Psalms 1 - 50 Questions and Answers
Q. What does "Psalms" mean in Hebrew? A. Praises
Q. What were the Psalms used for in ancient times? A. (from notes) Psalms were used in the Temple sanctuary in Jerusalem as an offering of song to accompany the offering of sacrifices.
Q. How many of the Psalms did David write? A. (from notes) About half of them.
Q. Is there any order to the Psalms? A. (from notes) Yes. The Psalms are five groups of books, following the analogy of the five books of the Law of Moses.
Q. What brings about joy? A. Psalms 1:2 = 1) Delighting in doing everything the Lord wants, day and night
2) thinking about God's word
3) avoiding bad advice
4) avoiding bad friendships
5) avoiding bad attitudes.
Q. Is there reward for taking this advice? A. Psalms 1:3 = Yes. Good fruit happens.
Q. How? A. Psalm 1:3 = You become saturated with God and His word and so prosper.
Q. What else happens to godly people? A. Psalm 1:6 = God watches out for you.
Q. Will we ever be rid of sinners who hurt us? A. Psalm 1:5 = Yes. Judgment Day is coming and we'll finally be at peace.
Q. Is it possible to sleep soundly with enemies multiplying all around us? A. Psalm 3:6 = Yes. Even with 10,000 blood-thirsty enemies around us, they cannot harm us unless God gives the word. Enemies have to obey God!
Q. What does God think about anger? A. Psalm 4:4 = Be slow to get angry -- sleep on what triggered your anger and remain silent. Pray and trust in God to work it out.
Note: Venting anger harms relationships. Better to pray until the emotion passes.
Q. Is God's joy greater than winning the lottery? A. Psalm 4:7 = Yes!
Q. Who watches over us so we can sleep well? A. Psalm 4:8 = God does.
Q. When we get lost, can we ask God for directions? A. Psalm 5:8 = Yes!
Q. Did David ever get depressed? A. Psalm 6:6-7 = Yes. David prayed until his depression lifted.
Q. How does one stop being depressed? A. Psalm 6:8 = Get rid of negative friendships and tell the spirit of depression to leave. Declare that God has heard you crying and put your torment back on the enemy. When you do, the problem lifts because you named it (depression) and thereby took its power away. Whe you're in depression, it is like a fierce lion upon you. When you speak to it confrontively, it becomes like a kitten.
Q. Did David have a firm grasp on God as Deliverer? A. Psalm 7:1-2 = Yes. David knew his only hope of rescue from King Saul was divine intervention.
Q. How did David see his own honor? A. Psalm 7:3-4 = As not worth a dime if he practiced hurting people in any way. He felt that he deserved to die violently if he hurt people without cause.
Q. Did David understand the mighty power of God? A. Psalm 7:6-9 = Yes. David knew that God is far above all kings in power.
Q. Is God passive toward the wicked? A. Psalm 7:11 = No. God is angry with the wicked every day.
Q. Does God want to kill the wicked? A. Psalm 7:12 = No. God wants the wicked to repent.
Note: How important it is to believe that God desires every person's repentence. Canyou visualize the most evil person you know falling to his or her knees in repentence toward Father God? If you can get to that point, you will also have learned to love your enemies. "God is not willing that any should perish..."
Q. Does God intervene in wicked plans? A. Psalm 7:14-16 = Yes. God thwarts evil plans and is continually intervening and saving mankind. Even the wicked is saved by God!
Q. What happens when children and nursing infants give God praise? A. Psalm 8:2 = Our enemies are silenced.
Q. What is one great truth about life? A. Psalm 8:3-8 = God created everything, then put us humans in charge of running the show.
Q. What happens to us as a result of grasping this truth? A. Psalm 9:1 = Our attitudes turn to thankfulness, we're filled with joy because of God and we're filled with singing praises to God.
Q. If we seek for God, will He turn some of us away? A. Psalm 9:10 = Never!
Q. What sign is there that a nation has abandoned God? A. Psalm 9:17-18 = They crush the needy.
Q. Did David ever get tired of rebellious attitudes of other nations? A. Psalm 9:19-20 = Yes. David knew that only God could reveal the nations' inferior power in comparison to God.
Q. Is it a fact that God sometimes just seems far away, even in desparate times? A. Psalm 10:1-4 = Yes. Evil ones seem to prosper while good people suffer at their hands.
Q. What is actually happening? A. Psalms 10:5-13 = Delayed punishment. God's timing for their punishment is perfect.
Q. What helps us undure through this arrogant time of wicked people? A. Psalm 10:14 = Knowing that God does see it and will act in His own time. God takes notes! We need to trust God and keep asking for deliverance from evil, until He delivers.
Q. Should we pray in detail? A. Psalm 10:15 = Yes. David prayed for reversal of fortune. That God would, in detail, make the evil the enemy did happen to them.
Q. Did David understand God's rescuing and caring role of the poorest people? A. Psalm 10:18 = Yes. David prayed on their behalf.
Note: We should pray for those too weary to pray for themselves. Our faith in God is enough for God to deliver them.
Q. Some say that if you are living right, bad things won't happen to you. Is this true? A. Psalm 11:2 = No. Evil people attack good people from the shadows.
Note: Pray for deliverance! If only good things happened to good people, we have no need for God's help and do not grow in faith. Only those who have been delivered grow!
Q. What should we always remember? A. Psalm 11:4 = 1). God still rules from heaven
2) God is watching closely, examing everyone on earth
3) God hates everyone who practices violence.
Q. What is heavenly punishment like? A. Psalm 11:6 = Raining down blazing coals from heaven on the wicked, burning sulfur and scorching winds.
Q. Will God's people ever see His face? A. Psalm 11:7 = Yes!
Q. Has God promised to rescue His own? A. Psalm 12:5 = Yes. God rises up in due time.
Q. How did David deal with his own oppression? A. Psalm 13:1-6 = David laid out his complaint to God, then declared God's promises to deliver him. He also remembered God's delivering him in the past.
Note: Believe God for his simple promises to watch over us in every circumstance.
Q. How far gone is a person who denies the existence of God? A. Psalm 14:1 = He'd have to be a fool!
Q. What does God want from us? A. Psalm 14:2 = 1) That we would spend our lives seeking after Him.
Q. What if we don't? Do we stay neutral? A. Psalm 14:3 = No. If we are not seeking God, we are turning away from Him.
Q. What follows? A. Psalm 14:3 = We become corrupt, unable to do good.
Q. What are characteristics of evil persons? A. Psalm 14:4-5 = 1) They wouldn't even think to pray to the Lord
2) Terror grips them.
Q. Why does terror grip evil people? A. Psalm 14:5 = Because they become afraid of God's people when they realize God is with them.
Q. Why can't God's people carry out their plans sometimes? A. Psalm 14:6 = Because the wicked frustrate their plans.
Q. Even so, what should our response to delay be? A. Psalm 14:6 = Declare that the Lord will protect His people.
Q. Did David understand that life is eternal? A. Psalm 14:7 = Yes.
Q. What is a godly person like? A. Psalm 15 = 1) Blameless
2) A doer of right
3) Truthful
4) Sincere in heart
5) An avoider of slander
6) One who does no harm to neighbors
7) One who speaks no evil of his friends
8) One who Despises persistent sinners
9) One who honors faithful followers of the Lord
10) One who lends money with no interest
12) One who accepts no bribes to testify against the innocent.
Q. Where is the safest place to be when in trouble? A. Psalm 16:1 = With God.
Q. Who are true heroes? A. Psalm 16:3 = Godly people.
Q. Is it okay to admire them? A. Psalm 16:3 = Yes.
Q. Where does idol worship lead? A. Psalm 16:4 = To sorrow.
Q. Is it okay to participate in an idol worshipper's empty sacrifices? A. Psalm 16:4 = No. It is evil to even speak the names of false gods.
Q. How should we view God? A. Psalm 16:5 = 1) As our sole inheritance
2) As our cup of blessing
3) As our guardian
4) As our Giver of all things
5) That all of it is wonderful!
Q. How does God guide us sometimes? A. Psalm 16:7 = As we sleep, He speaks to our hearts.
Q. How do we know we cannot be shaken up too badly? A. Psalm 16:8 = Knowing God is right beside us!
Q. What happens to us when we remember that? A. Psalm 16:9 = 1) We have hearts filled with joy
2) Mouths filled with praise
3) Peace and rest.
Q. What was vividly clear to David about the end of life? A. Pslam 16:10-11 = God would never allow His people to rot in the grave, but will show the way of life and into His presence at last.
Q. How can one guard his words? A. Psalm 17:3 = Determine not to sin in what you say.
Note: Keep your eyes on Jesus and you will be able to guard your mouth too.
Q. How do we keep from straying away from God? A. Psalm 17:4 = Learn God's Word and follow His commands.
Note: God's Word shows us what evil looks like so we can avoid it.
Q. What is one way to describe walking close with God? A. Psalm 17:5 = Staying on God's path, not turning aside from it.
Q. How did David see God as he prayed to Him? A. Psalm 17:6 = As bending down to listen to him!
Q. Did David always ask specifically for a kind of deliverance? A. Psalm 17:7 = No. David asked God to show him His unfailing love in wonderful ways.
Note: Sometimes you don't have words for what needs to happen in a given situation. Get enthusiastic about deliverance in new ways you cannot even imagine!
Q. Does God exert His strength in deliverance of His people? A. Psalm 17:7 = Yes.
Q. Did David see God a having wings? A. Psalm 17:8 = Yes. And able to hide him in the shadow of those wings!
Q. What did David expect after death? A. Psalm 17:15 = To see God face to face.
Q. Has God given us the capacity to love Him as a person? A. Psalm 18:1 = Yes!
Q. How can we learn to love God? A. Psalm 18:1-3 = When we are in trouble, ask for His deliverance and w2atch and see what God does to do it. Love comes out of it.
Q. Can we begin to grasp an understanding of what it is like to be delivered by God? A. Psalm 18:7-16 = Oh yes! Pictured here is a major deliverance:
1) Earthquake from God's anger
2) smoke pouring from God's nostrils
3) fierce flames leaping from His mouth
4) glowing coals flaming forth from God
5) Opening of the hevens
6) God coming down
7) dark storm clouds beneath His feet
8) He is mounted on a mighty angel
9) God flew
10) soaring on the wings of the wind
11) God is shroudewd in darkness
12) veiling His approach with dense rain clouds
13) God's brilliant presence breaking through the clouds
14) Raining down hail
15) burning coals
16) God thundering from heaven
17) God giving a mighty shout
18) shooting His arrows
19) scattering His enemies
20) God's lightning flashing
21) which confuses the enemy
22) blasting His breath to part the sea
23) reaching down from heven to rescue him {David}
24) drawing David out of deep waters
Q. If we are strong enough, can we defend ourselves? A. Psalm 18:17 = No. We need God's strength.
Q. Why does God rescue His own? A. Psalm 18:19 = 1) Because He delights in us
2) He rewards us for doing right
3) He compensates for our innocence
4) Because we obey His commandments
5) Because we keep our eyes on God.
Q. How do we keep our eyes up? A. Psalm 18:22 = By putting God's Word always and constantly before us.
Q. Are God's commands principles to live by? A. Psalm 18:22 = Yes.
Q. Is it easy to avoid sin? A. Psalm 18:23 = No. We have to keep ourselves from it. Choices betweeen good and evil are always there to be decided.
Q. Who is able to bring light to those in deep darkness? A. Psalm 18:28 = God does.
Q. How? A. Psalm 18:29 = We are granted God's strength.
Q. How much is granted? A. Psalm 18:29 = Enough to crush an army or scale a wall!
Q. Why should we believe God? A. Psalm 18:30 = All His promises prove true.
Q. Who does God guard? A. Psalm 18:30 = All who ask.
Q. Who triggers our adrenalin rush to get to safety? A. Psalm 18:33 = God does!
Note: I managed to outrun lightning with a heavy load on my back. I literally ran down a steep mountain carrying a huge backpack and an inflatable 3-man boat with oars. It took 4 hours to get up that hill and 45 minutes to get back to camp!
Q. What made David great? A. Psalm 18:35 = God's gentleness!
Q. Is the Christian path narrow and difficult to keep on? A. Psalm 18:36 = Not at all. It is wide in order to keep us from slipping.
Q. Who makes our enemies run from us? A. Psalm 18:40 = God does.
Q. What happens when evil people cry to God for help? A. Psalm 18:41 = If they are oppressing God's people, God ignores them.
Q. How can we be sure that a single, glorious Being exists and loves us in uncomprehending ways? A. Psalm 19:1 = The heavens tell of the glory of God. The skies display God's marvelous craftsmanship!
Q. Should that one look at the skies and heavens be enough proof for us? A. Psalm 19:2 = No! Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make God known.
Q. How do the skies and heavens speak? A. Psalm 19:3 = Without words or a sound; silently their message has gone out to all the earth; their words to all the world.
Q. How does the sun stay put in our galaxy? A. Psalm 19:4 = God placed it there.
Note: A million earths can fit into the sun!
Q. Why is it so important to bask in God's Bible? A. Psalm 19:7 = 1) The bible is the only perfect thing we have
2) The bible revives the soul. Nothing else can!
Note: Whatever circumstances touch you, Christian, blessing or trial, no matter how up or down you feel today, bask in God's word and keep your soul in good conditin so you will be available for whatever God will bring your way.
Q. What if I don't feel smart enough? The bible is huge! A. Psalm 19:7 = The Bible makes the simplest minds wise! Trust God about it!
Q. But aren't trying to keep commandments a huge burden? A.Psalm 19:8 = No! They represent the right way to live successfully and brings joy to the heart.
Q. Are those commandments hard to understand? A. Psalm 19:8 = No. They are very clear.
Q. What exactly do we get in return? A. Psalm 19:8 = Insight to life.
Note: Never rush through God's Word! Take one thought or scene and ask God for insight. How does it apply to your life? How have you seen it worked out for good in your life or in the life of another? Or what were the consequences of doing the opposite?
Q. This reverence for God that I have: Does it have a purpose in the foreverworld? A. Psalm 19:9 = Yes. It is considered as pure and lasts forever!
Q. Why are there laws of the Lord for us? A. Psalm 19:9 = They represent truth and are totally fair.
Q. Will they do more for us than gold? A. Psalm 19:10 = Ohyes! If our hearts are right, we will desire God's Word more than gold! They are sweeter than honey, and at the same time, a warning to those who hear them.
Q. God's Word warns us of trouble? A. Psalm 19:11 = Yes!
Q. Andif we choose to obey them? A. Psalm 19:11 = We are rewarded greatly!
Note: Not a bribe, not an incentive, but the natural outcome of doing things God's way in keeping His Word.
Q. At the same time we are determined to keep God's commandments, what do we need to be doing? A. Psalm 19:12 = Confessing sins everyday, even those we forget we do, we need to humble ourselves before God and take the time to confess them.
Q. What happens when we confess our sins? A. Psalm 19:12 = God cleanses us!
Q. Not a messenger of God, but God Himself shows up and cleanses us? A. Psalm 19:12 = Yes!
Q. Who can help us to not sin deliberately? A. Psalm 19:13 = God Himself!
Q. What do deliberate sins do to us? A. Psalm 19:13 = Deliberate sins control us.
Note: God asks us to keep His commands, offers us great reward for knowing His Word and it is all up to us to choose to do right. We have to deal with the bombardment of sin, either from hell or from our selfish natures, and God helps us to not sin and also cleanses us, keeping us free, to live a rewarding and full life, in which we are compelled to be in reverent awe of God and that is forever. Add in a multitude of bad or good circumstances we are facing today and you have the ingredients for a life recipe that is rich and fulfilling, and where we are able to rise above it all. Look here again! This is living in God's perspective!
Q. Should we speak blessings on ourselves? A. Psalm 19:14 = Yes. David spoke a blessing over his mouth and heart, that they would please God.
Note: The tongue is a fire, as Paul stated in the New Testament. Speak a blessing over it and quench the flame every day. The thougts of the heart are affected by the input we absorb. Bless your heart too! Do your part in controlling the input. Be responsible for your input!
Q. What is an example of a good blessing to speak over oneself and others? A. Psalm 20:1-5 = 1) That God would hear our cries in times of trouble
2) That God would keep us safe from all harm
3) That God would send help from heaven
4) and strength from heaven
5) that we would remember our gifts
6) that God would look favorably on our offerings
7) That God would grant our hearts' desires
8) That God would fulfill all our plans
9) that all would rejoice at our victories
10) that all would fly banners to honor God for our victories
11) that God would answer all our prayers.
Q. So flying banners is biblical? A. Psalm 20:5 = Yes! We fly them in church today to honor our God. Some churches even provide them at their entrances for their attenders to use in worship!
Q. What did David learn about God through his troubles? A. Psalm 20:6 = God saves His own, will intervene from heaven, and rescue with power!
Q. What is the difference between pagan and godly nations? A. Psalm 20:7 = They all have weapons, but only godly nations know that, ultimately, God rescues. They declare it to be so in war!
Q. Is it true that the sheer size of the enemy makes no difference to God? A. Psalm 20:8 = Yes! They all will fall down and collapse!
Q. How should a king rejoice? A. Psalm 21:1-7 = In God's strength. All his joy should be redirected to God, all credit be given to God.
Q. When in trouble, what is important to keep in mind? A. Psalm 22: 1) God is still the same
2) Keep praying!
3) Remember God's p[ast rescues of youand your family
4) Talk to God in detail about your pain and suffering
5) When God finally rescues you, declare it openly
6) Declare God's truths.
Q. What are truths to remember in suffering? A. Psalm 22:23 = 1) Praise God
2) Fear God
3) Honor God
4) Show God reverence
5) God does not ignore suffering
6) God listens to cries for help
7) Fellowship
8) One day the whole world will acknowledge God
9) God rules all the nations
10) God will never be forgotten.
Q. Is God a Shepherd? A. Psalm 23:1 = Yes. We all are sheep!
Q. God continually guides His sheep? A. Psalm 23:3 = Yes.
Q. Who renews strength? A.Psalm 23:2 = God does.
Q. Why is God enthusiastic to guide us? A. Psalm 23:3 = When we are at that place where we let God guide us, we bring honor to His name.
Q. Where is God? A. Psalm 23:4 = Close beside each of us!
Q. How does God see us? A.Psalm 23:5 = God prepares a feast for us, we are welcomed as His guests, anointing our heads with oil. He overflows our cups with blessings! He loves to pour His goodness and unfailing love into our lives till we die, and then invites us to live in His house forever.
Q. Do all people belong to God? A. Psalm 24:1 = Yes. God created them.
Q. Can anyone approach God? A. Psalm 24:3-4 = No. Only those with a right heart toward Him. God knows if we have that right heart!
Q. David was a mighty warrior, especially after assuming the throne. What was the victory ride back home after battle like for David? A. Psalm 24:7-10 = When the Israelites opened the gates for David, they were really opening up to God, who won the battle for them.
Note: Imagine that! When God does miracles through you, imagine it is He who receives the honor.
Q. What is the outcome of someone who deceives? A. Psalm 25:3 = Disgrace and embarrassment.
Note: When Abraham lied about Sarah not being his wife, he decived. Why? Because he feared the unknown. He was disgraced because God told the actual truth of Abraham's lie to the one he lied to in a dream.
Q. What should one do when tempted to deceive? A. Psalm 25:3 = Trust in God while telling the truth in every (uncomfortable) circumstance.
Q. Then what? A. Psalm 25:4-6 = Ask God to show you the right path.
Q. How will I know His voice? A. Psalm 25:5 = Read the Bible. It is there to teach you to hear God's voice. The Bible is pure truth.
Q. Should we put our hope in God only in desparate times? A. Psalm 25:5 = No. All the day long!
Q. What brings hope or that attitude of hope? A. Psalm 25:6 = Reading and knowing God's record of His continual salvation of those He loves.
Q. Does God first take into account our record of faith in Him? A. Psalm 25:7 = No! God forgives always and looks through the eyes of His unfailing love.
Q. Why? A. Psalm 25:7 = God is merciful (and He plays no games with us!)
Note: So different than gods of mythology, God always has our best in mind, even when we don't have the best in mind for God.
Q. Why? A. Psalm 25:8 = The Lord is good and does what is right.
Q. What is right? How do we know this? A. Psalm 25:8 = God shows the proper path to those who go astray.
Q. But who can understand God's lead? A. Psalm 25:9 = Anyone who humbles himself before God. God teaches and leads with unfailing love and faithfulness.
Q. Who is a humble person? A. Psalm 25:10 = The one who keep His covenant of love and obeys His decrees.
Note: Humble means not caring what I think and caring passionately for what God thinks in everything.
Q. Why does God put up with my many shortcomings and sins? A. Psalm 25:11 = For the honor of His name.
Q. What does it mean to fear the Lord? A. Psalm 25:12-14 = 1) To love God
2) to let God guide me, I am fearing the Lord
3) to be blessed with prosperity, I am fearing the Lord
4) to have godly children, I am fearing the Lord
5) to have His friendship, I am fearing the Lord
6) to have God reveal the secrets of His covenant, I am fearing the Lord
7) to have eyes that always look up to Him for help, I am fearing the Lord
8) that I see God is my sole rescuer, I am fearing the Lord.
Q. So fearing God is a way of life that touches every area I experience? A. Psalm 25:12 = Yes!
Q. What about those traps of the enemy? A. Psalm 25:15 = Always, only God rescues.
Note: God is behind every firetruck, ambulance, surgeon's knife, police force, hospital, and is the only Rescuer there is. God guides and calls all the shots. Nothing happens outside of what God decides. Spend a day and ponder every rescue situation. Imagine the truth of God being there. Be content for the outcome. God knows what is best for each of us. Hallelujah!
Q. What about our distress? I feel so alone when in trouble, whether emotionally, mentally or physically. What can I possibly do at those dark moments? A. Psalm 25:16 = Cry out to God and trust Him to save me -- until He does -- however long that takes.
Q. Does God feel my pain? A. Psalm 25:18 = Yes!
Q. Does God know intimately my troubles and/or dilemmas? A. Psalm 25:18 = Yes!
Q. And in this state, does God ever consider my sin history? A. Psalm 25:18 = Never!
Q. Does God zero in on how viciously I am hated? A. Psalm 25:19 = Yes! And no matter what, don't use deception (which brings disgrace), and instead, declare to God that you trust Him to rescue you.
Q. Why should I keep my integrity and honesty fresh in my life? A. Psalm 25:21 = Integrity and honesty protects me!
Q. How? A. Psalm 25:21 = When I practice integrity and honesty, I put my hope in God. In other words, if I don't have the assurance that God is near and loves me beyond imagination, there is no reason to practice integrity and honesty, which are obediences to God. See how I can function properly? Nobody can steal my faith and it alone saves me from every evil thing. (..."faith, hope and love... but the greatest of these is love")
Q. What else should I pray for? A. Psalm 25:22 = Salvation of my nation, God's intervention in every detail of its makeup.
Q. What can my trust in God turn into sometimes? A. Psalm 26:1 = Wavering under fire.
Q. Why do tribulations come? A. Psalm 26:2 = To test my motives and affections.
Note: My faith should not be affected by my trials. Praise God, rising above the trials and thank Him that He is higher than anything that can touch me.
Q. What are those things that can trip me up? A. Psalm 26:4 = 1) Becoming friends with liars
2) Going along with hypocrasy
3) Joining in large gatherings of those who do evil
4) Joining in with the wicked.
Q. What symbol of righteousness can I do to declare my loyalty to God? A. Psalm 26:6 = Washing my hands
Note: When feeling inundated with evildoers, this act can zap me back, especially of I use cold water! Can you think of another way to publicly declare to God your loyalty?
Q. What else is good to do? A. Psalm 26:7 = Go to church, sing, give thanks, praise God, declare His miracles.
Q. What attitude is right about the use of God's sanctuary? A. Psalm 26:8 = We shoudl love it!
Q. Why? A. Psalm 26:8 = It is where God's glory shines!
Q. When facing adversity, and we know it isn't the result of our own folly, we can do one of two things: Complain loudly ("Hey, why is this thing happening to me?") or take a stand and praise God publicly. What is God's way? A. Psalm 26:12 = Praise God publicly!
Note: Not for the problem, but that God is higher than the problem. This is rising above your circumstances and acknowledging God, giving thanks in everything (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
Q. Can we talk ourselves down from the state of emotional chaos? A. Psalm 27:1 = Yes. We remember God is our light and salvation, so why should we be afraid? God protects us from danger, so why should we tremble? God grants such pece of mind in the midst of trouble. That is why Paul, chained to a guard in a filthy prison, praised God. (Read Phillipians).
Q. What replaces fear? A. Psalm 27:3 = Confidence in God replaces fear.
Q. Are you claiming that even if an army surrounds me, I have the power within me NOT to tremble? A. Psalm 27:2-3 = Yes!
Q. What words of comfort could possibly help me at a time like that? A. Psalm 27:4-6 = The worst thing that can happen to me is death, which is also the best thing that can happen to me. I get to be with God forever, no enemies, just spending eternity with God and praising Him forever.
Q. Does God want my friendship? A. Psalm 27:8 = Yes. My heart hears God's voice. It responds to God, "Lord, I am coming."
Q. Is it okay to tell God that I feel He's abandoned me sometimes? A. Psalm 27:9 = Yes. But expressing that feeling also reminds me that God is still here and that He doesn't act like me. We all abandon each other. God does not abandon any of His own!
Q. Where is God, even when people abandon me? A. Psalm 27:10 = Holding me close!
Q. Even when I can't feel God's presence, He is holding me close? A. Psalm 27:10 = Yes!
Q. What is the best way to deal with enemies who just wait for an opportunity to attack us? A. Psalm 27:11 = Honestly, asking God for guidance.
Q. What does an enemy do, besides physically assault us? A. Psalm 27:12 = An enemy will accuse us of evil, threaten us too.
Q. Did David ask specifically for God to respond to this evil? A. Psalm 27:13 = Yes. David asked God to show His goodness in it.
Q. Did David resolve to a certain behavior in the meantime? A. Psalm 27:14 = Yes. David would wait patiently and be brave and courageous.
Note: Don't hide under the covers! Thisis the time to read the Psalms and pray for patience and courage! God will grant them to you, just because you asked!
Q. What other behaviors do enemies use against us? A. Psalm 28:3 = They pretend to be our friends, while planning evil in their hearts.
Note: Ever have a friend who used you? You found out long after and it was hard to believe, wasn't it? Only God can save us from enemies because He can read the thoughts and motives of men (see Romans in the New Testament). Sometimes we lose friends before finding out they were never friends. That is God at work! Hallelujah! Don't be afraid to kick them out of your inner circle of friends or to sever bonds with people who stunt your spiritual growth. We don't have time to waste with their dragging us down with complaints and whining at us. They need to go to God, like the rest of us. Only God can restore them. Always pray for them. Find yourself Christian friends who love to seek after God in everything. They will encourage you and you will be a delight to have as a friend. Have available an inner circle of good friends and make sure lesser ones stay on the outside of it!
Q. Will God take care of our troubles? A. Psalm 28:4-5 = Yes! God will punish your enemies!
Q. What is so good about seeing God finally deliver us? A. Psalm 28:7 = Our hearts are filled with joy and we burst out in thanksgiving!Kbr> Note: Always know it is God who delivers. Don't ignore this fact or you will miss all that joy and thanksgiving that God's deliverance brings!
Q. How does God see Israel? A. Psalm 28:9 = God is Shepherd, Israel is His sheep, which He carries in His arms forever.
Q. Even when we see that we are alone on the earth in praising God, what is really going on? A. Psalm 29:1 = Angels are giving honor to the Lord for His glory and strength!
Q. What priveledge do angels enjoy that we do not as yet? A. Psalm 29:2 = Angels worship the Lord in the splendor of His holiness! They are right there, visibly, with God!
Q. Where does thunder really come from? A. Psalm 29:3 = God's voice!
Q. What are lightning bolts really? A. Psalm 29:7 = The voice of the Lord striking.
Q. How powerful are these God-voice lightning bolts? A. Psalm 29:9 = They twist trees!
Q. I've heard preachersget all excited over God's power. They shout, "glory!" Is this biblical? A. Psalm 29:9 = Yes! Everyone shouted "Glory!"
Q. Even though Israel asked for a king, David was the 2nd king. How did David see his royal place? A. Psalm 29:10-11 = David saw God as king and giver of strength and peace.
Note: Do you see God as your hero? No matter what you accomplish, God has done it. Let your contentment be in Him. And enjoy the victory!
Q. Is God passionate to save us? A. Psalm 30:1 = Yes! God refuses to let our enemies triumph over us.
Q. Who is the ultimate physician? A. Psalm 30:2 = God is. He restores health.
Q. Is it okay to ask God for physical healing? A. Psalm 30:2-3 = Yes!
Q. Why should we surround ourselves with godly friends? A. Psalm 30:4 = When you feel like praising God, they'll join in! Non-believers would mock you or just stare ignorantly at you in their blindness.
Q. Shouldn't we be afraid of God? A. Psalm 30:5 = Afraid is not the same as fear of God. God's anger lasts only a moment, but His favor lasts forever. At our worst foolishness, He doesn't kill us, but we do feel His disappointment, which goes away as we repent and we are overwhelmed by His love.
Q. What false hope do riches bring? A. Psalm 30:6 = A false sense of security. You feel great and let your guard down. But only God brings true security. Too bad we can't feel that great about being in God's hands. The irony is that we would feel secure if we could just remember God protects us every day!
Q. But riches bring material security. Is it okay to enjoy that? A. Psalm 30:7 = Yes. So long as we don't forget God!
Q. What happens when we enjoy riches to the point where we forget God in our daily walk? A. Psalm 30:7 = If the riches go, we're lost because we forget how to be in God's presence.
Q. What is a good reason to pray against threat of death? A. Psalm 30:8-9 = Because we can't praise God and tell the world of His wonders and love if we're dead!
Q. Is there ever a point in a person's life where he's able to call upon God because he has reached a plateau of righteousness? A. Psalm 30:10 = No. Our attitude must be one of going to God for help, based on His mercy for us. God always will help based on His mercy for us. Isn't that comforting? No one is more righteous in approaching God's throne than anyone else. Our relationship with God is based solely onb His mercy.
Q. So a convict can call on God and God will answer him just as quickly as one whose life has always been one of seeking after God? A. Psalm 30:10 = Yes! Because our relationship with God is not based on what we do. If the convict repents, God loves him all the more! How sweet it is for God to hear anyone call on Him for help!
Q. What brings awesome joy to a person? A. Psalm 30:11 = Recognizing that we set a trap for ourselves in which we were snared -- asking God to deliver us, then recognizing His deliverance. An exchange happens.
Q. What is that? A. Psalm 30:11=12 = Negative for Positive change:
1) Mourning is exchanged for joyful dancing
2) Clothes of mourning is exchanged for clothes of joy
3) Silence is exchanged for praises to God
4) Silence is exchanged for thanksgiving.
Q. Is this why God delivers us? A. Psalm 30:12 = Yes!
Q. Can we be confident that God protects us when we ask for protection? A. Psalm 31:1 = Yes!
Q. Why? A. Psalm 31:1 = Because God always does what is right.
Q. Why? A. Psalm 31:3 = For the honor of His name.
Q. How is one overcome with joy? A. Psalm 31:7 = Because of God's unfailing love.
Q. How does God show us unfailing love? A. Psalm 31:6 = 1) God sees our troubles
2) God cares about the anguish of our souls
3) He protects us from our enemies
4) He provides a safe place for us.
Note: If we will attune ourselves to God, we will see Him work in all things. When you realize how intimately involved God is in each of our lives, it will overwhelm us!
Q. What were feelings of depression like for David? A. Psalm 31:9 = 1) Distress
2) constant crying
3) body and soul felt like they withered away
4) dying from grief 5) and sadness
6) misery took his stength away
7) wasting away from within
8) physical appearance scared friends and neighbors away
9) feeling like enemies scorned him
10) feeling ignored as if he were dead or useess alive
11) hearing rumors about himself
12) surrounded by terror
13) hearing conspiracies to take his life.
Q. But David's enemies were a reality and he did have a problem to face, didn't he? A. Psalm 31 = Yes. He told God how it affected him and then remembered to claim God's faithfulness to save him.
Q. How do we know he did this? A. Psalm 31:14 = David made his resolution right after laying down his problem before God.
Q. What does David teach us here about the human experience? A. Psalm 31:9-13 = To face our problems, name our feelings about the effects of our problems on us before God. Then claim God's promises to deliver us (v.14-16; 19-21; 23-24) based on God's perfect track record. Have faith! Know that if God did it for them, He will do it for you. That is why we have His Word!
Q. We can trust God because He always has delivered us in the past? A. Yes!
Q. Is it necessary to declare allegiance to God? A. Psalm 31:14 = Yes!
Q. Why should we not worry for tomorrow? A. Psalm 31:15 = Because our futures are in God's hands.
Q. What problems do non-believers bring to believers? A. Psalm 31:17-18 = Disgrace and lying lips that accuse the godly.
Q. Is this a good reason to make sure your closest friends are godly ones? A. Yes!
Q. Is this a good reason not to marry a non-believer? A. Yes!
Note: Sometimes non-believers dislike us for no apparent reason, except that something about us makes them uncomfortable. That feeling they get is conviction of sin. You reflect God, who can't come near sin. When they get saved, the conviction is replaced by joy!
Thought: God desires that we honor Him. That means we reflect Him in every way. Ask yourself often if you reflect God so that He remains honored by us through our lives. Jesus said if we love each other, the world will see and want God. Is that so hard? The simple obediences are the ones that trip us up (Psalm 31:19).
Q. If someone talks bad about me, what should I remember? A. Psalm 31:20 = God shelters and protects me from lying and accusing tongues -- He keeps me far from them!
Q. What is one thing fear does when we are in trouble? A. Psalm 31:22 = Panic happens.
Q. What does panic say? A. Psalm 31:22 = "I have been cut off from the Lord!"
Q. Does God understand our panic and answer anyway? A. Psalm 31:22 = Yes!
Q. What does it mean to be faithful? A. Psalm 31:23 = Decide to be faithful to God. Be loyal. Decide to be strong and courageous in God.
Q. What is the opposite of loyalty to God? A. Psalm 31:23 = Arrogance. Self-sufficiency - you have nothing to lose being loyal to God. Arrogance brings emotional loneliness. God works through things close by you. Be faithful to God in local circumstances -- don't ignore anything or the circumstances right in front of you. Be content to meet and minister to the lost right where you are.
Q. Is the reason that the Christian is happy a result of the fact that he doesn't sin anymore? A. Psalm 32:1 = No. Hisjoy comes from knowing that he is totally forgiven of sin.
Q. Should he bother with avoiding sin since forgiveness comes anyway? A. Psalm 32:2 = No. Joy continues from living an honest life.
Q. What if I refuse to confess my sin? A. Psalm 32:3 = I get weak and am miserable, groaning all day long.
Note: Sin sounds like a hard path to follow (32:10)!
Q. God cares about my well-being and understands my pain that my sin causes. Does He try to reach us at this time or does He ignore us and walk away until we return? A. Psalm 32:4 = God disciplines us heavily until we return. God's discipline is nothing like the pain we bring on ourselves. That is why "His rod and His staff, they comfort me." He knows that if He doesn't intervene, we will destroy ourselves.
Q. What does God's discipline feel like sometimes? A. Psalm 32:4 = We have no strength.
Q. And sin is a willful wrong choice every time? A. Psalm 32:5 = Yes.
Q. And we deliberately try to hide it? A. Psalm 32:5 = Yes.
Q. How do we get out of the messes we make? A. Psalm 32:3 = We confess, come out into the open and tell God we blew it. We rebelled. We're sorry.
Q. How long does God wait to forgive us? A. Psalm 32:3 = He doesn't wait! Forgiveness is immediate.
Q. How do we know we've confessed properly? A. Psalm 32:3 = All our guilt is gone!
Q. Immediately? A. Psalm 32:3 = Yes! Even David was surprised at that!
Q. Why would David be surprised at God's immediate forgiveness? A. Because hell screamed UNWORTHY! at him. We have to tell the devil off and believe what God has said i His word. "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Cleansing Stream will teach you how to incorporate this truth into your life. You can and will silence the devil and discover what a blessing exercising humility is!
Q. Some people say that as Christians, we don't sin anymore. My gut says that thisis a lie. If we have no sin, we need not confess it either, which stunts our growth in a thousand ways. What does God say? A. Psalm 32:6 = "Therefore, let all the godly confess their rebellion to You [God] while there is time, that they may not drown in the floodwaters of judgment."
Q. Can we adequately protect ourselves from harm? A. Psalm 32:7 = No. God does that.
Q. When I am afraid, what can I do to calm down? A. Psalm 32:7 = Sing songs of victory while knowing you rest in God's protective awrms. Even if you don't feel like it!
Q. God guided the Israelites out of Egypt and in the wilderness, using a pillar of light by night and a cloud by day. Does God still guide His people? A. Psalm 32:8 = Yes. God will guide us along the best pathway for our lives, advising as He watches over su -- if we let Him!
Q. People say that would be easy enough if we could see God doing that. But what really keeps people from letting God show them what they are born for? A. Psalm 32:9 = Stubbornness; a lack of sense.
Q. Why do we rebel? A. 1)We want to try new and strange things that have a certain appeal
2) God's way looks like it would be the opposite of our desires
3) wanting to look good before the world
4) addictions
5) familiarity withthe old ways
6) the devil telling us continually that it's too late to start again (when every day is new for all of us!)
7) wrong understanding of the fear of God.
Q. So we bring sorrow to ourselves because we don't stop, confess and repent of any or all of the rebellious acts mentioned here. How do I begin to change that? A. Psalm 32:10 = Trust the Lord. His love is unfailing.
Q. My will is at the root of this problem of stunted growth, isn't it? A.Psalm 32:10-11 = Yes. Say I will. I will trust God, I will rejoice inthe Lord, I will be glad abut His love and forgiveness, I will obey Him, I will shout my joy.
Q. What happens when I do this? A. Psalm 32:11 = My heart becomes pure! First, you will it with your head, then your heart follows. This is the only place to be! Consider the above list of what keeps people from repentance: Timewasters, every one. Do you have that kind of time? I don't!
Q. How can I be sure to live a good life? A. Know God's will, know His word. It is quite extensive and holds the keys to every treasure worthy of finding. Your life will fill up completely and you can help others out of their own traps. Go to church, find good friends, feed the poor and love everyone, especially your brother in Christ. The world will follow. We are the only ones with such a capacity for love and friendship. Most everybody wants what we have. Show them the way!
Q. Is singing to God just for those who have a nice singing voice? A. Psalm 33:1 = No way! It is for everyone to do. Just begin! God loves your voice!
Q. Why do we sing to God? A. Psalm 33:1 = Because it is fitting for a believer to sing God's praises.
Note: Why? Because we almost wreck our lives and God makes them better than winning any amount of money or fame. Only a handful of us will be rich or famous, but all believers have heaven's fame before angels and as a result of choosing to love Jesus! That makes me praise God!
Q. Doesn't praise music become redundant after a while? A. Psalm 33:3 = Not if we continually write new songs according to God's work in our daily lives. Praise is also new with every day.
Q. What if I want to play an instrument to praise God, but I have no talent or skills for it? A. Psalm 33:3 = Take lessons. God said to play with skill. Skill is learned.
Q. What is one attribute of God that should be foundational to mny walk with God and in every circumstance? A.Psalm 33:4 = God's Word holds true. Everything He does is worthy of our trust.
Q. What does God love? A. Psalm 33:5 = Whatever is just and true.
Q. Does God's love fall down only on those He loves? A. Psalm 33:5 = No. God's unfailing love fills the earth!
Q. How do we know God loves us? A. Psalm 33:6 = God made everything without effort for us to enjoy. Itis all orderly so that we are safe. The tide, the heavens and stars --- designed for our perfect pleasure. How thankful we should be!
Q. What is a healthy fear of God? A. Psalm 33:8 = Knowing the above truth and standing in awe of God for it.
Q. What else brings a healthy fear of God? A. Psalm 33:9 = Understanding His awesome power and intervention with us. God jump-started the earth! v.10 = God will save us until forever and no one can stop His intended plan for us. Not even our unbelief!
Q. But man has this idea that if God ruled his nation, it would be a bad thing. What is true about an nation who calls on God? A. Psalm 33:12 = Joy comes (not oppression).
Q. Can God keep track of each person on earth? A. Psalm 33:13-14 = Yes! He looks down from heaven and sees the whole human race. He observes us.
Q. But does God understand us? A. Psalm 33:15 = Yes. God made our hearts, so He understands everything we do.
Q. What does God think about our focus on physical strength to win wars? A. Psalm 33:16-18 = Only God wins wars. Count on Him!
Q. Why doesn't God intervene with starving people and oppressed ones too? A. Psalm 33:18-19 = They don't call on Him.
Note: Every person has the built-in capacity to call on God. Few will. Do you really believe God is your salvation? It is enough to keep you from starving and save your land. Do your part -- stay in shape, pray, read your Bible, feed the poor and love all men. Then count on God for your victory in every trial (v.20).
Q. What does God's protection look like? A. Psalm 33:20 = A shield.
Note: I have seen God protect me this way. Especially in the middle of a bombardment of hell, I felt like I was on the other side of bullet-proof glass and no matter how long the bombardment lasted, as soon as I ask for protection, I cease to feel those fiery darts of hell. I lasted a week one time! At another time, God simply shielded me from a car accident. No car came within 50 feet of me on a busy avenue. I was in actual danger, I could see that the danger surrounded me, but the noise had suddenly stopped and I even had time to survey my surroundings. In this case, I was going the wrong way in my car on this street at LAX. I had time to see my error and turn around. But first, I waited; I saw that all traffic stood still and there was total silence. I praised God! After turning the car around, it all resumed to normal LAX chaos. This was in the 70s. In this case, God protected me, though I was oblivious. Isn't that comforting!
Q. What is this protective shield of God's called? A. Psalm 33:22 = God's unfailing love.
Q. What is my heart made for? A. Psalm 33:21 = Rejoicing in God.
Q. When is the proper time to praise God? A. Psalm 34:1 = All times!
Q. What should I do when I feel discouraged? A. Psalm 34:2-3 = Take heart and gather with others, praising God and exalting His name.
Note: Fellowship! Don't let yourself become isolated from other believers. Satan cannot bother you if believers are available to remind yo of God's love when you don't have the strength to remember it on your own.
Q. God's presence in my life changes me, doesn't it? A. Psalm 34:4-10 = Yes. Prayer recognizes God's wonderfulness that changes me. It frees me from my fears, gives me radiant joy, keeps me from shame, I am aware of God's protection in my life and of God's provision. Prayer gives me true perspective and I live rightly.
Q. Does God teach us how to behave better? A. Psalm 34:8 = Yes. God teaches us the fear of the Lord, which keeps our tongues from saying the wrong thing, because we work hard to keep it under control.
Note: Do you know someone who doesn't consider how their words affect lives? How about you? Work hard to boast in God's great works and you will give no time to your tongue for wild talk.
Q. How do I turn away from evil? A. Psalm 34:14 = Start doing good and persist.
Q. Is it easy to maintain peace with people? A. Psalm 34:14 = No! It's hard work!
Note: God will give you creative ways to make peace with people. Just ask!
Q. Does God find other things to do when we are walking rightly? A. Psalm 34:15 = No! He always watches over us and is near to hear our cries for help.
Q. Will we remember the evil people of our lives in heaven? A. Psalm 34:16 = No. God will erase their memory from the earth.
Q. Where is God when my heart is breaking? A. Psalm 34:18 = Right there!
Q. Do righteous people face trouble? A. Psalm 34:19 = Oh yes! But God rescues them from every trouble.
Note: If we have no trouble, God cannot show His saving power and love for us. Nor can we exercise faith and hope in Him. Don't judge your brother because he is in trouble. Hold him up until it passes. It is great testimony to the world, who does the opposite by tearing him down. If God does it for us, we ought to do it for each other. Jesus said if we love one another, the world will believe.
Q. Do people hate believers sometimes? A. Psalm 34:21 = Yes.
Q. Who belongs to God? A. Psalm 34:22 = Those who serve Him; those who trust Him.
Q. What reward awaits those who trust God? A. Psalm 34:22 = Pardon from our sins.
Note: What we do good is remembered. Nobody is perfect, but we can have total forgiveness!
Q. Did David visualize God delivering him from his enemies? A.Psalm 35:1-3 = Yes. David saw God as dressed like a soldier, weapons in hands, telling him that He was David's salvation.
Note: Don't be afraid to visualize God's helping you. At the very least, it will distract you from the problem at hand until deliverance comes!
Q. Does trouble come to me sometimes just because people are evil? A. Psalm 35:7 = Yes.(See also v.11-15).
Note: You can be doing everything God's way. You still live in a world of sinful humanity, who is fickle and forgetful as to who their enemy (Satan) really is. Be alert! Or hell may tempt you successfully to turn on a brother who loves you.
Q. Does God want to prosper all believers? A. Psalm 37:16 = No. Godly, poor people are honorable and He takes care of them too (v.17).
Q. Does God care for the details of my life? A. Psalm 37:23 = Yes!
Q. How close is God to me right now? A. Psalm 37:24 = Holding me by the hand!
Q. What is a Christian counselor like? A. Psalm 37:30-31 = 1) He knows right from wrong
2) He knows God's Word well so he never slips from his path.
Q. What is God's goal for His people? A. Psalm 40:6-8 = That we would obey and love Him, know His Word and have hearts that want Him for all time.
Q. Does God think about me? A. Psalm 40:17 = Yes. Always!
Q. Should we bless those searching for God, but who haven't yet found Him? A. Psalm 40:16 = Yes! May they be filled with joy and gladness!
Q. What do I get for being kind to the poor? A. Psalm 41:1 = Joy!
Q. What benefit is there in being poor? A. Psalm 41:2 = Dependency on God, who rescues, protects, keeps yo alive, prospers, nurses you in sickness, eases the pain and discomfort of sickness.
Note: How do you see the poor?
Q. Is it okay to prepare for the worst regarding someone's illness and speak negatively about it to others? A. Psalm 41:7-8 = No! Speak blessings and healing prayerover anyone in sickness. How much better we can behave as believers if we speak life into everything!
Q. What can we do to help snap ourselves out of depression? A.Psalm 42:3-11 = Admit you are depressed and sad. Remember your heart when it was happy. Remember God is there -- it is a promise. Determine to put your hope in God. I will put my hope in God!
Q. How does God help us out of depression and trouble? A. Psalm 43:3-4 = God sends out His light and truth to guide us back to Him.
Q. Is there a clear picture of Messiah and the people of God in the Old Testament? A. Psalm 45 = Oh yes! Messiah's rule with His bride by His side. God's anointing on Him as King.
Q. Does God want to make Himself known only to Israel? A. Psalm 46,47 = No. God wants the world to know of His love and mercy, joy and power, and one day, the world will be silenced and honor Him.
Q. What should we meditate on? A. Psalm 48:9 = God's unfailing love.
Q. What did God want the Israelites to remember about Him and pass on to future generations? A. Psalm 48:12-14 = God is like the City of Zion, having massive strength to hold them up and protect them forever.
Q. What is it about the reality of being wealthy that we need to remember? A. Psalm 49 = However it is used, for good or bad, it stays on the planet when we die, so don't make being wealthy a goal!
Q. What does God want from me? A. Psalm 50:7-15 = A heart that loves Him and trusts Him to rescue me.
Q. What is a hypocrite like? A. Psalm 50:16 = 1) He recites God's Word and
2)pretends to obey God
3)refusing God's discipline
4) treats God's laws like trash
5) helps a thief to steal if one comes around
6) spends time with adulterers
7) speaks wicked things
8) lies
9) slanders brothers (blood-related ones)
10) thinks God doesn't mind
11) Ignores God.
Q. And God still wants these hypocrites as His own and to repent? A. Psalm 50:22 = Yes!
Q. What is a good sacrifice to God? A. Psalm 50:23 = Giving thanks to God, which also honors Him.
Q. What bonus comes with having an attitude of thanks to God? A. Psalm 50:23 = God reveals to me His salvation.
Note: Perspective is everything. The more we thank God for everything in our lives, in history, in Christ, in the cross, in the resurrection, the more He reveals Himself. If we let hell or our own weakness for self-pity dominate our thoughts, we truly miss out on getting to know the most powerful Being who exists. Pursue God. Every day comes with more revelations about God -- if you will choose a proper perspective of thankfulness to Him! Thanksgiving Day is my time, along with all of November, to remember all I have from God. But I can remember the rest of the year too! I am realizing that the longer I have known God, His revelation of Himself to me is a new, daily epiphame that is never repeated in my life.
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