I really do want them to be at peace with God.
29) 24:19-20 = Do not fret because of evildoers; don't envy the wicked. They will die young.
30) 24:21:22 = Fear the Lord and the king; don't associate with rebels. You'll go down with them. Who knows when the punishment from God and king will end?
Note: There are 30 sayings of Solomon and by priority, they are: 9 Social Rules (How I handle people)
9 Ethical rules (How I handle people)
4 Family Rules (How I treat my family)
6 Faithfulness rules (Trusting God)
1 Business rule (How I behave every day)
1 Purity Rule (How I behave every day)
1 Laziness Rule (How I behave every day)
Solomon gave extra bonus advice: 1) 24:23-25 = Don't show favoritism when passing judgment. The natural consequences are making enemies near and far. Blessings are showered on him for convicting the guilty.
2) 24:26 = It is an honor to receive an honest reply
Note 1 = Don't ask for advice unless you are willing to receive a negative reply. It is an honor if you do because advice speaks the truth of how one feels about an issue and you can simply take or leave the thought.
Note 2 = Someone may lie to you about something that bugs him about you, for fear of losing something material he gets from you. What kind of friendship is that? It certainly doesn't help mature you in people skills. On the other hand, a reply spoken, not in love, is humiliting and mean. It may be the truth, but said the wrong way is dishonorable.
3) 24:27 = Develop your business first, before building your house.
4) 24:28:29 = Don't seek revenge or lie about your neighbor.
5) v.30 = Work hard -- learn well what happens to poor people!
Q. What is characteristic of many poor folks? A. Proverbs 24:30-34 = 1)They slack in their work
2) They don't maintain their workplace
3) They oversleep, rest too much
4) When their poverty comes, they were shocked at how fast they lost it all.
Note: I garage-saled today and had a chance to see poverty at work. One poor fellow paid his last month's rent in the form of the contents of his household. Not only did his landlord have to do a garage sale to turn it into cash for the rent, but the renter was too lazy to disassemble a piece of furniture to take it out of the rental house. As I heard the landlord tell this story, witnessing the disassembly, reassembly, then disassembly of the furniture again to fit into my van, I reminded him that his willingness to work hard made him a landlord and not a renter. Do you know someone who works very hard? Commend him for it! He may need a compliment about now! This guy sure did!
Q. What is different about the Proverbs of Solomon in Chapter 25? A. Proverbs 25:1 = King Kezekiah collected them for his ancient great-great-great-grandfather.
Q. Why does God hide knowledge from us? A. Proverbs 25:2 = It is God's privelege to do so.
Q. How do I discover knowledge? A. Proverbs 25:2 = It is my privelege to discover it, but I must take the time to do so!
Note: This is our most precious game of hide and seek between you and God. Both parties want to play it. Waht joy there is in a life of discovering brand new truths every day for the effort!
Q. Could I ever discover all the truths about God? A. Proverbs 25:3 = No. We can't even know all that goes on in a king's mind!
Q. Can science measure the sky? A. Proverbs 25:3 = No.
Note: In 2003, scientists, using a very powerful telescope, discovered that the universe is ever expanding. The universe really is immeasurable! It is alive!
Q. Can science measure the depth of the earth? A. Proverbs 25:3 = No.
Q. What compares to trying to measure heaven and earth? A. Proverbs 25:3 = Trying to understand all that's in a king's mind.
Note: That's for the media to try to do! But seriously, God speaks words for rulers to them and causes them to carry out His will. They have to do what God says and always will.
Q. Does God really care what goes on in our homes? A. Proverbs 25:4 = Yes. If we don't take care of every evil in our homes, if we don't do the maintenance to make sure evil doesn't creep back in afterwards, we won't be ready (because we're too immature spiritually) to be molded into what God wants each of us to become. The kind of folks I call my friends, their view of God (my inner circle), all affect my life. We each influence one another. Good friends will help us to grow up. Then we will be ready for God's purpose. Remember, not even inner circle friendships can measure up to Jesus' friendship. Even they may misunderstand you. Trust in God and know that He is looking after you; Father is looking after his sons and daughters always.
Q. What do I do to clean up my inner circle friendships? A. Proverbs 25:5 = Don't throw away those whom God has put in your life! But rather, treat them as unbelievers; place them outside of your inner circle of friends. Though they don't keep their eyes up, still, you concentrate on bringing them to God -- No compromising! No excuses! Be sure that you "demote" these lesser friendships to their rightful place outside the inner circle. Don't tell them they've been demoted; they shouldn't be able to tell the difference in your friendship, except that you don't share your struggles with them to the same degree. Keep your focus. Look for opportunities to present God; they've gained your trust already. Be real. Love, love, love.
Q. I've been a believer a long time and hav gifts and talents I would love to use in my new church. How should I see about making myself available? A. Proverbs 25:6 = Don't push! Wait for an invitation.
Q. Why? A. Proverbs 26:6 = Even though you know you have the best of intentions, the leaders don't know you. To them, you are just one more new attender wanting a significant place, and there are only just so many positions needed. Besides, you may be held back by God for the purpose of examining the spirits in this new church and maybe you will move on just as quickly. There is no wasted church time. Learn what you can from the church you attend. God wants a church filled with leaders. He will honor you for your patience.
Q. I witnessed a terrible crime and was anxious to testify on the victim's behalf. I felt like such an underdog! But it turned out that I saw only the end of a very long saga and was embarrassed. Is there any comments in the bible of such occurences? A. Proverbs 25:7-10 = Yes! Wait! This is your chance to talk about the incident privately with those involved. Even if they offer no more useful facts, swallow what you know and keep it to yourself; or you may be marked as being a gossiper.
Q. What is the tragedy in being marked as a gossip? A. Proverbs 25:10 = You will never regain your good reputation.
Note: Time to relocate? Maybe not. Say very little, enjoy what time you have amongst others of the human race. That need you have to speak up wells up and turns to joy. Let that happen instead!
Q. I have lots of advice to pass on and see many who can benefit from my experience. Is there a right way to give advice? A. Proverbs 25:11 = Yes! But not often and in a timely manner. When the recipient is willing, advice is like golden apples in a silver basket.
Note: Isn't it nice to know that there are willing hearers out there? It's hard to keep quiet and wait for a time of openness.
Q. What else is given out at a timely moment? A. Proverbs 25:12 = Valid criticism. It is wonderful to the one who needs it. Like fine jewelry.
Note: Receiving criticism in the spirit with which it is given is key. Never feel condemned. The person give it means well! Other people see things you cannot. Consider criticism and then apply it, however that may be.
Q. How should I, as an employee, regard my work? A. Proverbs 25:13 = As worth doing faithfully. Do you know how rare a good employee is to his boss? A boss is totally refreshed by a good man.
Q. Is it okay to neglect a promised gift? A. Proverbs 25:14 = It is better not to promise a gift when you cannot even afford it.
Note: Who would promise a gift they couldn't afford, and then renege? Wishful thinkers! They promise sincerely, as if explaining how the gift would come would happen by sheer talk of it. Folks may do this for a lifetime. But what is really happening here? Too much energy spent on making big bucks -- the shortcut way -- lacking the educational background to see it through; faking it; all are signs of a distant walk with God. A man who consistently learns by trial and error will eventually be successful. Don't discourage one who lacks formal education, but works hard!
Q. Why should I learn patience? A. Proverbs 25:15 = Patience can pursuade a prince!
Q. Does the tone of my voice make a difference when dealing with opposition? A. Proverbs 25:15 = Yes! Soft speech can crush strong opposition.
Q. What happens when I get to spending too much time with friends or neighbors? A. Proverbs 25:17 = Frienship is sweet, but overdoing it will make you sick, like eating too much honey. For both of you! You wear out your welcome.
Note: Why do people spend too much time with good friends? We naturally crave fellowship and dialogue. But we overdo it when we haven't been spending time with God, which makes us feel uncomfortably empty. Fill 'er up!
Q. What kind of harm does a liar cause his victim? A. Proverbs 25:18 = The harm caused by a lie is just as powerful as hitting you with an ax, wounding you with a sword, or shooting you with a sharp arrow.
Note: No, you are not being "too sensitive" when you hear a lie about yourself circulating around. Lies are too easily spoken, not possible to remedy; be careful to speak few words in response to them and those better be wholesome, blessing words too!
Q. Should I give all people "the benefit of the doubt" and put my confidence in them? A. Proverbs 25:19 = No. A track record shows a person's capabilities. If he's proven unreliable before, you have no reason to believe he'll be any different now. The outcome is as sure as the results of chewing with a toothache or walking with a broken foot.
Note: Why even mentioning so obvious a warning? Because we want to believe people are basically good. After all, there's a first time for everything. So let him build a repoire at his own expense before asking for your trust. If he really has become trustworthy, one sign of that is that he won't resent you for saying "no" until he does prove himself.
Q. Is there ever a bad time to sing a cheerful song? A. Proverbs 25:20 = Yes. When a person is troubled, a cheerful song can really rub him the wrong way.
Q. I really feel taken for granted lately. Should I let people do that to me? A. Proverbs 25:21-22 = Yes. Do it cheerfully and they will feel guilty beyond belief. God will reward you.
Note: Here's a thought: Could it be that the way one of your friendships ended was like this? A friend takes you for granted, becoming your enemy (before you realize it), then you keep giving too much (by his request), and he now feels very guilty for taking from someone he disrespects, and finds a completely silly reason to end the friendship? So it's all about displaced anger at himself for not earning enough to support himself. Meanwhile, God hasn't forgotten your deeds, knows why the friendship existed on both sides and rewards the giver. It must be hard to be on the receiving end of human giving and not know God's provision. The giver knows God will repay. The receiver doesn't. In this verse, we are asked to give, knowing God knows and will take care of fairness.
Q. Is gossip harmless? A. Proverbs 25:23 = No. Gossip will be sure to cause anger.
Note: Don't talk about people who are not in your presence -- unless it is to praise them! Gossip wrecks reputations of even the most well-meaning believers. Don't call folks when you're angry with someone else. Anger cuts its own evil path of no return. A common gossip mistake is when one angered creates a posse against a loved one with whom she is angry. She will lie, cheat and steal to secure her place in the fight. It's just plain old sin. The Word says, "Be still and know that I am God." Calm down and stay alone until your anger passes. It is a discipline that will benefit you all your life if you will just be still.
Q. Does God sympathize with men tormented by angry wives? A. Proverbs 25:24 = Yes! No amount of money can buy peace.
Q. I moved far from home. What should I remember about keeping in touch? A. Proverbs 25:25 = Gather up the good news to send home. The family wants to know you are doing well.
Note: I moved far from home. My mother loves to hear good news, but the bad news makes her feel helpless. Think about all the good stuff that is happening befoe you call home. Give the bad stuff to God -- like David did!
Q. Should believers compromise with the wicked? A. Proverbs 25:26 = No. Compromising is like polluting a fountain or muddying a spring. (Then you need a Cleansing Stream weekend to clean up!)
Note: We have an active conscience to let us know when we are compromising. Sometimes the seduction of enemies makes us daze through it. Just repent and start again right now!
Q. Should I keep track of my good works? A. Proverbs 25:27 = No. Keeping track of my own good deeds will make me sick in some way. Jesus deserves recognition in my list of honorable deeds! The irony is that while He is lifted up, I am truly humbled. What a perspective to be gained! What great things God can perform through us!
Q. What does God think about self-control? A. Proverbs 25:28 = Self-control is a choice, which makes us strong. Any area in my life where I don't exercise self-control makes me totally defenseless.
Note: Self-control is applying God's wisdom to every situation, examining every truth and applying God's Word to each situation that comes up, faithfully. People who know you see you grow because of applied wisdom in your life. Who can verify that you are growing? Do you understand that it doesn't matter what you are facing in your life, but rather, what matters is your reaction to it? Are you staying calm? God is. WWJD? Trust God for every outcome. Stay in the eye of the tornado. Don't venture into the whirlwind of it! This is a choice; an obedience applied, which God honors by granting you peace in the midst of the trouble. This is a good visualization: Trouble is a tornado. Visualize God picking you up and moving you to the eye of the tornado where there is calm. And stay there! Repeat visualization as necessary!
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