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Before I move on,
or rather,
before you head on out...
I just wanted to say thanks for visiting my webpage.
I would also like to say "mahalo"
to the following indivdiuals/websites that contributed to my webpage.

U C,
my knowledge on computers is so limited.
To be honest,
I don't know anything about computers
or @ the very least, I do not know anything about webpages.
The journey has been challenging,
but thanks to the assistance of a lot of individuals,
I was actually able to complete this hard task.

If I have done anything wrong or offended anyone,
in the process,
my apologies.
I do not really know the proper procedures,
so if I am doing something wrong,
please let me know.

Well, I know I can not thank everyone...
but here is my attempt,
to at least,
acknowledge the following individuals/websites,
that hooked me up with graphics and assistance.
Thank You!
If you were not mentioned,
I am truly sorry!

I got the graphics from the following

AngeLs Web GraphiCs

Free Mystical Clipart!

Dynamic Drive DHTML code library
Visit Dynamic Drive for free, original DHTML scripts and components,
all of which utilize the latest in DHTML and JavaScript technology!

Create FREE graphics at

Thank you

for the AWESOME background!