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In memory of those loved ones we lost on
September 11, 2001

"In Loving Memory"

Remembering Our Brothers and Sisters In Bali

...Please Read BefOre YoU PrOceeD...


... yOu've ReAcHeD NatureL MyStiK ...

||| IntrO ||| NatureL MystiK ||| Living in the "808" (HaWaII) ||| OriGinS ||| ALOFA MALIA (HAIL MARY) ||| UveA ||| SamoA ||| My FaMiLy ||| My Family Tree ||| SuMMeR 2002 eN NouVeLLe CaLeDoNie ||| Trip Of a Lifetime In NiUSiLa *NeW ZeALaNd* ||| My Guardian Angel ||| AngeLs(AnGeS) ||| BeSt CoUsiNs fOr Life ||| BeSt FrienDs ||| My FriendS ||| Da GrAsS ShaCk ||| On-Line Friends ||| InternationaL Friends ||| At Da Club ||| PaCiFiC IsLaNdeR AssOCiAtiOn ||| A Tribute to My Grandpa Polikalepo ||| A Tribute to My GrandUncLe SoSefO LoLoMaNaiA MalivaO ||| A Tribute to BoB MaRLeY ||| A Tribute to America's Heros ||| "Stop the Hate" ||| My PoeMs ||| ChArMeD ||| Link Your Webpage to Me ||| WebRingS ||| BLeSsEd ||| MaHaLoS ||| Shout Outs ||| Shout Outs/Dedications *LoOk fOr YoUr nAme* ||| My bLoG ||| bLiNkieS ||| FaNLiStiNg ||| CliQueS ||| One Stop Voting ||| TaGbOaRd |||
||| Contact Me *GueStbOoK/EmaiL* |||
Wassup! Malo sii lelei! Silou pe, e mole au poto lelei i te faitohi faka uvea.This is my first attempt @ making a webpage, so please proceed with an open mind and heart. Ko toku higoa ko Olotania Enele Moetoto Tokelaukaehau Alalamua (My name is Olotania Enele Moetoto Tokelaukaehau Alalamua). Eau nofo e Honolulu, Hawaii (I am from Honolulu, Hawaii). Welcome to my little grass shack in the middle of the Pacific Sea, or rather, in the middle of this overwhelming galaxy called the "INTERNET". I started building this webpage in December 2001, so I really don't know where I am going with this. However, with your understanding and "openess", I know we can proceed on to the next level. Eau fia fakamalo atu kia koutou fuli nee toukoni mai kia au (Thank you or Mahalo to all who have somehow contributed to this sweet journey). The journey was a bit "unsteady" in the beginning, but as time passed on, I met a lot of kind people on-line...thus, becoming my On-Line Friends.

The guy on the left is my baby brother (ko toku kii tehina veliveli), Manaia. I know he doesn't look like a baby, in any way, but he is my baby brother. Words can not even begin to explain what he has brought to my life. And despite the troubles and dramas that have come into play in our daily routines, I am glad to have him as my BABY BRO!

Manaia just graduated from Punahou Academy. So yeah, I'm proud of him. He is WAY BETTER THAN ME. I am just the average person, kicking it and taking each day as it comes. I guess I was obsessed with partying, enough to last a lifetime. I have no regrets, and I do know now that I am responsible for my own actions. I am also responsible for my own destiny, and I do pray that I do get somewhere in the nearest future.

(Ko te tama imatau e ko toku tahi kii tehina) The guy on the right is my brother, Aliki. Aliki is attending college somewhere in Iowa. We've had our moments, our fights, our own share of dramas...but I am down with him because he is my "braddah".

"Blood is thicker than water..." a saying or proverb that proves to be true, in my life. It may not be true for all situations, or for all people, but I strongly feel that without (taku famili) my family, I am nothing.

So, here's to my family---A dedication to each and every one of you!! To you, my love and respects, forever and so true. I thank you for the love, the support, and the words of wisdom that have somehow eluded my ears. I know I am not worthy of your love, but thanks for giving it to me anyway. Much Love for Always!! Ofa age kite famili fuli!

To Proceed onwards, just click on the above links. Please add your webpage to my "Link Your Webpage to Me" Section Above...
Please sign my guestbook,just to let me know that you were present...I will return the favor.
I just added a guest map, so if u could leave your footprints behind. I'd appreciate it!
I also entered the Cherokee Dreams 100 Top Site Competition (Oct 20, 2002),
Please vote for me on the bottom of this page!
Other then that, I would like to thank you for visiting my grass shack. It is an honor to have met so many kind people on my journey online.
Have A Blessed Day!

May the Lord guide you to your heart's content!

Peace be the Journey!
Aloha from the Islands!


The beautiful graphic of the Blessed Virgin,
Courtesy of
Elizabeth of Brown Pride
The beautiful "Angel" on top of this page is courtesy of

The boy "Angel" used on top of this page is courtesy of
Kitty Roach
Page Works

Mahalo, Gouri for the AWESOME Lilo and Stitch Graphic!

MaHaLoS, Little Shy, fOr the HaWaii Graphic!

Home Of Homes, I am Listed, are YOU?

Since January 14, 2002