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This journey called life
has been a "difficult" struggle for me.
I know that life has its ups and downs,
but it would have been sweet
if the "ups" kicked the "downs" ass by a landside.
The journey was lonely,
and @ some period in time,
I wanted to give up the fight.
But through it all:
the ordeals, the struggles, and the pain...
an "angel" stayed by my side.
She consoled me,
in my times of sorrow.
She made me laugh,
when anger dwelled within the depths of my heart.
Through my sadness and my pain,
she has been there...
and there she shall remain always

To view my "guardian" angel
click the angel below

The beautiful angels on this page are courtesy of Nancy @Angels Web Graphics
The kind individuals @Catholic Doors
The AngeL Snowglobe on the top is used courtesy of
Serenity @ Serenity Designs
& The Beautiful AngeL Snowglobe on the bottom is used courtesy of
The Princess @ PrincessMS.Net