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I live in Honolulu, Hawaii
and it is the 50th State
of the
United States of America.
I lived here practically all my life,
It is my home!
This may sound a little ignorant,
but I don't think I'd like to move anywhere else.
Sure, I would like to travel the world,
and take in all the sites...
espcecially in the Polynesian Islands.
But because I have to be realistic,
I don't know if that is possible.
Island Life is really laid back,
well, to me it is.
Anyway, I wouldn't have it any other way.
Much Love to this land that we call...
Hawaii Nei.
...proceed to PARADISE...
Land of the Sticky White Rice

Thank You,
Unity of United In Spirit,
for this Awesome Piece.

The Flower Images courtesy of the Santalady

Thank you,

for the Awesome Background!