Song of Solomon 1 - 8 Questions and Answers
Q. What is a good overview of the Song of Solomon? A. It is love. Tenderness, a picture of a good marriage, love in marriage, God's love for us expressed, and a lesson on how to forgive.
Q. Should a young wife be upset because her husband is loved by other young women? A. Song of Solomon 1:3-4 = No.
Q. How does a young man determine if he is in love? A. Song of Solomon 1:2 = All other women seem like thorns amongst this lily!
Q. How does a young woman know she is loved? A. Song of Solomon 1:4 = He declares his love for her publicly.
Q. What advice can I give a young woman? A. Song of Solomon 1:7 = Not to awaken love until the time is right.
Q. Is this story about Solomon and his wife? A. Song of Solomon 3:9 = Yes. And he was advised by all the young women.
Q. Did these young women express their love to Solomon in gifts? A. Song of Solomon 3:10 = Yes. They upholstered his carriage interior in purple as a gift of love to him.
Note: No need to avoid admiring deserving men! Do something practical and be content to express yourself virtuously!
Q. How else can I express my esteem for a married man? A. Song of Solomon 3:11 = Be happy that he is happily married when you see him.
Q. How should a husband be to his wife? A. Song of Solomon 5:16 = A lover and a friend.
Q. Should I help this man's wife to solve their differences? A. Song of Solomon 6:1 = Yes. All the while, being concerned for their marriage.
Q. Does jealousy come with love? A. Song of Solomon 8:6 = Yes. "For love is as strong as death and its jealousy is as enduring as the grave."
Q. How can a man keep faithful? A. Song of Solomon 8:6 = He can symbolically place his wife as a seal over his heart.
Q. Romantic love is described here as what? A. Song of Solomon 8:6-7 = Flashing like fire; the brightest kind of flame. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can rivers drown it. You can't buy it.
Q. How should a big brother treat his little sister? A. Song of Solomon 8:9 = If she is chaste, strengthen and encourage her.
Q. What if she is promiscuous? A. Song of Solomon 8:9 = Shut her off from men.
Note: There is much more I did not notate here. Song of Solomon is such a personal book that one might read it three times, in one of these mindsets at a time:
1). As a husband and wife
2). Relationships between people
3). Relationships between God and people.
Do you want to know how much God loves you? So passionate and jealous is God for you that He expressed it here. Take it all in and reflect before moving onto the next book.
Q. Will we pull the lessons out for each one here? A. Yes. We did the marriage mindset above already. Here's the way we ought to treat one another:
1) Song of Solomon 1:3 = An empty compliment like a nice name or nice perfume or cologne may be the only thing you have for a friend feeling small or discouraged. If you can get him to smile, he can begin to feel better.
2) Song of Solomon 1:4 = Here's a real compliment: People like you! At lest most of the time, people need to be reminded that they are liked. Make sure they know you like them. Remember that Jesus loves everybody, you need to make the effort to let them know. It is a matter of obedience to remind one another that they are loved.
3) Song of Solomon 1:4 = We need to be happy for one another when we share good news. Don't analyze the news, don't judge it; hug your friend and be happy for him. It is a matter of obedience!
4) Song of Solomon 1:4 = Don't be surprised if young women love an upright man. This is natural. We esteem good men!
5) Song of Solomon 1:6 = Don't make women feel bad about the way they look. We all need to be accepted for who we are.
6) Song of Solomon 1:6 = Some folks don't like getting dark with a tan!
7) Song of Solomon 1:7 = We should let a friend know where we are so they don't have to worry.
8) Song of Solomon 1:11 = Practice gift-giving. Make it compliment its recipient! Do something with a thought in mind for a particular person.
9) Song of Solomon 1:16-17 = Enjoy your friends' company.
10) Song of Solomon 2:1 = Tell your friend what makes him special to you.
11) Song of Solomon 2:4 = Lift up your friend before others. Always only speak well of people!
12) Song of Solomon 2:7 = Encourage each other in chastity.
13) Song of Solomon 2:10-13 = Beautiful days are made for having fun.
14) Song of Solomon 2:15 = Encourage each other to work diligently.
15) Song of Solomon 2:16 = Be a true friend
16) Song of Solomon 2 = Friends worry for each other's safety!
17) Song of Solomon 2:8 = Be strong and courageous. Admire heroes, but be one too. When two are strong, who can come against them?
18) Song of Solomon 2:9-10 = Be creative and make things of use for each other. There is nothing like a nice gift!
19) Song of Solomon 2:12-13 = Enjoy God's creation and make plans to go out!
20) Song of Solomon 2:14 = Playing games is good!
21) Song of Solomon 2:15 = Watch out for each other's interests
22) Song of Solomon 2:17 = Be a faithful friend
23) Song of Solomon 3:1-4 = It's good to miss one another.
24) Song of Solomon 3:7-8 = Admire brave men and women
25) Song of Solomon 3:11 = Admire great people
26) Song of Solomon 6:1 = Help each other out in time of need
27) Song of Solomon 6 = You can't buy friendship.
Q. Now we begin again to explore the relationship between God and his people:
What does God feel for His people?
A. Song of Solomon 1:1 = 1) Young women appreciate God's love deeply. God's love is sweeter than wine.
2) Song of Solomon 1:4 = We praise God for His love
3) Song of Solomon 1:4 = God's love for us is simply right
4) Song of Solomon 1:6 = God doesn't mind our self-inflicted battle wounds
5) Song of Solomon 1:11 = God loves to give us gifts
6) Song of Solomon 2:1-2 = We are lilies set among thorns to God
7) Song of Solomon 2:4 = God loves it when we tell others about Him
8) Song of Solomon 2:6 = God embraces me
9) Song of Solomon 2:7 = God wants us to save ourselves for marriage
10) Song of Solomon 2:8-9 = God is everywhere, watching over us
11) Song of Solomon 2:10 = God wants our time alone with Him
12) Song of Solomon 2:11-13 = Especially in the good times
13) Song of Solomon 2:14 = We should seek after God until we find Him
14) Song of Solomon 2:15 = We should look after His church, chase out evil
15) Song of Solomon 2 = God and I belong to one another
16) Song of Solomon 2:17 = Expect God to come to you
17) Song of Solomon 3:1 = Sometimes God feels far away
18) Song of Solomon 3:2-4 = So we seek harder after Him.
19) Song of Solomon 3:4 = Until we find Him
20) Song of Solomon 3:10 = Our churches are a kind of gift to God
21) Song of Solomon 3:11 = Admire your God. He is awesome in all His ways! Take a good look at Him through His Word.
22) Song of Solomon 4:1 = God thinks we're beautiful
23) Song of Solomon 4:1 = God sees us through the veil (our flesh?) for who we are and loves us
24) Song of Solomon 4:7 = And we are perfect in every part
25) Song of Solomon 4:12 = We are made so that only God can truly enjoy us
26) Song of Solomon 5:1 = We offer up our love to God
27) Song of Solomon 5:2 = Sometimes God wakes us in the night
28) Song of Solomon 5:5 = We sleepily ignore His call in the night, but we love the gesture
29) Song of Solomon 5:6 = We finally arise ahd He's gone
30) Song of Solomon 5:6 = But we should pursue God then
31) Song of Solomon 5:7 = Even if it means we get hurt or are misunderstood by others and they hurt us.
32) Song of Solomon 5:8 = Let others know you love God, even if He seems distant now
33) Song of Solomon 5:9 = Tell people of your passion for God
34) Song of Solomon 5 = Know that God is beautiful and His strength surpasses all. God's friendship is forever!
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