Proverbs 26 - 31 Questions and Answers
Q. Are fools obvious to spot? A. Proverbs 26:1 = Yes. Their foolish behavior is as obvious as an odd snowfall in summer or rain in harvest.
Note: Don't waste your time becoming friends or doing business with fools. Move on. God has made them stick out like a sore thumb so you can avoid them.
Q. What kind of curses are real? A. Proverbs 26:2 = Fair ones -- deserving ones. Unfair curses will not land on their intended victims.
Note: God protects us!
Q. How do you get a fool to do what is right? A. Proverbs 26:3 = Guid him with a rod to his back.
Note: The point is that fools are not self-motivated. As soon as the boss leaves, they stop working.
Q. What do I do with a person who builds foolish arguments for me to debate? A. Proverbs 26:4 = Don't answer to him, or you'll become as foolish as he is.
Q. What should I keep focused on? A. Proverbs 26:5 = Disapprove of his words without arguing, so he doesn't mistakenly conclude that he is right and is indeed the wiser of the both of you.
Note: This takes concentration! Don't argue on his philosophy. Inject godly truth, if you can!
Q. Who can I trust to convey a message for me? A. Proverbs 26:6 = Not a fool! Be careful of who you trust. Only those from your inner circle of friends should deliver messages for you. They know you best and will not misrepresent you!
Note: I once had a friend in my inner circle of friends, who should not have been there. Because she pursued me, I felt that her sincere passion to befriend me was good enough to warrant friendship; she was loyal enough. In retrospect, I was merely flattered! The last thing I discovered about her was that she was not a believer -- and that was years later. She knew how to secure friendships, Christian lingo, even offered Christian advice -- until WHAM! I hope I will never be that naive again. I know that in the area of consecration, I didn't consecrate friendships to the Lord. God reveals the truth every time, if you ask Him to bless every new thing in your life. I learned some hard lessons and was able to teach these lessons to my chidren. The results have been marvelous! At one point in my daughter's teen life, she had no friends. She was desperate for friends and the ones immediately available were compromisers. She thought she could hand them, so didn't confide in me about some serious issues going on in their homes. The availability of these compromisers for friendships is no coincidence in Christiandom! Parents commonly oversee their kids' friendships and whisk their kids out of danger, so compromisers have many short-term relationships. My daughter did have to end some friendships, which was terribly hard. But I asked her to trust God about friendships from here on. She committed all her relationships to God, consecrating them to Him, and went for a period of time, solo! As a result of not spending any more time with less than healthy friends, she was wide open to receive good friendships. Boy, did they come! There was a huge circle of teens, with plenty of room for her, who came to church for a one-time evangelistic outreach of music and drama. It took me a while to track down their fearless leader (now a friend of mine!), and I had to drag her to that first get-together. My daughter was dumb-founded. God not only replaced her hapless friends, but added another twenty, not to mention that she has flourished in music and found her own second Sunday evening place of worship that she can attend without me. As a young believer, she is solid, confident and even counsels compromisers on a large scale, while tending to the inner circle. God is good! The best lesson we can pass on to our kids is that God is good and provides for His own! And then they can watch Him prove it!
Q. Why else should I have a healthy inner circle of friends? A. Proverbs 26:7 = We have all this godly wisdom to discuss with believers. But fools cannot grasp a single meaning of a proverb.
Q. How would you describe a fool quoting wisdom from God's Word? A. Proverbs 26:7 = "In the mouth of a fool, a proverb becomes as limp as a paralyzed leg."
Note: Foiols don't get wisdom; God gives understanding. That is why we look like fools to fools.
Q. Would it help a fool if he were honored, even for one thing he did right? A. Proverbs 26:8 = No. The fool doesn't get what honor is all about and wouldn't receive it properly.
Q. How does a fool see honor then? A. Proverbs 26:8 = It is like you have tied the honor to a slingshot. When you "shoot" the honor to the fool, it never leaves the slingshot. He physically cannot receive it!
Q. Can fools be intelligent? A. Proverbs 26:9 = Oh yes! Intelligent fools use God's Word in a terrible, dangerous way, brandishing it like a drunkard swinging around a thornbush. Somebody's gonna get hurt!
Note: Ever hear of a foolish leader who, in God's name, curses an unborn child? Or one who refuses to make himself accountable to others in haphazard leadership? A stumbling block, confusing seekers of God? It is very important that you learn God's Word. It will keep you safe from liars and fakes and may even save your life one day! Remember, God doesn't lie; people lie about God. "Let God be true and every man be found a liar." The worst damage done is by those who mishandle God's Word on us, His beloved. Go back to God's Word and trust Him again to teach you His wonderful and life-giving ways. They are forever given by a loving God, who can't wait to know you intimately!
Q. Is it fair for an employer to probe deeply into the life and ways of a potential employee? A. Proverbs 26:10 = Yes. You will trust the potential employee with your hard-earned business and you want to make sure he won't be your ruin.
Q. What compares with random hiring? A. Proverbs 26:10 = Being an archer who shoots recklessly.
Note: This goes for all varieties of hiring. We are putting a worship team together right now. There are many factors to pursuing such a venture. My gut reflex is to ask all my musical friends to join. How natural is that? But I need to consecrate the band to God, consecrate each would-be member, and ask His blessing. I don't want the band to be if God says no. I really do want God's ventures in my life these days. I did have to be reminded to consecrate this too. I wish I weren't so absent-minded about God things!
Q. Why do some folks repeat their mistakes? A. Proverbs 26:11 = "As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly."
Note 1: Why does a dog lick up his vomit? Perhaps there is something familiar about something he ate in his vomit and he smells it. Maybe he's already forgotten he made that mess and just wants to eat and fill that new emptiness in his stomach. Either way, there is a good lesson here. We rid ourselves quickly of the bad experiences in life. But if we don't deposit good experiences to replace them, we will return to what we know, however bad it was before, because bad is better than empty.
Note 2: There are many false things we can replace bad things with. Won't you choose to fill up on God's wisdom? God is faithful and He does love you!
Q. Who has more of a change of knowing God? A fool or one who thinks he's wise apart from God? A. Proverbs 26:12 = The fool.
Note: Why? Because the one who thinks himself wise has filled and glutted himself on false wisdom. The fool still has room in his head to learn! Isn't that a relief?
Q. What is characteristic of lazy people? A. Proverbs 26:13 = They say they are afraid to leave the house.
Q. What does God call that? A. Proverbs 26:13 = An excuse and just one of many!
Note: Don't pamper yourself. If you've not been out of the house, leave it now. We have all kinds of ways to convince ourselves that "we cannot." Don't you know that if the devil can immobilize you to do nothing for God; the devil will passionately and determinedly chase you into a corner! Walk by faith; believe God for what the phobia is--an excuse-- and go forward. Many wonderful services are waiting for you to carry out--outside!
Q. What else is characteristic of a lazy person? A. Proverbs 26:14-16 = 1)He sleeps all day
2) Won't fee himself.
3) Thinks he is smarter than seven wise counselors.
Note: If you start thinking you are smarter than trained folks in the position to actually help people, check out your sleeping habits. You're dreaming! Again, feeding the poor, taking care of orphans and widows, being involved with the family of God, etc., are activities that keep us honest. There is plenty to do here on earth. Please-- wke up and help!
Q. What do I do when I am being told to do something foreign to the Law of Grace (something Old Testament Law required)? A. Proverbs 26:17 = Don't argue! It's as dangerous as yanking on a dog's ear. You will only get bit! The one telling you to do it has already convinced himself that he is right.
Q. But what about right and wrong? A. Proverbs 26:17 = Find a new teacher. God doesn't want us to argue and will bless you for keeping the peace. For now, God teaches patience through such times as these. Think: WWJD? Also, be concerned about unity. When you leave, do it humbly. You may need to fellowship at home or even begin a home church! Just don't stop serving God! Is God calling you to do something new? Do it, but don't sermonize about the wrongness of your old teacher. Obedience is doing what God says. Believers are able to do like no others! This is the time to prove it!
Q. Does God like practical jokes? A. Proverbs 26:18-10 = No! They are as damaging as a mad man shooting a lethal weapon.
Note: Television shows these practical jokes in very extreme circumstances; the cameras are on the victims. See their faces? They are being damaged. Don't hurt people on purpose. It really isn't funny to them!
Q. How do I stop a quarrel? A. Proverbs 26:20 = Refuse to pass on gossip.
Q. What visualization describes the damage gossip does? A. Proberbs 26:20 = Gossip flames a fire like fuel and causes quarrels. Don't add fuel and the fire dies out.
Note: This is a lesson that must be taught! Church is good for that! Basic conversational rules have guidelines to avoid gossip:
1) Don't talk about anyone not present unless it is to praise him--briefly!
2) Don't comment on gossip being spoken to you. Change the subject.
3) Always have a subject ready to change to!
4) Think about how you would feel if you were the gossip's subject.
5) A gossip may be talkng about you in your absence, so take the info with a grain of salt.
6) Is this a good time to teach the gossip about what he is doing? Probably not! Just follow the above rules.
7) Discuss good things God is up to. Turn the subject around to God's mission in action.
Q. What is the basic problem of quarrelsome people? A. Proverbs 26:21 = They are always smoldering, like a hot ember. It doesn't take much to start a fight.
Note: We don't throw anybody away; not even arguers! We do need to understand and prepare to deal with them. Shine your light and remember who you are in Jesus! Endurance can only be learned when asked to call on it. Remember the fruit of the Spirit. Love, joy, peace, patience, longsuffering, kindness, self-control, gentleness, goodness. The Holy Spirit will produce it in you when you need it. Wait for it at these times!
Q. Why do people listen to rumors? A. Proverbs 26:22 = Rumors go down like dainty morsels, feel harmless to accept, but sink deep in one's heart where it doesn't belong.
Note: A good journalist doesn't publish rumors. But one with a hidden agenda will publish anything that he thinks will pursuade public opinion. Too bad though. There is no accountability for journalists today. Over 90% of the media don't believe in God. Can you really trust their publications?
Q. How do rumors get to us? A. Proverbs 26:23-27 = Smoothe words may hide a wicked heart, just as a pretty glaze covers a common clay pot.
Q. Will a rumor ever stop? A. Proverbs 26:26 = Eventually. All is bared eventually!
Q. Why? A. Proverbs 26:27 = "If yo set a trap for others, you will get caught in it yourself. If you roll a boulder down on others, it will roll back and crush you."
Q. Why do people lie? A. Proverbs 26:28 = "A lying tongue hates its victims, and flattery causes ruin."
Note 1: Don't flatter people! Flattery is undeserved praise; undeserved attention, which puffs people up and they end up making decisions based not on their strengths, but on their received flattery. Stay humble and you will keep flattery at bay.
Note 2: Maybe you have a person in your life who tries to flatter you for the purpose of getting some work out of you. You are aware of this problem and are trying to demonstrate to her that you will do the work anyway. Since she does this with everybody, it will take some work to get her to really get to know people so her praise will be real and she will stop this habit. Her motivation is acceptance, but her method is false. To say, "You are so talented!" but have no clue as to how this applies is flattery. To actually benefit from that specific talent or to see how that talent makes all the difference in her life and to tell her so is praise. See the difference?
Q. Why shouldn't I anticipate what will happen tomorrow? A. Proverbs 27:1 = Because your life may be turned upside down tomorrow. Note: Not that you shouldn't plan for the future! Just know that your plans can be as unanchored as a ship in a storm. Be at the helm, but also be ready for anything. It takes humility to really live only in the present, and to know that tomorrow may not even come. But heaven is forever, not within our time frame, and you can anticipate that!
Q. I have accomplished much. Why shouldn't I declare it to the world? A. Proverbs 27:12 = Because if it is newsworthy, God will let others praise you! Be content that God knows and is happiest with you for not praising yourself.
Q. I feel weighed down particularly heavy because of the tiresome demands of an acquaintance. Why does it feel so heavy? A. Proverbs 27:3 = "A stone is heavy and sand is weighty, but the resentment caused by a fool is heavier than both."
Note 1 = I hope you have no fool like this in your inner circle! Draw support from your good friends and from God. Count your blessings. God is teaching you patience! Thank Him for he lesson!
Note 2 = Don't pass up the opportunity to learn lessons from the fruit of the Spirit. You will not grow without hard lessons! God is training you always to be strong inside and out. Lessons will always come to you. Will you grow?
Q. Why should I learn to control my temper? A. Proverbs 27:4 = Anger is cruel, and wrath is like a flood.
Note: Anger is never received well by the recipient! If you can't say it peaceably, forget it!
Q. I have foolishly fallen into a situation where jealousy emerged. Is this going to be a problem for me as the recipient of that jealousy? A. Proverbs 27:4 = Oh yes! "Who can survive the destructiveness of jealousy?"
Note: Jealousy, controlled by the demonic spirit of jealousy, is a terrible monkey on its victim's back. The main victim is the one who is jealous; not only the recipient suffers! Pray, pray, pray! For deliverance, for God's mercy, for peace.
Q. Should I let another know when he is out of line? A. Proverbs 27:5 = Yes! "An open rebuke is better than hidden love!"
Note: If you love someone, you will let him know when he's wrong. Always be real to your friends, especially within the inner circle. If you feel afraid to tell him of his wrong, then ask yourself why. If the friendship goes wrong, you will not be blameless if you didn't rebuke. Oh -- and waiting years and years to rebuke? Think again of your motivation for waiting so long. Be pure before God. He knows your heart. Always love openly.
Q. Why is rebuke a good thing? A. Proverbs 27:6 = "Wounds from a friend are better than many kisses from an enemy."
Note: We need one another to point out things about us that we cannot see without a rebuke. Better that a friend tells me than someone who openly hates me. I wouldn't receive the rebuke well from an enemy. Would you? Even then, the Holy Spirit is the one who grows us up. He will shine light on the problem when it is brought to light.
Q. What should I keep in mind about hungry people? A. Proverbs 27:7 = They'll eat anything.
Q. Is there spiritual truth here? A. Proverbs 27:7 = Yes. We are used to getting God's Word on Sunday mornings and enjoy it. But a newcomer hearing God's Word for the first time is totally blown away. If you hear a familiar sermon, don't yawn. Pray for the newcomers. Church isn't a club; you are mature, so be ready to shepherd. Aren't you grateful you already know this stuff?
Q. What is it like being a backslider? A. Proverbs 27:8 = "A person who strays from his home is like a bird that strays from its nest."
Note: This is dangerous! There are no rules out there! Once you are out in the world again, safety is gone and you're in Satan's territory. If you don't think he knows it, you're wrong. He plans a strategy for each one of us to cause us to stray from our mission, ministry, inner circle. This strategy is nearly perfect, designed to keep you in a mindset of superiority. Soon, you'll forget who you are. You'll forget you are loved by God. Study the pattern Jesus gave of the prodigal son. He was focused on money, which grabbed him like a hook, threw his family in turmoil and he suffered greatly (not to mention the time away from God's purpose for him). What brought him back? He remembered that he once had a home. Humbled to the point of being grateful if his dad let him slop the pigs for the rest of his life, he returned. Focus on God and all the strategies of hell cannot overwhelm you, tempt you or destroy your part of the task. Confess your sins daily and start over fresh each day. God anticipates your fellowship and misses you when you forget. God never tires of you, even when you sin. Don't ever forget that He loves you more than you love Him.
Q. People seem to confide in me. What should I know about giving counsel? A. Proverbs 27:9 = When you give counsel from the heart, it is as sweet as perfume and incense.
Note: I hope you counsel, confiding in God's Word! He knows us best. Be careful of your secular education, which often clashes with God's Word. Wisdom is needed to sort out the much-needed counseling skills we can benefit from apart from the gunk of humanistic, anti-God stuff. We need more godly counselors in church! Humble yourself before God and reject the gunk and incorporate God's Word with wisdom. It is good to know how to read the map of God's Word and guide people back to Him!
Q. Is it okay to just walk away from a friend, never to speak again? A. Proverbs 27:10 = No!
Q. What if they are needy? Should I help and why? A. Proverbs 27:10 = People abandon their friends when they are in need. But just think: At any time you may switch places. How would you feel then?
Q. What is so good about having friends? A. Proverbs 27:10 = They will respond to a call for help faster than a relative.
Q. Is it natural to feel uncomfortable to ask a relative for help? A. Proverbs 27:10 = Yes! Help from relatives is the last resort!
Note: 1) You are under no obligation to go into debt in order to help a friend in need.
2) Friends may not return the blessing of helping you in your time of need; no guarantees are in place that they will come through for you.
3) Know the difference between true need and whining want-more.
4) People need to learn how to be content with what they have; to trust God to provide.
5) Be faithful to God about money. We stopped helping folks just short of bankruptcy. We lost "friends" and two years later were alone in bankruptcy court. The amount bankrupted was less than the money we gave away. We realized this all in retrospect, of course, and the lesson was learned. I am content to let people learn their lessons and have learned the difference between needy and want-more. We still help folks, but never indulge them.
Q. So God wants us to be wisely-open-handed? A. Proverbs 27:10 = Yes!
Q. What is more important than the events of our lives? A. Proverbs 27:11 = Learning to handle them with wisdom!
Note: It doesn't matter what happens to us, but rather, how we handle it.
Q. Should those skills be learned at home? A. Proverbs 27:11 = Yes! What power you release into your child's life when he knows how to correctly handle himself in any situation! What a counselor he will become!
Q. What other benefits does raising a wise child bring? A. Proverbs 27:11 = Folks around stop holding you accountable for your child's actions.
Note: Wouldn't it be nice if the critics followed a no-judging rule with our kids? Sometimes kids take a lot longer than expected to grow up. Why not be their guides instead of their critics? I am grateful for neighbors who helped me growing up. They had plenty of opportunity to criticize every one of us, but decided to help instead. I learned to help others from them.
Q. Should we sally forth without caution? A. Proverbs 27:12 = No. "A prudent person foresees the danger ahead and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences."
Note: Learn from your mistakes! Consider all you are planning and avoid known pitfalls. For example, we owned a particular car, a '79 model, that in its early years had a puddling problem in the trunk. The car had a weak back window seal. We bought the car used and found the problem when the first rain fell. As soon as we realized the trunk was going to hold water, we got a drill, intending to put drain holes on the floor of the trunk. Imagine our surprise to find clogged drain holes already there. The problem was solved in clearing the holes of dirt and leaves. Ten years later, we bought another used car, same brand, same problem. But the newer model had no drain holes. We drilled through the circular moldings in the steel, which were meant for factory drilling of drain holes. Again, the problem was rectified. Sometimes car manufacturers don't learn from their mistakes. Will you?
Q. What is characteristic of a simpleton? A. Proverbs 27:12 = He flits through life and suffers the consequences. No planning, no precautions taken.
Note: We take care of folks suffering the consequences of their choices. Hopefully, they'll learn and become helpers too! Anyone can become wise! It is a choice!
Q. Is it okay to guarantee the debt of a stranger? A. Proverbs 27:13 = Only with collateral. If they are not willing to give something to insure the loan, they are probably flaky and know it!
Note: This is very good advice! It also tests the integrity of the borrower! You want to know that they value your help and will be loyal to the loan. Anyone who expects something for nothing is not someone you can trust to repay.
Q. What is characteristic of an adulterous woman? A. Proverbs 27:13 = She is high risk to loan money to. Get a deposit!
Note: This actually makes sense! If she can't keep a commitment to her husband, what makes you think she understands a loan commitment? This goes for men too!
Q. Is there proper greeting etiquette mentioned in the Bible? A. Proverbs 27:14 = Yes. Don't shout a greeting to a neighbor too early in the morning. It's not nice!
Q. What is wrong with nagging? A. Proverbs 27:15 = It is annoying to anybody! But to live with a nag is worse. There is no way to stop her. She must stop herself!
Q. What is the value of a good friend? A. Proverbs 27:17 = You sharpen one another and cause maturity to happen.
Note: Your true friends will always tell you the truth fom the heart; You can receive their criticism in the spirit in which it is given because you know there is no hidden motive and you've been faithful to one another for years. Isn't it nice?
Q. How should I treat my boss? A. Proverbs 27:18 = Protect his interests -- work hard and extra reward is there for you.
Note: Stay focused in whatever you do. Remember to protect reputations, especially in Christian ministry; remember the mission/ministry at stake. Whatever protects your boss protects you! Avoid gossipers and speak well of the good that is happening. If you get your feelings hurt, turn the other cheek and refocus. Take your complaint to God, who fiercely protects you. He is the only one is able to comfort anyway!
Q. Why keep watch over my heart? A. Proverbs 27:19 = "As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the person."
Note: Don't fill up on worldly stuff. It doesn't just fester in the heart, it reflects to the world. Do you really want people to see ugliness in you? Are you made up of cheap novels or God's living, breathing Word? Philosophy or God's treasures? That which brings forth new life or death? God, God, God or man, sin, Satan? It does mater what you spend your time doing! What a missionary you could be! What armor you can wear!
Q. Is it possible to satisfy my human desire? A. Proverbs 27:20 = No. "Just as Death and Destruction are never satisfied, so human desire is never satisfied."
Note: This is why the survey on what folks thought they needed to achieve happiness came out the way it did. At every level of wealth, each participant responded that he thought more money would bring him happiness. Only God can satisfy you.
Q. How should we respond to praise? A. Proverbs 27:21 = Hopefully, with humility. Do you respond with, "Well, it's about time someone noticed me!" Or do we thank God for the opportunity to serve Him?
Q. So getting praise is a test of humility? A. Proverbs 27:21 = Yes. "As fire tests the purity of silver and gold, a person is tested by being praised."
Q. Why is counsel useless to a fool? A. Proverbs 27:22 = "You cannot separate fools from their foolishness, even though you grind them like grain with mortar and pestle."
Note: The fool must make the choice to be wise and change himself. God wouldn't force him to change and neither can we.
Q. What can we be assured about the for the future? A. Proverbs 27:23 = That the future is unsure!
Q. So how should I live today? A. Proverbs 27:23 = I should tend my job, do the best I can with all my heart, enjoy the plenty while it lasts. God will always provide for my famly and me but politics change as does the value of the dollar.
Q. What advantage does the believer have over the unbeliever? A. Proverbs 28:1 = The ubeliever has no courage and runs away, but the godly are as bold as lions.
Note: That is why fools think Christians are fools! The ungodly are baffled and stunned at the believer's ability to face evil and call it what it is.
Q. What will save my nation? A. Proverbs 28:2 = Wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability.
Q. What destroys my nation? A. Proverbs 28:2 = Moral rot topples it easily.
Note: Morality saves a nation. Foolish, ungodly, ignorant leaders bring instability. We've proven that throughout history!
Q. What is especially hard for poor folks? A. Proverbs 28:3 = Enduring the oppression brought on by another poor person.
Q. What is it like for the one being oppressed by his poor brother? A. Proverbs 28:3 = It's like a pounding rain that destroys the crops.
Note: Any oppression is terrible, but oppression coming from one who is also oppressed is disaster. The latter hasn't figured out why he is in trouble, yet he offers bad advice, judging, etc., to one already down. We all can relate to this first guy! Yet poor people can be such great encouragers. If he is an encourager, the other guy receives hope and knows he'll be okay. A poor person who knows that God loves him is such a great testimony to his friend!
Q. I don't think God's Word is THAT important. Can't I love God without knowing it? A. Proverbs 28:4 = "To reject the law is to praise the wicked, to obey the law is to fight them!"
Note 1 = There is no middle ground, so don't praise the wicked. Fight them by embracing God's Word. The benefits are a whole new God's eye view of everything. The Word (your armor) is impenetrable; an armor you will find necessary to wear as you learn to obey God's Word. Read it, listen to it daily. It's like gas for your car and strength for your body.
Note 2 = When you get saved, you will discover that you have an enemy. The devil wants you back and will plan a terrible scheme to accomplish his purpose. He knows his days are numbered. He is determined to take as many people as he can with him to hell, such is his hate for God. So surround yourself with people who love God, who know what the devil is up to, who you can pray for and who will also pray for you. Most importantly, to know God, know His Word. Approach the Word in order to know God better. Don't look for rules, look for God's love. Realize the Word is God's gift to us in order that we might know Him.
Q. Why do people fight justice? A. Proverbs 28:5 = "Evil people don't understand justice."
Note: Justice is people-passion. God is passionate about His people. Evil people cannot fathom a God who loves unconditionally and passionately. So when we believers emmulate that same love and passion for unborn babies, crazy people, poor folks, abandoned folks and stray animals, we look like fools to unbelievers; but the underlying problem is that they just don't understand justice.
Q. How well do believers understand justice? A. Proverbs 28:5 = Completely, especially if the believer is in the Word.
Q. Does God make people poor? A. Proverbs 28:5 = Yes. Some folks need to stay poor to keep honest. God is concerned that we be honest more than our getting rich and crooked.
Q. Do folks have to learn life lessons by trial and error? A. Proverbs 28:7 = No. Young people who obey God's truths don't have to go through much tribulation, though God will bring loyalty tests to all.
Q. How do young people oftentimes spend their youth? A. Proverbs 28:7 = They seek out worthless companions. Something God's Word warns against.
Note: I don't kow why kids seek out bad company. Are they bored with rules and regulations in Sunday School? We have to find new ways to reach them in our home churches. There are gifted leaders who should be guiding those kids. Don't be a Sunday school teacher just because a position needs filling. Let the anointed one find that position empty and waiting for him.
Q. How should we lend money? A. Proverbs 28:8 = With no interest.
Note: Any kind of interest including manipulation of a person is sin. Lend freely, expect no return or even repayment. Don't lend what you cannot afford to lose!
Q. Does God intervene when we're lending wrong? A. Proverbs 28:8 = Yes. God will make sure your money ends up in the hands of a kind person who is good to the poor.
Q. Does God receive prayers of people who ignore His Word? A. Proverbs 28:9 = No. God despises those prayers.
Note: We can pray on behalf of others, repent on their behalf and cause miracles to emerge in their lives. The world needs Christians, otherwise, they have no connection to God. Until they find God, pray with them and for them!
Q. Is it possible to be upright with God and be led into sin by evil people? A. Proverbs 28:10 = Yes! God is watching and He will intervene.
Q. How? A. Proverbs 28:10 = God will cause the evil one to fall into his own trap and see that the upright one inherits good things.
Q. Are rich people wise? A. Proverbs 28:11 = No.
Q. Who can discern this? A. Proverbs 28:11 = Poor people.
Note: When the poor speak down about the rich, they are not being jealous, but honest. Without the trappings of stuff, poor people are most in tune to virtues. Do you know how complicated it is being rich? These folks have to make an effort to keep their virtues in tact. There is much responsibility due to the possession of extra cash. But the rich won't listen to the wise words of warning of the poor brethren and instead accuse them of jealousy.
Q. Does God want us to regularly examine ourselves and be rid of sin? A. Proverbs 28:13 = Yes. God won't prosper Christians who ignore their sins.
Q. How do I deal with my sins? A. Proverbs 28:13 = 1) Confess it
2) Forsake it completely
3) God then gives His mercy to you.
Q. What benefit is derived as a result of dealing regularly with any sins? A. Proverbs 24:14 = I maintain a tender conscience and avoid becoming stubborn, hence, heading for serious trouble.
Q. So the opposite of a tender conscience is a stubborn conscience? A. Proverbs 28:14 = Yes!
Q. Should I worry about the conscience of a potential leader? A. Proverbs 28:15 = Yes! A wicked ruler is as dangerous to the poor as a lion or bear atacking them.
Q. What is the secret to a long reign for a king? A. Proverbs 28:16 = Hating dishonesty and bribes.
Note: All levels of leadership, beware! As soon as you find yourself in a position of authority, in come players, competitors, folks with shocking motives and clubbers too. (A "clubber" is a person who has mistaken church membership for club membership and maybe never knew what Jesus had in mind for the church.) Focus on the ministry and mission. Where is your inner circle of friends? I hope they are already in place!
Q.Should we protect the lives of convicted murderers? A. Proverbs 28:17 = No. A murderer's tormented conscience will drive him intothe grave. Don't protect him!
Q. So a murderer still has to deal with a tender conscience? A. Proverbs 28:17 = Yes!
Note: Remember that God hardens stubborn hearts at will. Ramses, the pharaoh, Jedas Iscariot, and murderers today who beg for the death penalty, represent those God hardened or kept soft.
Q. There are so many traps people fall into, unknowingly. How can I know how to watch my step? A. Proverbs 28:18 = We can take God's advice throughout Proverbs, but ultimately, it is God who rescues honest people. We can't avoid every pitfall!
Q. What happens to the setters of those traps? A. Proverbs 28:18 = They are destroyed.
Q. What is true about hard workers? A. Proverbs 28:19 = They have plenty of food.
Q. What is true about goof-offs? A.Proverbs 28:19 = They are poor.
Note: Not only are goof-offs poor, but those who go through trials and refuse to work because they don't feel happy for a time. Don't let trials stop you from living. Go forward, no matter what. Remember Mother Theresa, who said, "Do it anyway."
Q. What brings a rich reward? A. Proverbs: 28:20 = Being trustworthy.
Q. Can one make riches overnight? A. Proverbs 28:20 = No. Folks who want to be rich quickly will look for unlawful ways to do it.
Q. What is wrong with favoritism? A. Proverbs 28:21 = It is never good!
Note: Many people are affected by favoritism. If you do it, consider that the unfavorite is very hurt, though he may take it in stride. This is an evil that meeds to go!
Q. There are so many get-rich-quick deals nowadays. Are any of them worth pursuing? A. Proverbs 28:22 = No! You want more? Work hard and long for it! Don't worry about the Joneses (they are probably up to their ears in debt). Focus on saving and living a quality life. Enjoy people. They are free and last forever!
Q. What is true about human nature? A. Proverbs 28:23 = In the end, we prefer the truth over empty flattery.
Q. How should I treat my parents? A. Proverbs 28:24 = Never even consider robbing them.
Q. How does God see that crime? A. Proverbs 28:24 = As serious as murdering someone.
Q. What leads to fighting? A. Proverbs 28:25 = Greed.
Q. What leads to prosperity? A. Proverbs 28:25 = Trusting the Lord.
Note: Being jealous of what God grants my neighbor is just dumb. God gave to them. God can give to you too.
Q. I seem so wise to myself. Is this good? A. Proverbs 28:26 = No! It is foolishness!
Q. What is God's way? A. Proverbs 28:26 = Walking in wisdom.
Q. Is giving to the poor just an option? A. Proverbs 28::27 = No. It's a command that will also prosper you.
Q. And if I ignore the poor? A. Proverbs 28:27 = A curse will fall upon me.
Note: What will you do about the poor in your neighborhood?
Q. What is true about a godly leader who destroys an evil leader? A. Proverbs 28:28 = The godly multiply! People get saved! It's time for revival!
Q. How do the people react to an evil leader? A. Proverbs 28:28 = They hide.
Q. How long will God pursue a person? A. Proverbs 29:1 = Unknown. But a person can and will suddenly be broken beyond repair.
Note: This is the result of refusing to accept criticism which medication won't help. So many are made sleepy with meds and doctors won't stop the meds, quietly refilling prescriptions. Since doctors know they cannot help someone they have no compassion for, which may be why psychiatrists and psychologists have some of the highest suicide rates. On the other hand, some sad folks are written off by their families, who, ironically, help create the sickness. These sad folks are so doped up and want out of it that they try to go off the meds suddenly and experience addictions' side effects. This is our wakeup call. Don't write people off for the inconvenience they bring in normal crises. Take responsibility for loved ones. This new trend of nursing homes is not a good thing. Taking care of the feeble is part of life. Helping them cope is also part of life. Don't let your loved ones drown in any kind of legal drug addiction! Love covers a multitude of sins. If you are neglecting the feeble ones God has put before you, then I'll wager you are also experiencing stagnation in your own life. Find a way to help and thereby it, grow!
Q. Does having a Christian president really matter? A.Proverbs 29:2 = Yes! The people rejoice when a godly man leads.
Q. And wicked rulers don't keep to themselves, do they? A. Proverbs 29:2 = No! The people groan!
Q. What is nice about having kids who love wisdom? A. Proverbs 29:3 = They bring joy to their fathers.
Q. But what about that popular belief that boys will "sow their wild oats"? A. Proverbs 29:3 = Boys who do this are only wasting their wealth.
Q. Why should I avoid flattery? A. Proberbs 29:5 = Flattery is a trap for my feet.
Note: Beware of false praise. Its source wants something from you!
Q. What is awkward about having non-christian friends and loved ones? A. Proverbs 29:6 = Christians have a heavenly deliverer; non-Christians don't, and get trapped by their sins. Even when the Christian escapes, he knows God delivered him (they don't)!
Q. How can I tell who is wiser in a conflict? A. Proverbs 29:8 = A wise person will calm anger; a fool or mocker will fuel the anger.
Note: Fighting recklessly is never God's way.
Q.Why is the court process in a dispute a foolish thing? A. Proverbs 29:9 = "If a wise person takes a fool to court, there will be ranting and ridicule, but no satisfaction."
Q. Why are honest people hated? A. Proverbs 29:10 = Some folks are blood thirsty, wanting to use people for their own purposes, which the honest simply will not cowtow to. Honest people waste users' time!
Q. Is it presumptuous to seek out people for services I require; people who I sense are totally honest? A. Proverbs 29:10 = "The upright seek out the honest."
Q. Is it wise to hold back my anger? A. Proverbs 29:11 = Yes! Only a fool vents his full anger!
Note: Don't displace your anger either! Being angry at one person and taking it out on another is also wrong. Hold back! Count to ten, recite scripture verses, remember who you belong to, God, who will work it all out if you will just hold back!
Q. Why should I keep alert and weed out liars in around me? A. Proverbs 29:12 = Because if I desensitize ourselves to the lies they tell, I'll end up surrounded by liars and disaster will surely follow.
Note: Liars are always found out -- God exposes them. This always means separating myself from liars immediately. I need to be grateful that God is looking out for me. It is also a test of obedience to God; a test of my integrity.
Q. Does God reveal Himself to wicked people too? A. Proverbs 29:13 = Yes! God desires everyone to be saved; to know He is their Heavenly Father. So if you are poor, pray for yourself and for your oppressor. Remember that Jesus, on the cross, asked God to forgive His oppressors too.
Q.What insures a king's long reign? A. Proverbs 29:14 = Fairness to the poor.
Note: Power, numbers, riches -- do not determine a leader's success. Only his attitude toward the poor does! There is practical truth here too. Civil war stems from an oppressed populace. This also holds true in church. How do you treat your poor members and attenders? Are they embarrassed or ashamed to worship God because you tell them they are poor because they don't tithe? That, my friend, is oppression! If you see a large turnover in poor people, please consider your attitude towards them. If you are so focused on building fundraisers and your own lofty goals, and think little of folks who cannot finance it, then your church will never realize its goals. Only God can make you successful. Have faith in Him and quit nagging your poor!
Q. Is parental responsibility include discipline and reprimand of my child as well as loving and guiding? A. Proverbs 29:15 = Proverbs 29:15 = Oh yes! Don't let anyone tell you to back off an erring offspring; don't let your pride keep you from your responsibility toward your child.
Q. And if I refuse to raise my child God's way? A. Proverbs 29:15 = You will be disgraced.
Note: This is so true! No matter what situations or dramas my children find themselves in, they handle it well or not because of their upbringing. It is hard to confront one's child's sin, but rewards are lasting and he won't stray far. How guilty one must feel for neglecting a child now disgracing him!
Q. Does good always overcome evil? A. Proverbs 29:16 = Yes! Even in the worst scenerios! Even if an evil ruler is in authority and evil increases, the godly will even witness his downfall.
Q. Discipline is hard to do on behalf of a child. Why should I labor to do it? A. Proverbs 29:17 = God will give me happiness and peace of mind in return.
Q. What are undisciplined children like, even in adulthood? A. Proverbs 29:18 = "When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild. But whoever obeys the law is happy."
Q. So God tries to guide us all, but we can choose to do it our way, which is wild? A. Proverbs 29:18 = Yes!
Q. Will a servant (definied here as someone who is undereducated and therefore has to work for someone else) obey his master willingly? A. Proverbs 29:19 = No. Discipline is needeed. He is a servant because he doesn't heed instructions, which is poor attitude and keeps him a servant all his life.
Q. Is casual chat allowed? A. Proverbs 29:20 = With much caution. We must think before speaking every time. Remember the tongue is like a fire. Also, you don't know how your words are being received. You may be speaking of things misunderstood by the hearer. Even in Christian circles, because folks are unaware of the enemy in hell, who is looking for an opportunity to destroy Jesus' people, one weak brother can fan an unintentional flame into such a fire that is hard to quench. Reputations are ruined and you may need to leave town to put out the fire. Guess who's won then?
Q. How should poor folks raise their kids? A. Proverbs 29:21 = Like rich folks -- God's way -- with discipline and no pampering.
Note: Don't feel guilty because of your poverty and spoil your kids! You are under the same accountability as a rich man and you have good life lessons to pass on with training God's way. It is easier to teach about taking care of the poor to fellow poor people.
Q. So what if I ignore God's way with my kids? A. Proverbs 29:21 = Then my child will grow up to be a rebel.
Note: This is dangerous! Thie child already knows he has less, but instead of being taught to be content, to love God, to work humbly, he is given more than his hare of the family's income. But that leads to greed for what he can't afford, which bitterness and delinquency follow. So learn to be content with the perfect provision provided by God and pass it on -- and save your child's life.
Q. What if I'm generous to my servant from his childhood? A. Proverbs 29:21 = He'll grow to hate you because of your wealth. He knows it's not his money.
Note: There is something magical about making one's own way in the world. Even a little income is better than somebody else's!
Q. Why should I seek help to control my temper? A. Proverbs 29:22 = "A hot-tempered person starts fights and gets into all kinds of sin."
Note: A temper tantrum is just the beginning! Who thinks straight when angry? Save your anger for good things. "Be angry, yet do not sin." When someone is trashing God, be passionate in God's defense, which you can do. Be angry with the slander, remember God is working in the offensive one's life and he will see your passion or anger is for God, the one you love. Always love at these times. People are looking for something to be devoted to and need what you have from God. Will you use your anger properly?
Q. So the wrong way bears witness of my lack of self-control, which is my own issue? A. Proverbs 29:22 = Yes. And your choice to work on or not. Only you can decide!
Q. Is anger a pride-based problem? A. Proverbs 29:20 = Yes. It will only bring humiliation.
Note: Notice that after a blow up, you regret how you went on and on? That feeling is humiliation. Make up a backup plan while you are calm, to deal with the sin of your temper. Decide now what you will do in a variety of circumstances. Think of yourself as an automobile. To keep it running properly, you need to change the oil every 5,000 miles, make sure your spark plugs are all firing, and all fluids are topped off. Say you do all those things meticulously, but you never check the wear and tear of your tires. So you drive down the highway and BOOM! Your car loses control and you panic, swerve off the road, barely missing that trash truck and a busload of schoolkids. You make it to safety, catch a glimpse of the schoolbus driver, who gives you the stinkeye (What, are you crazy?) The semi truck drive has pulled over and will begin a one-sided conversation with you that you will never forget. You know for sure that you never want to experience that surprise episode again and will take precautions from now on. Right? Some people never will. A responsible person will, from now on, drive only on good tires. It is the same with your temper. No one plans to lose control, but you can plan in advance to hold back your temper. Refuse to go to that place of humiliation again. Lose those anger triggers. Fix yourself, put new tires on and be sure to maintenance them. Are they wearing thin? Get new tires. Managing your temper needs to be made into a habit, like eating and drinking. What if you knew a hidden camera was on you, telecasting to the world and to heaven your behaviors? Jesus walks beside you; He will guide you as you hold back your temper, helping you to recall Plan B! Ask the Holy Spirit every morning to help you clean up your act. Trust Him to do it. And hold back!
Q. What if I am walking with the Lord closely and my good friend asks me to do him a little favor, which amounts to assisting in a crime? A. Proverbs 29:24 = God has always said to flee from evil. But here, God gives you the consequences. "If you assist a thief, you are only hurting yourself. You will be punished if you report the crime, but you will be cursed if you don't."
Note: It is hard to tell a friend he is in sin, but you are there at that moment, not to assist, but to rescue. Whatever has convinced your friend, trapping him in a lie, needs to be exposed. You speak the truth. Have courage in the Holy Spirit to do what is right. Heaven is telecasting live!
Q.There are some people in my life that I am afraid of. Is this okay? A. Proverbs 29:25 = No. "Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but to trust the Lord means safety."
Q. So my fear of these people shows that I don't trust God? A. Proverbs 29:25 = Yes! Thank God for pointing it out! Only God can keep you safe. Only in God should you trust for your well-being.
Q. So how do I handle this fear? A. Proverbs 29:26 = Face them like anything else. If they somehow influence your position in church or at work, remember that God ultimately decides and will give you justice. If they stand in the way because of their own self-importance, remember that they do not stand in God's way.
Q. Can godliness and wickedness bear the presence of each other? A. Proverbs 29:27 = No! "The godly despise the wicked; the wicked despise the godly."
Note: Christians know that God hates evil so they hate it too. The wicked are not comfortable in God's presence and they feel the pain or conviction of their unbelief in the presence of godly believers. Even sinning Christians can't stand to be in the presence of upright Christians. Hell stirs up the pot and amplifies the Christian's presence to the sinning brother into a "holier than thou" presence, which is neither helpful or saving. This is a spiritual warfare that requires divine help. Pray for intervention, for those around you: For your enemies and your friends in trouble. Visualize God's miraculous wonders for them. Your faithful prayers to God on their behalf can move mountains!
Q. Who wrote Proverbs 30? A. Agur, son of Jakeh.
Q. Is it okay to get weary and worn out in life? A. Proverbs 30:1 = Yes.
Q. In what way was Agur weary? A. Proverbs 30:1 = His shortcomings were driving him nuts! "I am too ignorant to be human, and I lack common sense. I have not mastered human wisdom, nor do I know the Holy One."
NOte: Now, there's a book in this verse! Admit your shortcomings and watch God forgive you a thousand times over. This guy, Agur, studied wisdom and knew that, ultimately, God was so big that he couldn't ever fully grasp all that this meant in a lifetime. He did learn a couple of things though.
Q. What did Agur observe about God? A. Proverbs 30:4 = Only One being planet and sky-hops at will - God. God is so big that He holds the wind in His fists, wraps the ocean in His cloak. God created the whole wide world.
Q. What is especially awesome about Agur's next observation? A. Proverbs 30:4 = He knew about God's Son!
Note: If you study God's Word, you'll see the prophesies about Messiah. A lot of Israelites (Jews) are still waiting for Messiah.
Q. What else did Agur learn about God? A. Proverbs 30:5 = Every Word of God proves true.
Note: If you find contradictions in God's Word, you need to study further and resolve them. "Let God be true and evey man be found a liar."
Q. What in particular did Agur apply this truth to? A. Proverbs 30:5 = God protects all who come to Him for protection.
Q. Should we be careful about applying God's Word to life events? A. Proverbs 30:6 = Yes. Never add to your argument any extra words, claiming they are God's. Make sure you quote God's Word accurately.
Q. What is the consequence of doing otherwise? A. Proverbs 30:6 = God will clear His name and you will be found a liar.
Note: I love God for keeping Himself pure in the midst of sinful mankind!
Q. What are two of man's worst problems? A. Proverbs 30:8 = Lying and mishandlng money.
Q. Agur struggled with these things? A. Proverbs 30:8 = Yes.
Q. How did he resolve to handle this before God? A. Proverbs 30:8 = He asked God to give him just enough to satisfy his needs.
Q. How did Agur finally see that money was causing him to sin? A. Proverbs 30:9 = Riches would make him sin, forgetting that God granted them. Proverty would make him sin, stealing food and bring God dishonor.
Q. What is one wrong way an offended person might take revenge on his offender? A. Proverbs 30:10 = You may have been offended and decide to slander the offender to his boss and upon finding this out, he will put a curse on you for it.
Note: We all step on toes. Give folks the benefit of the doubt and forgive and move on, however difficult it is. Time will pass and you will be relieved that you didn't overreact!
Q. Why do parents suffer? A. Proverbs 30:11 = Adult children curse their fathers and do not thank their mothers.
Q. How does God see these kinds of children? A. Proverbs 30:12 = Filthy and unwashed.
Q. But what if these children feel pure and unguilty about it? A. Proverbs 30:12 = They only fool themselves.
Q. And the basis for this disrespect for parents is what? A. Proverbs 30:13 = Pride beyond description and also disdain.
Q. What is a bad fruit of bad children? A. Proverbs 30:14 = "They devour the poor with teeth as sharp as swords or knives. They destroy the needy from the face of the earth."
Q. So God would equate disrespectful, prideful, disdaining offspring to unmerciful cold, bulldozing, selfish tyrants? A. Yes!
Note: If you find yourself to be a dishonorable child, repent. Go to your parents, apologize and start to do right. You must undo your sin physically. Take care of your parents, however it needs to be done, even if years of abuse has helped to make them nuts. Don't drop them off at an old folks home! Find ways to serve them according to their needs and in a way that would bring God glory. When that is done, make retribution for the rest of the mess! Don't worry that they don't respond right away. You do what is right and let God heal the relationship in His perfect time.
Q. What are five realities of life never satisfied that man commonly faces? A. Proverbs 30:15-16 = 1)Leeches can't get enough blood
2)Death is inevitable
3)Infertility that never ends
4)the desert is always dry (flash-flooding doesn't make it green)
5)the blazing fire (my ha't off to brave firefighters who tackle these monsters).
Note: I was so thankful when I finally gave birth after 12 years of barrenness. Infertility is truly never satisfied! Only having a child would stop the longing.
Q. Is there ever a reason to forsake one's parents? A. Proverbs 30:17 = No. God promises you punishment for treating your parents with mocking of a father or disdaining one's mother, and promises that you will die violently. Is that clear enough?
Q. Is love and marriage easy? A. Proverbs 30:18-19 = No! It is as intricate as an eagle gliding through the air, as how a snake slithers on a rock, and how a ship navigates the ocean.
Note: Every husband knows that in order to live with his wife peacefully, he must do his homework as a navigator of a ship learns the moods of the weather, learns to chart a course, braces for the storm and enjoys the calm of the sea. He'll never totally get his job, but she appreciates the effort!
Q. What is equally amazing? A. Proverbs 30:20 = How a prostitute can do what she does with no conviction of sin.
Note: Television, movies, magazines, internet -- all bomb us with sin, desensitizing us to the prostitute's sin and the lust of the filmmaker. Will you buy into it or walk away from it? "Equally amazing is how an adulterous woman can satisfy her sexual appetite, shrug her shoulders, and then say, "What's wrong with that?"
Q. What type of situations are born for disastrous consequences? A. Proverbs 30:21 = Four things:
1) A slave who becomes a king
Note: A slave is ignorant and it takes skill to handle responsibility, much less those who are the kings' burdens. The kingdom is in danger in this case!
2) An overbearing fool who prospers
Note: Pompous folks don't give to the poor, enrich their country or treat anyone well. Besides, they have the money to bribe and causes injustice happens.
3) A bitter woman who finally gets a husband
Note: How long can that last? Misery loves company!
4) A servant girl who supplants her mistress.
Note: Identity theft? Or husband-stealing, or sharing one's husband like what Sarah did with Hagar. It's just not meant to go well!
Q. What unusual wisdom does the ant have? A. Proverbs 30:25 = Ants are not strong, but store up food for the winter (this is built-in wisdom).
Note: Plan your budget and save!
Q. What do rock badgers offer us in wisdom? A. Proverbs 30:26 = They aren't powerful, but they live like kings, in fortresses of the rocky cliffs.
Note: In a secure place, amongst the strongest of people -- stay away from the ghettos! Surround yourself with good people!
Q. What can locusts teach us? A. Proverbs 30:27 = To trust our instincts, to act strong, even if we don't feel strong.
Q. And lizards? A. Proverbs 30:28 = To not be afraid of anyone, to feel at home anywhere.
Q. What animals are natural leaders? A. Proverbs 30:29-31 = 1) The lion (the king of the beasts)
2) The strutting rooster
3) the male goat
4) A king as he leads his army.
Q. What is scary about lions? A. Proverbs 30:30 = They won't turn aside for anything!
Q. What do I do with past sins that keep coming back to the forefront of my memory? I even remember these sins fondly! A. Proverbs 30:32 = "If you have been a fool by being proud or plotting evil, don't brag about it -- cover your mouth with your hand in shame."
Note: Ask God for conviction for these sins and repent and move on. Don't forget to forgive yourself for playing the fool!
Q. When I am angry, should I isolate myself until the anger passes? A. Proverbs 30:33 = Please do! Anger causes quarrels.
Q. Who wrote Proverbs 31? A. Proverbs 31:1 = King Lemuel. Actually, his mother taught it to him as an oracle.
Q. What is a great hazard for any young man? A. Proverbs 31:2 = Prostitutes.
Q. Why? A. Proverbs 31:2 = They sap strength and so ruin kings.
Q. What else saps strength? A. Proverbs 31:4 = Guzzling wine. No leader should crave alcohol.
Q. What does alcohol do? A. Proverbs 31:5 = 1)Makes you forget your duties
2) Disables you from dispensing justice to the oppressed.
Q. Is alcohol of any benefit? A. Proverbs 31:6 = Yes. It is for the dying and for those in deep depression.
Q. What does alcohol do for these ones? A. Proverbs 31:7 = It lets them forget their poverty and troubles.
Note: Do you see what even casual drinking can do? The saddest part of being an alcoholic or regular user is that you really do forget your duties. You cease to care about your children whom you affect negatively in incomprehendable ways, nor do you even notice your spouse. And if you dry up and never touch the stuff again, you can repent of only your stupor because that's all you will remember of the terrible, monstrous acts you committed under the influence against all who loved you. The alcoholic gets off conscience-free and the most accountability he may have is a confrontation from his family and maybe a list of hurts you authored that a blanket apology has to cover. May your family be saved into the kingdom of God so that they will be able to pour grace and mercy over you, and just move on. I am a survivor of alcoholic parents who remain oblivious, not by their own fault, but the alcohol's. Thank God for His salvation, his perfect nurturing and parenting skills that I benefit from daily. In the end, we all go under the Father's care, if we'll let God be Father. The Cross of Jesus pounded all sins to death and I have no claim on the sins of my parents because of it. Thank you, Jesus! He fills all those places that my parents didn't, and I am whole!
Q. What does God wnat us to do that alcohol stops? A. Proverbs 31:8 = To speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those who are perishing. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.
Note: The unborn, the elderly, the retarded, the poor. These are God's passion. If you love God, you'll love these ones too. If you don't, something is wrong with your passion. Ask God for more passion! Even praying with these folks is so helpful. They may not know how to pray. When praying, a good model is "The Lord's Prayer." It'll teach you how to cover all the bases. Personalize it for the recipient of the prayer. Here's an example:
"Our Father in heaven, we praise Your holy name. We want Your kingdom to come to earth, Your will to be done here, as it is carried out every day in heaven. Provide us food to eat every day. Forgive us our sins right now -- just as we have forgiven those offenders in our lives. Don't let my problems get so bad they cause me to sin. For all kingdoms are Yours. Power and glory are Yours forever and ever. Amen." Doesn't the Lord's Prayer jolt your perspective back to reality? Get God's perspective and you'll be able to pass it on over and over again.
Q. What should a young person look for in a spouse? A. Proverbs 31:10 = 1) Virtue
2) Capability (trained will in childhood)
Q. Is that a rare find? A. Proverbs 31:10 = Yes! As rare as rubies!
Q. What is virtue? A. Proverbs 31:11 = Trustworthiness (won't blow the family finances on fun; won't wander).
Q. What is capability? A. Proverbs 31:11-12 = Enriching one's life, not hindering, but helping one's spouse all one's life.
Q. Is this spouse talented and skilled? A. Proverbs 31:13 = Yes. This spouse shops for bargains, sews and is skilled in the needs of the day.
Q. Does this spouse go out of his or her way? A. Proverbs 31:15 = Yes. This spouse gets up early to feed the household and to plan the day.
Q. Is this spouse good with money? A. Proverbs 31:16 = Yes. This spouse tries different ways to make a buck and uses the earnings to invest.
Q. This spouse works hard? A. Proverbs 31:17 = Yes. This spouse is strong and energetic, staying up late at his or her craft; hands are always busy.
Q. But this spouse doesn't have to help the poor, unless it's a gift, bestowed by God on the spouse, right? A. Proverbs 31:20 = Ha! This spouse helps the poor as part of a life's career!
Q. Does this spouse plan seasons ahead? A. Proverbs 31:21 = Yes.
Q. And this spouse's clothes? A. Proverbs 31:22 = This spouse dresses like royalty.
Q. Does this spouse sell some of what is made? A. Proverbs 31:24 = Yes.
Q. What is this spouse's character like? A. Proverbs 31:25 = 1)Full of strength and dignity, prepared for the future
2) Speaks only wise words
3) Always instructs kindly
4) Carefully watches all that goes on in the household, bearing no consequences of laziness
5) The children in the household stand and bless this parent; the spouse praises the spouse.
6) This spouse fears the Lord.
Q. What can this spouse's family do for this family member in response? A. Proverbs 31:31 = 1) Reward this family member!
2) Let this spouse's deeds publicly declare his/her deeds.
Note: Husbands and wives, keep busy, don't give in to wasting time. You have many heaven-sent gifts. Find out what they are. Seek to live a holy life. You get to take your family with you to heaven!
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