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1.    What Our Gang character bit the dust for real after he flashed a switchblade during an encounter with a neighbor?

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2.    What late screen siren noted: "A smart girl is one who knows how to play tennis, golf and piano -- and dumb"?

Group box

    Marilyn Monroe

    Jayne Mansfield

    Mae West

    Bette Davis


3.    What actress ran off with actor Jason Patrick three days before she was to marry Kiefer Sutherland?

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    Winona Ryder

    Claire Danes

    Julia Roberts

    Cameron Dias


4.    What newswoman married Maury Povich?

Group box

    Barbara Walters

    Connie Chung

    Jane Pauly

    Deborah Norville


5.    What founding father started the first American volunteer fire department?

Group box

    George Washington

    Thomas Jefferson

    Patrick Henry

    Benjamin Franklin


6.    Who got a job at the Texas School Book Depository on October 16, 1963?

Group box

    Lee Harvey Oswald

    John Wilkes Boothe

    Fidel Castro

    Robert Kennedy


7.    What did James Dean register as to avoid the draft?

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    A Canadian

    An only child

    A father

    A homosexual


8.    Who was elected president the year Rocky was released?

Group box

    Ronald Reagan

    Gerald Ford

    Jimmy Carter

    Richard Nixon


9.    What does the E in Robert E. Lee stand for?

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10.    What author of Entertaining and Weddings did the Boston Globe dub "the hostess from hell"?

Group box

    Ann Landers

    Martha Stewart

    Julia Child

    Leona Helmsley


11.    What film critic bought the white suit John Travolta wore in Saturday Night Fever?

Group box

    Leonard Maltin

    Roger Ebert

    Gene Siskel

    Gene Shallot


12.    What bandleader's license plate read "A1 AND A2"?

Group box

    Winston Marsalis

    Glen Miller

    Ricky Ricardo

    Lawrence Welk


13.    What fast-food clown was first played by future TV weatherman Willard Scott?

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    Howdy Doody

    Ronald McDonald




14.    Who sparked a fashion trend for wearing a single white glove?

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    Jacqueline Onassis


    Janet Jackson

    Michael Jackson


15.    What future U.S. vice president got a "D" in his major of political science?

Group box

    Dick Cheney

    George Bush, Sr.

    Dan Quayle

    Lyndon Johnson