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Ms. Russell's Guides
Linear Functions

What is a Function?   The Definition of a Line   The Big Deal with Slopes   How Can I remember?   Putting It Together   Quiz Yourself

This isn't the only thing in Math, though!
How can I remember this?

Remember, whenever you have to think about slope,
dream about whisking down the ski slopes on vacation.

There are four different scenarios:

neg slope This is the way most Americans Ski: Downhill! If we are going down, then the                 slope is Negative.

zero slope Plenty of people cross-country ski, too. If we are going flat, then the slope is Zero.

pos slopeOnly those who want to work hard ski Uphill!
If we are going         up, then the slope is                         Positive.

no slope Hopefully no one is skiing like this.
If we can't ski it and are falling straight down, then there is
           No Slope.

[This is not a function. Why is it  not?]
( Images from )


If you hadn't thought about it yet,
Up and Down can be the same thing.
It all depends on your perspective.

The only rule is that we read lines like we do words,
from left to right.

Take another look at the scenarios for a second time.


What is the slope of this ski slope? Defend your answer.

ski slope

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