Psalms 101 - 150 Questions and Answers
Q. How do I get started singing to God? A. Psalm 101:1 = Make that choice and do it. Read the Word -- the music will come. Christian bookstores are wonderful for providing music other people made for God and for you to sing along with.
Q. How do I live a blameless life? A. Psalm 101:2 = Carefully! (Keep your eyes focused on God and His Word.)
Q. Does God like "Sunday Christians" who go home and forget Him till next Sunday? A. Psalm 101:2 = No. These don't know God. God is Father every moment. Integrity means living right when no one is looking. At home!
Q. How do I keep my eyes from looking at vile and ugly things that sadden God? A. Psalm 101:3 = Declare it outloud. I refuse to look at this!
Q. What about other evils around me in the world? A. Psalm 101:3-5 = Hate crooked dealing -- have nothing to do with it; reject perverse ideas--- stay away from every evil.
Q. How do I deal with people who slander their neighbors? A. Psalm 101:5 = See it for what it is and speak truth into the situation. Not tolerating it means doing the opposite. Bless, bless, bless instead. It undoes the slander. What a good use of time!
Q. What is the truth about my neighbor? A. God loves them and wants their presence in His kingdom. My neighbor needs God's love and release from the chains of Hell. He has lots of potential for ministry and missions and will be truly happy in them!
Q. Why does God watch us? A. Psalm 101:6 = To protect us and make sure we're safe.
Q. Who is qualified to serve God? A. Psalm 101:6 = Only those above reproach.
Q. What does that mean? A. Psalm 101:6-7 = Those God has a close and open relationship with, who lve to do right.
Q.What position are unglodly, phony God-servers in? A. Psalm 101:7 = God knows their hearts. They do not enter into His presence.
Q. Should we regard capturing criminals as very important? A. Psalm 101:8 = Yes!
Q. Why? A. Psalm 101:8 = Criminals grip a city and keep it from God's best for it.
Q. Why is God's Word written? A. Psalm 102:18 = So that future generations, nations yet to be created, will praise the Lord.
Q. What is reassuring to know about God in such a constantly changing world? A. Psalm 102:27-28 = God remains the same, faithful and loving Father, even to our offspring's offspring's offspring's, etc. offspring!
Note: This promise helps me to focus on the spiritual training of my children. My life is truly a breath. My legacy is forever.
Q. How did David refocus on God when he was in trouble and felt lost? A. Psalm 103:1 = David told himself to praise God; he determined to get back in line with heaven. He counted his blessings, stating what has happened between God and himself in the past.
Q. Like what? A. Psalm 103:2-3 = 1) God forgives all my sins
2) God heals all my diseases
3) God ransomed me from death
4) God surrounds me with love and tender mercies
5) God fills my life with good things
6) God renews my youth like an eagle.
7) God gives righteousness and justice to all who are treated unfairly
8) God revealed his character to Moses and His deeds to Israel
9) God is merciful and gracious
10) God is slow to anger
11) God is full of unfailing love
12) God does not constantly accuse me, nor does God remain angry forever
13) God does not punish me for all my sins
14) God does not deal with me as I deserve because He loves me
15) God's love for those who love Him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth
16) God removes my rebellious acts as far as the east is from the west
17) God is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear Hm
18) God understands how weak I am and how brief my life is
19) God's love remains forever
20) God's angels carry out His plans, listening for each of God's commands
22) God's armies of angels serve Him and do His will
23) Everything God has created praises Him
24) So I will too!
Q. Sometimes after I confess a sin, I don't feel forgiven. I feel guilty still! Is God holding that sin against me? A. Psalm 103:9 = No! God does not constantly accuse us. His anger was gone when you confessed.
Q. Then what is happening? A. The devil tries to immobilize us by accusing us, even taking his accusations to God. You need to rebuke the devil and declare your forgiveness of this sin to him and order him to leave you alone. Sing a praise song to God and repent of the sin again and tell God you will now get on with your life. Hallelujah!
Q. So what I need to remember is that God is all these good things in Psalm 103? God is all the other things in the Scriptures? All the negative stuff I hear of God outside of His Word are lies from hell? A. Bingo! Yes! Know the Word; Know God. No Word, no God.
Q. How powerful is God? A. Psalm 104: Read it and weep!
Q. Is working for a living God's way? A. Psalm 104:23 = Yes. And notice that working fits into the orchestration of creation.
Q. Where does life come from? A. Psalm 104:30 = The Holy Spirit.
Note: How clear it is in an orderly universe that life and death are ordered from God. In all this activity of stars, earth and life, there is death, then new life.
Q. And God loves it this way? A. Psalm 104:31 = Yes!
Q. My mind can get going a thousand miles a minute. Does God witness this phenomenon? A. Psalm 104:34 = Yes. How much better when we meditate on God and He receives thought praise!
Q. Will evil ones one day leave the rest of us alone? A. Psalm 104:35 = Yes! They will disappear forever!
Q. Does God love a searcher? A. Psalm 105:4 = Yes. God encourages us to search for Him and His strength.
Q. How do we go about searching for God? A. Psalm 105:5 = Read God's Word, His recorded deeds.
Q. So I should read the Bible for the purpose of knowing God better? A. Yes!
Q. Was it providential for Joseph to go to Egypt, sold as a slave? A. Psalm 105:17-19 = Yes.
Q. Why was Joseph treated so harshly? A. Psalm 105:17-19 = To test his character.
Note: Are you experienceing trouble? Keep your eyes up. God is testing your character! Don't lower yourself by sinning to try and ease the pain, or dig your way out. God will rescue you when your character has been refined. You are going to be soooo strong! Wait and see!
Q. God will save me and set me in a place of honor here on earth? A. Psalm 105:20-22 = Yes! Even above that, teaching the highest-ranking ones the things of God!
Q. Who turns enemies against God's people? A. Psalm 105:25 = God does.
Q. With all that happened to the Israelites as slaves in Egypt, was there a purpose for it all? A. Psalm 105:45 = Yes. That they would learn to follow God's principles and obey His laws.
Q. What was the lesson they needed to learn? A. Psalm 105 = 1) God saves
2) God gives land to whom He wishes
3) God blesses
4) God gives joy
Q. Did God perform miracles that are not recorded? A. Psalm 106:2 = Yes.
Q. Why does God pursue people who choose to rebel? A. Psalm 106:7-8 = To defend the honor of His name and to demonstrate His mighty power.
Note: Do you see God misrepresented somewhere around you? Love covers a multitude of sins. You can defend His honor by prayer and asking God to demonstrate His power in the situation at hand. (Don't get caught up in the chaos!)
Q. Is it okay to act on impulse? A. Psalm 106:13 = No. Wait for God's counsel. No sudden moves! God has a way of showing us the best way.
Q. What is the alternative? A. Psalm 106:14 = Our desires run wild and that tests God's patience!
Q. Will God give in to our human desires? A. Psalm 106:15 = Yes. But He may also give us trouble as a bonus to it.
Note: I asked God for something Ireally wanted. It wasn't an evil desire, but for years and years, He said no. An opportunity arose unexpectedly and He gave me my wish. But not without a second, undesired bonus. I am happy with my desire having been realized, though I limp, like Jacob, with the bonus! That's life!
Q. Will brothers and sisters rise up against me just because they want my success? A. Psalm 106:16 = Yes. If their focus has come off of Jesus and onto themselves, this happens. Otherwise, who would need to envy what God could also give them?
Q. Can we come before God on behalf of a brother in sin and ask God to have mercy? A. Psalm 106:23 = Yes. Moses did.
Q. Why didn't the Israelites enter Canaan, the promised land? A. Psalm 106:24 = They refused to believe God's promise to care for them.
Note: It isn't that God doesn't abundantly plan our lives to be spent fully and joyfully, it is that we who have trouble believing that He will guide us and protect us that keeps us from living fully!
Q. What do we do instead? A. Psalm 106:25 = Grumble and refuse to obey the Lord.
Note: Are you grumbling a lot these days? It is easy to disobey God too? Return to square "A". Today is a new day. Start now to Psalm 103 your life!
Q. How does God see idol worship of any kind? A. Psalm 106:39 = As adultery.
Q. How can I break my deep depression? A. Psalm 107:13-14, 17-18 = Ask God to lift you out of it.
Q. When I am finally out of depression, how do I avoid getting to that place again? A. Psalm 107:15 = Count your blessings, praise God for all He has done -- read His Word!
Q. Why does trouble come? A. Psalm 107:41-43 = So the world can witness God saving it.
Q. Do all who witness God's might respond? A. Psalm 107:42 = No. The godly rejoice while the wicked are stumped.
Q. What is wisdom? A. Psalm 197:43 = Learning God's saving power and taking it to heart that God is faithful.
Q. What is so hard about wanting to develop friendships? A. Psalm 109:4-5 = Friendships can sour. Even under the best circumstances, the devil turns friends and speaks lies into ears. If you are not aware of the wiles of the devil, get aware! Love, encourage and pray for your friends. Bless, bless, bless! You have nothing to gain in reducing the number of people around you who bring advice, encouragement and new strength to the relationship.
Q. What makes for good meditation? A. Psalm 111:2 = The amazing deeds of the Lord.
Q. How does God want us to see these deeds? A. Psalm 111:3 = As revelations of His glory and majesty; His righteousness never failing.
Q. What is foundational to true wisdom? A. Psalm 111:10 = Reverence for the Lord.
Q. Is obedience to God drugery? A. Psalm 112:1 = No. It is a delight! (An attitude.)
Q. If we can get to the point where we see obedience to God as a delight, what happens? A. Psalm 112:2 = Our children will want it. They will be blessed.
Q. How do kids of godly parents do in life? A. Psalm 112:1 = 1) They are successful
2) Wealthy
3) Full of good deeds that are remembered
4) Trials are shortened
5) They are generous
6) Compassionate
7) Righteous
8) All goes well for them
9) They lend freely
11) They are fair in business
12) They are remembered long after death
13) They do not fear bad news, confidently trusting God to care for them
14) They are fearless
15) They are Warriors
16) They help the poor
17) They are influential
18) Honored
19) The wicked hate them but are powerless to hurt them
Q. Who does God protect? A. Psalm 116:6 = Those with a childlike faith.
Note: A child immediately cries out to his father when in trouble. He doesn't think first, he just calls out. Always just call out to God. He is always ready to save His own. But He wants us to ask Him to rescue us. He may rescue us anyway, but we miss seeing it as an answer to prayer. God wants us to know He saves!
Q. How do I keep my eyes on the Lord? A. Psalm 116:9 = Visualize Him walking beside you wherever you go.
Q. Is it okay to complain to God? A. Psalm 117:11 = Yes! David laid out his complaints.
Q. Is there a simple gesture we can do to give thanks? A. Psalm 117:13 = Yes. Toast God and praise Him.
Q. Does God grieve when we die? A. Psalm 116:15 = Yes. At least in David's time.
Q. Is there a style of song still used today from the Bible? A. Psalm 118:1-4 = Yes. The Southern Baptist choir sings in a similar way to Psalm 118:1-4.
Q. What is the problem with secular help, such as psychology, psychiatry and anti-depressant use? A. Psalm 118:8 = We put our trust in people when we're feeling weak. God says it is better to put our trust in Him. As God for deliverance!
Q. What if my country is in trouble? A. Psalm 118:9 = Go to God first. He alone delivers.
Note: So far in this study, we run again and again into God saving man and country -- alone. David repeated this truth again and again. When did believers start depending on anti-depressants and the speculations of secular, atheistic men? Notice that these pros themselves have the second biggest suicide rate -- they know they have no answers! They lie about their drugs' effectiveness and declare the mere theory behind it as fact. So you take the drug and stop maturing. For the Christian, his ministry becomes stagnant. Read "Talking Back To Prozac" for addressing this subject in detail, especially in the chemical claims section. Don't let anyone take the power of life-giving, healing power that eminates from every believer and thereby render you ineffectual for God. If you are on this stuff, tell God you transfer your trust from the secular man to Him. Trust Him to deliver you. Tell your doctor you want out. Addiction is strong. Take steps to wean off the stuff and begin to live -- like the rest of us -- beginning afresh every day.
Q. What thing tempts believers? A. Psalm 119:3 = Compromising with evil.
Note: Watching violence on television, ethical concerns, white lies, etc., are all examples of compromising with evil. Because it is not blatant, we tolerate more and more sin and find ourselves overwhelmed by unwanted thoughts and actions. The good news is that today is a new day. Begin again now! Get rid of the junk compromises, tapes, pictures, etc. Ask God to help you see Him always by your side. WWJD (What would Jesus do)?
Q. Why do we need God's Word? A. Psalm 119:4-7 = It is a measuring stick to compare our lives to. We start fresh every day until we learn God's righteous laws.
Note: Don't compare yourself to people. You'll never mature that way!
Q. What attitude results from learning God's Word? A. Psalm 119:7 = Thanking God by living as we should.
Note: A measure of our thankfulness and appreciation for divine directions is enthusiastic adherence to the good life it opens up for us. We hear the warnings and the directions and choose impulsively anyway. The decision to walk with and toward God is a moment by moment one. Getting off that path happens, but getting right back on it requires discipline. Just do it! God loves you!
Q. How can a young person stay pure? A. Psalm 119:9-16 = 1) Obeying God's Word and following its rules
2) Searching for God to know Him
3) Understanding our weakness to break the rules
4) hiding God's Word in our hearts
5) Letting God teach us His principles
6) Reciting the Word out loud
7) Rejoicing in the Word (not feeling like a slave to it)
8) Studying the Word
9) Reflecting on God's ways
10) Determining to remember what we learn
Q. How do I know when I'm rejoicing in God's Word? A. Psalm 119:14 = When I am enjoying it as much as my riches!
Q. How can God's Word begin to make sense to me? A. Psalm 119:17-18 = Ask God to be good to you and open your eyes to see His Word's meaning.
Q. But can't I function okay without God's Word? A. Psalm 119:19 = Not well! We need God's Word to guide us, like aliens in a foreign land need a local guide.
Q. What is another sign that I am rejoicing in God's Word? A. Psalm 119:20 = When I can't get enough of it!
Q. What should I do when I learn that even important leaders are slandering me? A. Psalm 119:23 = Meditate on God's Word. Keep your eyes up!
Q. What is so good about God's Word? A. Psalm 119:24-25 = 1) It gives wise advice
2) It revives me when I'm discouraged.
Q. Is God interested in my plans? A. Psalm 119:26 = Yes. He listens and advises, using His principles in His Word.
Q. How will I reach an understanding of God's commandments? A. Psalm 119:27 = Ask God to help you understand them, then meditate on His miracles.
Q. How else does God's Word benefit me? A. Psalm 119:28 = If I am overcome with grief and tears, it encourages me.
Q. What is a human weakness we tend to nurse? A. Psalm 119:29 = Lying to ourselves.
Q. How do we stop? A. Psalm 119:29 = Learn God's law with His guidance.
Q. How do we lie to ourselves? A. We choose to believe in God PLUS philosophy that is based on our own experience. We lie a lot!
"I'm all alone"
"you just don't understand me"
"The end justifies the means"
"God won't forgive this big sin"
"That person is beyond forgiveness"
"My church is the only one God is pleased with"
"I have to earn my right to be with God in heaven"
and the list goes on. Don't just get rid of the lies you are telling yourself; fill up that now empty space with God's Word. That is so satisfying an action to take! You'll spend the rest of your life, happily filling up on God's Word.
Q. How do I get faithful to God? A. Psalm 119:30 = Choose faith -- determine to live by God's Word.
Q. Does keeping God's decrees make for happiness? A. Psalm 119:35 = Yes!
Q. What if the Word bores me? A. Psalm 119:36 = Ask God to give you an eagerness for it.
Q. Is the love for money an affliction? A. Psalm 119:36 = Yes.
Q. Why? A. Psalm 119:37 = Money buys worthless things (only your fleshly needs are met with money) and has no life-giving qualities. Rich folks forget God because of money. That is terrible affliction.
Q. How do I get out of and change my messy life? A. Psalm 119:39 = Ask God to help you abandon your messy ways in favor of God's Word.
Q. Being a believer, knowing God's Word; what comes out of it? A. Psalm 119:46 = Boldly sharing your God with kings!
Q. What advantage do I have in making the Word a regular part of my life? A. Psalm 119:60-61 = I want to obey it quickly; I don't succumb to peer pressure.
Q. What is good to do on a sleepless night? A. Psalm 119:62 = Be with God, thank Him for His Word.
Q. Who should my friends be? A. Psalm 119:63 = Anyone who fears God and obeys His commandments.
Q. What are unbelievers like? A. Psalm 119:70 = Dull and stupid!
Q. How does God get our attention when we stray? A. Psalm 119:67, 71, 75 = God disciplines us until we lern to stay near and pay attention (like a shepherd and his sheep).
Q. Where does common sense come from? A. Psalm 119:73 = God. He gives us the sense to follow His commands.
Q. How should our reputations be known? A. Psalm 119:74 = Known for making people joyful because we hope in God's Word.
Q. Does God have plans in action? A. Psalm 119:91 = Yes.
Q. What sustains a miserable person? A. Psalm 119:92-93 = God's Word.
Q. Can a student be more insightful than his teacher? A. Psalm 119:99 = Yes.
Q. How? A. Psalm 119:99 = If he is always thinking of God's Word, he will always be more insightful.
Q. What should be my motivation for refusing to walk on any path of evil? A. Psalm 119:101-104 = A desire to keep God's Word.
Note: Next time someone tries to gently pursuade you to participate in some sin, tell him no because you want to be obedient to God's Word. You want to keep your eyes up!
Q. How do I stay on the right path? A. Psalm 119:102 = Read the Word daily, let God be your teacher. He'll give you wisdom and insight -- and personalize it just for you, right out of His Word! This is what helps y7ou to remember God's ways and effects a change in your attitude.
Note: What we want, what our gut reactions are, can be so contrary to God's ways. How much potential we have to service if we can just adopt the right attitude!
Q. So following God's ways and commandments is a choice when facing every circumstance of my life path? A. Psalm 119:107 = Yes. 1) In suffering
2) In jeopardy
3) In facing wicked people and their traps
Q. Where are traps laid for me? A. Psalm 119:110 = Along the path you walk with God every moment. (they are subtle!)
Q. But learning God's ways and asking Him for His guidance keeps me living for God? A. Psalm 119:116 = Yes!
Note: Without trouble, we need no savior. God desires relationship. Trouble is one way to make it happen. Trouble is testing time. What is the test? Will I go to God for help or will I trust in myself for deliverance? Every time we remember to call out to God in trouble, God is so pleased and we pass a vital test. What is it that God wants us to learn? That only God saves!
Q. What happens to wicked people? A. Psalm 119:119 = God skims them off the top, saving us every time.
Q. How can I understand God's Word? A. Psalm 119:125 = Ask God for discernment.
Q. What happens to our view of sin after we start really understanding God and His ways in the Word? A. Psalm 119:128 = We hate every false way.
Q. And how do we view God's Word? A. Psalm 119:129, 131 = As wonderful! We want to obey this Word! We desire to learn them more. We pant for more of it!
Q. How is God's Word wonderful? A. Psalm 119:130 = It gives light so even the simple can understand it.
Q. How does our attitude toward unbelievers change upon learning God's ways? A. Psalm 119:136-144 = We cry for them because they don't know the truth. We cry for them because God's laws are being broken.
Note: Why cry? God's Word is happiness and peace and worth more than everything else we can see and hold. People throw it away like it was junk. Yet it is the only key to happiness we have. Unbelievers throw it away because it is too easy, requiring the acknowledgment of a God over them. Their sin nature within says "No way! I'm my own boss!" Yet none of us are our own boss. God is the ultimate boss; fair and loving too. Father to all who will have Him.
Q. How should we pray? A. Psalm 119:145 = With all our hearts.
Note: God loves passion. We don't pray just to be obedient and so we are able to check off that daily thing from our holy list. He Wants people who want to follow His ways. Passionately!
Q. What should I occupy myself with on a sleepless night? A. Psalm 119:148 = Think about God's promises.
Q. How can you be comforted when you forgot how to live normally? A. Psalm 119:156 = Tell God you know that He is merciful and ask Him to give you back your life.
Q. If I walk closely with God, can I count on a continally peaceful existence? A. Psalm 119:157 = No! Persecution will come. Trouble comes with persecutors. Even when you live right!
Note: Get in fellowship with other believers. They will carry you when you are in trouble. It's like magic! Doing the same for them is so rewarding and faith-building!
Q. Should we fear anything on this earth? A. Psalm 119:161-162 = Yes. Fear God's Word. It is a good tremble!
Q. What happens to the mindset of the one who studies God's Word? A. Psalm 119:165 = Great peace happens. The Word keeps him from stumbling.
Note: We can have great peace and yet be in the midst of persecution. Our hearts break for the event and it wears us down, but always, that peace is greater.
Q. Does God really know everything we do? A. Psalm 119:168 = Yes!
Q. When we sin and are confused and lost, how do we get back? A. Psalm 119:176 = Ask God to come find you!
Q. Should we dump on each other? A. Psalm 120:1 = No. Lay out your troubles before God. Only He can help you (and cope with your pain).
Q. How do we keep from evil associations? A. Psalm 120:2 = Ask God to keep us free of them.
Q. What is one frustration believers face? A. Psalm 120:6-7 = We grow weary of living among people who hate peace, and when we speak peace, they counter us with negative vigor. "No!" they exclaim. "I don't want to hear it!"
Note: But that will not stop God, will it?
Q. Does God nap or sleep? A. Psalm 121:2-4 = No. God watches over us continually.
Q. Don't you mean God's angels watch over us? A. Psalm 121:5-7 = No. The Lord Himself watches over us.
Q. And after this life is over? A. Psalm 121:8 = God continues watching over us forever.
Q. Why should we support Israel in prayer and physically too? A. Psalm 122:6-9 = God told us to. A promise comes with our support. We will prosper!
Q. What is the measure of goodness? A. Psalm 125:4 = Those whose hearts are in tune with God's heart.
Q. When God performs miracles for Israel, how does the world react? A. Psalm 126:2 = In awe of God.
Q. What if I don't feel like doing God's work? A. Psalm 126:5-6 = Do it anyway. The results will make you jump for joy!
Q. Does God record the sins we act out? A. Psalm 130:3 = No.
Q. Then what is the point of telling us we sin if it won't be held against us? A. Psalm 130:4 = So we can be forgiven and know what that feels like. We know when we are sinning because of the guilt. But forgiveness is release from that guilt and heals us.
Q. Why does God bother? A. Psalm 130:4 = That we might learn to fear Him. God wants us to feel comfortable in close proximity to Him. Forgiveness is a kind of proof that God is near.
Q. So I can approach God, receive forgiveness and draw closer to Him? A. Yes!
Q. What promise does God have for Israel? A. Psalm 130:8 = Each person, if he can accept Jesus' substitionary death, can be free.
Q. How do we know? A. Psalm 130:8 and Luke 1:68 = The father of John the Baptist, Zechariah, quoted this verse as applying to the coming Messiah. He prophesied about Messiah as coming soon to free Israel.
Q. Should we concern ourselves with uncovering the secrets of the universe? A. Psalm 131:1-3 = No.
Q. Why? A. Psalm 131:1 = It makes the heart proud and the eyes haughty.
Note: How does this happen? Intellectual pursuits take the place of childlike meditation and close relationship with God. It becomes an addiction that replaces the only thing God wants from us -- relationship. God wants us to keep it simple. The fruit of intellectualism is pride and snobbery. This is alienation from God, who can teach you things it takes a lifetime to absorb! You don't have time for both!
Q. How do I stop thinking in a philosophical, intellectual way? A. Psalm 131:2 = Quiet yourself as a small child with its mother.
Note: How is a small child with its mother? Content and feeling safe. If you have a bad relationship with your mother, it will be hard to be still and quiet before God too. Could this be the driving force that causes to pursue intellectual knowledge? Get your relationship right within you about your mother. She watches over you until you are dead! How comforting! There are mothers out there who have bitter children who struggle with unrest. It's not too late to repent about your mom. Start fresh today, as we all must. Get right with mom and see what heavenly doors swing wide open for you. When you see yourself sheltered and content with mother at last, your relationship with God will blossom a hundredfold. How much more will your contentment be, now wholly under your heavenly Father's care!
Q. So I'm not supposed to get more complicated with age? A. Psalm 131:2 = No! Your soul should remain like that of a small child.
Q. So if I learn to trust my mother, all this can be mine in the Lord too? A. Yes!
Q. What exactly am I doing in following David's advice? A. Psalm 131:3 = I'm first putting my hope, as a child, in mom. Then when God calls on me to follow Him, I put that familiar hope in God too. Only it means so much more!
Q. So doing the opposite is true too? A. Psalm 131:1-3 = Yes. Pride and haughtiness are a result of concerning oneself with matters too great or awesome for us (intellectualism). We don't understand what it is like to be still and quiet ourselves, and as small children; we were loud and untrusting of our mothers and our souls were insecure as a result.
Q. Who else lifted their hands to praise God? A. Psalm 134:1-2 = The nightwatchmen in the house of the Lord lifted their hands in holiness and blessed the Lord.
Q. Did David approve? A. Psalm 134:3 = Yes. David blessed them for blessing God.
Q. Where does wind come from? A. Psalm 135:7 = God's storehouses.
Q. How does God encourage us? A. Psalm 138 = He gives us the strength we need.
Q. Who does God draw near to? A. Psalm 138:6 = The humble.
Q. Who does God keep His distance from? A. Psalm 138:6 = The proud.
Note: Do not be fooled! God knows the difference between pride and humility. Who loves you? The fruits of your life prove which one you fall under.
Humility is vulnerable and knows God loves us. Therefore, it take risks to save its brother.
Humility's compassion knows no bounds. Pride puts up a wall and classifies people, deciding who is worthy and not to be saved, measuring people only to itself.
Humility is ready to do what God has asked; pride only wants its way.
Humility obeys God simply; pride sacrifices much in vain, instead of obeying God.
(v.8). Humility lets God work out His plans in one's life; Pride plans every step, (v.9) piously attempting to reach God on its own terms.
Q. Does God care about how I conduct my life, and what motivates me? A. Psalm 139:1-12 = Yes. God wants to be my guide in life. All of life!
Q. Why? A. Psalm 139:15-16 = God hand-made me and also marked how many days I would live. He is intimately involved in my existence!
Q. Does God keep track of my wrongs? A. Psalm 139:17 = No. God's thoughts about me are precious and innumerable as the sand.
Q. How do I grow spiritually? A. Psalm 139:23:24 = I ask God to search my heart, test me, know my thoughts, point out anything in me that offends Him and ask Him to lead me every moment.
Note: God will never make me grow spiritually. I can refuse His instruction and remain a babe all my life. It is scary to be vulnerable to God, but moreso, to be a babe in a cruel world! God wants my best. I need to remember that God has always only good thoughts for me! (Psalm 139:17)
Q. So the opposite is true? I can hold back and resist God? A. Psalm 139:23-24 = yes. I refuse to make myself vulnerable to God, hide my heart, believer He doesn't know my thoughts, think I am always a non-offensive person who doesn't need help and master the course of my own life.
Q. Who else raised their hands when praying? A. Psalm 141:2 = David.
Q. Who can help us control our tongues? A. Psalm 141:3 = God.
Q. Should we be open to correction from other believers? A. Psalm 141:5 = Yes. It is a kindness to be corrected by another believer!
Q. How? A. Psalm 141:5 = Like soothing medicine -- if we will receive it.
Q. How do I make myself vulnerable to correction? A. Psalm 141:5 = Ask God to help you.
Q. Does manhave adequate answers for our dilemmas? A. Psalm 142:3 = No. Only God does.
Q. How can I learn to do God's will? A. Psalm 143:10 = God teaches you! Ask Him to teach you now!
Q. How? A. Psalm 143:10 = By His Holy Spirit.
Q. Are lies always obvious? A. Psalm 144:8 = No. People swear to tell the truth but they lie. God knows!
Q. Is there a model for how to pray for a believer's family life? A. Psalm 144:12-15 = Yes. 1) Pray for my sons to flourish in their youth, well nurtured
2) for my daughters to be graceful and beautify my house in every way
3) That our business or livelihood would prosper in all ways possible
4) That there would be no breached walls or
5) Forced moves
6) That there would be no cries of distress in my house.
Q. Is this a good way to pray for our cities too? A. Psalm 144:12-15 = Yes! These verses were written for the city, but works for our households as well.
Q. Can we ever learn everything there is to know about God? A. Psalm 145:3 = No. God's greatness is beyond discovery!
Q. Should we let our kids pick their own faith? A. Psalm 145:4 = No way! Don't be timid about your faith! Tell them of God's mighty acts. Meditate on God's majestic, glorious splendor and of His miracles and tell about them to your children.
Q. Will they believe me? A. Psalm 145:7 = Yes! And share your joy too!
Q. Does God answer us every time? A. Psalm 145:18 = If we are sincere and approach Him with the right heart, yes.
Note: No is an answer too.
Q. Why can't I put my trust in powerful people? A. Psalm 146:3 = They are mere mortals and will die suddenly and forever. Their plans go with them.
Q. Why should I trust in God? A. Psalm 146:6 = God has promised to save us from every possible situation.
Q. Like what? A. Psalm 146:7-9 = 1) Oppression
2) Starvation
3) Prison
4) Blindness
5) Heavy burdens we bear
6) Widowhood
7) Orphanhood
8) Evil plans of bad people
Q. How big is God? A. Psalm 147:4 = Big enough to count every star and name the too!
Q. Could my brain ever grasp what God can grasp? A. Psalm 147:5 = No. God's understanding is beyond comprehension.
Q. But what God has revealed is adequate for us? A. Psalm 147:19 = Yes.
Q. Why is that precious? A. Psalm 147:20 = Because God chooses who should know His Word. Everyone else is clueless.
Q. Who does or should praise God? A. Psalm 148: = 1) Those from the heavens and skies
2) Angels
3) All the armies of heaven
4) The sun
5) The moon
6) The stars
7) The clouds and vapors
8) Every created thing
9) From the ocean depths
10) Fire
11) Hail
12) Snow
13) Storms
14) Wind
15) Weather
16) Mountains
17) Hills
18) Fruit trees
19) Cedars
20) Wild animals
21) Livestock
22) Reptiles
23) Birds
24) Kings of the earth
25) All people
26) Rulers
27) Judges
28) Young men
29) Young women
30) Old men
31) Children
Q. Where should we sing to God? A. Psalm 149:1 = In the assembly of the faithful.
Note: Go to church!
Q. How do we praise God? A. Psalm 149:3 = Dancing with a tambourine and harp.
Q. Where else should we sing to God? A. Psalm 149:5 = While laying on our beds.
Q. Where else should we sing to God? A. Psalm 149:6 = In the battlefield, a sharp sword in our hands, while executing vengeance on the nations and punishment on the pagan peoples, while binding their kings with shackles and their leaders with iron chains, while executing judgment written against them.
Q. Doing battle for God means what? A. Psalm 149:9 = Doing battle for God is the glory of His faithful ones.
Q. How else can we worship? A. Psalm 150:3 = Trumpet blast, lyre and harp, stringed instruments, flutes, cymbals clashing.
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