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Angels have always been a part of my life, but somehow I never really paid that much attention to them. My mother really loves angels, and I guess, I developed that special love for angels because of her. Despite the pain and sorrow that I experienced in life, it has been a comfort knowing that there was an angel/a group of angels watching over me. I have no solid proof to show to you, proving that their existence is indeed true. But, deep within my heart I know angels do exist in heaven and on earth. Faith can not be taught, but it can be obtained by all people. I, for one, did not really have faith in myself as an individual. Until, an Angel taught me that before I could love others, I had to learn to love myself. I had to heal my own wounds, before making my way out to the world...

Here are a few poems I wrote on these beautiful beings that we call "Angels"...

My AngeL

From Heaven Above,
You stand and guard...
You, My Angel, are so full of sweet, unconditional love...
You protect me from life so hard.

You were given to me,
A present from our Loving God.
You sat with me in my times of misery.
You were there to wipe away my tears and blood.

Without you,
I am no one, no one at all
Through my difficult times, my Angel, you saw me through...
and in times of harshness, you built a great big wall.

I no longer care,
whether or not the world accepts me.
My sins, I atone, I alone shall bear.
My life, in sorrow and happiness, belongs to Heaven's promise of eternity

Olotania Alalamua

An Invitation to An Angel

With all the labels that were placed on my name,
the countless cruelties, the feeling of being unloved and unworthy...
I grew up, not knowing anything but shame...
shame and feeling dirty.

In my sorrow, I grew.
Insecure and so unsure about the contents my life had in store...
If my destiny, brought me to Love, away from sad and blue,
I would rejoice all the more.

An Angel who made her presence unknown,
secretly watched over me...
In my times of strife, when I was left all alone,
My angel came and sat with me in my misery.

I grew up, losing my way.
Straying from the guidance that the Angel so lovingly provided.
During my journey, I was led astray,
and deception, my defense mechanism, became my way of one-sided.

I no longer carried a care,
no longer wanted to feel the pain, the sorrow, the anomosity,
Until one night, my angel appeared to me, crying tears of extreme pain in a nightmare.
I awoke, and didn't know what to say, do, or even be...

To this beautiful angel, my beautiful angel...
I know I have hurt you, I have caused you inconsolable grief...
You were trying to keep me away from pain, the location where I continued to dwell.
You were trying to return my sanity.

I apologize to you, dear Angel...
I thank you, for always being there for me
Angel, Please take me away from my personal "hell",
Please take me to God's Promise of Eternity.

Olotania Alalamua

Roses courtesy of Anya
Angel Globes courtesy of Globes by Mystic
and Serenity
and Stefanie
and Princess MS