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About This Site



'ewwo everyone! I'm Jenny, the resident webmistress of midget land. I did all the behind the scenes stuff. that's defined as the coding of this website. It's all in html code, which is a computer coding language. The idea of coding html may sound really boring, but in reality, it's telling other people's computers what to do (actual people don't listen to me, so I have to resort to beige boxes instead).

Also, i did all the editing of most graphics on the site. this involved using really complex web-photo-editing software. this also involved asking my mom to help me a gazillion times. (She's a professional webmistress. you can see the ultra-spiffy (and award winning!) website she does here.)

But Bridget also did some stuff; as a matter of fact she was the content person. She would tell me what she wanted on the site, and i would put it there. Together, the two of us make up...

The Midge Team.

The website was created through an idea of mine. It was April of last year, and i decided i'd get Bridget a really neat present for her birthday. i decided i'd get her a present unlike any she'd ever recieved: a website. Seriously, how often do ya get a website for your birthday? It sounded like a great idea. As i actually carried it out, i found that idea of mine was kinda good and kinda bad. For both of us.

You see, it was both fun and stressful.

I had to communicate with Bridget often to let her know how things were going. I'd lecture her, using computer geek terminology she (not unlike most people) was unfamiliar with. I'd rant to her about stuff like bandwidth and storage and kilobytes and Angelfire.

Bridget really didn't find this lecturing fun. But you can't blame her.

Of course, there were many impediments to the growth of the site. And out of them, there were two major ones. One of them was the Sims (and my playing it instead of working on the website)

And the other was...

ANGELFIRE!!!! (a.k.a. the angelfire monster)

Angelfire opens up another whole can of worms on the problem front. Once in about october it deleted OUR ENTIRE WEBSITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It made up some bogus way I'd supposedly violated their terms and conditions AND THEN DELETED OUR SITE!!!!!!!!!! NOW IF THAT WASN'T A PROBLEM, I DONT HAVE ANY IDEA AS TO WHAT IS!!! And on Try #2 it logged me out for no reason. I tried to log in again and it told me it wasn't happening because the password i gave it (which I know for a fact was valid) was supposedly invalid. Not to mention the fact that Angelfire has many, many errors that occur often and sometimes cause internet explorer to crash/freeze (like sometimes when i am trying to save a page i've made major progress on, but since it had an error saving it and internet explorer crashed, i completely wasted my time). Now those are what i call IMPEDIMENTS.

Also, there were typical coding hardships, defined as sometimes I would comb through a whole page looking for whatever it was that I had done wrong in the coding because the stupid thing just wouldn't work!! And this was quite costly in the sense of time. Oftenitwouldjustbebecauseicouldntfindthespacebarorsomethingandthiswasaproblembecausehtmlcodeissopickythat
ifyouaretomaketheslightestlittlemistakeBAMtheregoesthewholepage.annoyingorwhat? Another source of hardship was the misunderstandings that Bridget and I sometimes had (as in, she wouldn't always understand the computer/mac bigot jargon i used with her). it didnt help that we are running different OS's (i'm on mac OS X, she's on windows somethingorother). Sometimes I would get so frustrated that I'd want to hit her over the head with a copy of OS X.

But in the end, it all worked out fine.

I look very much like a crazed psycho-killer in that picture :P

Questions? Comments? Random neural firings? E-mail us!!! (the navbar knows how.)