JavaPage updated:
Java is a programming language. The Java runtime environment
also allows your browser to execute Java programs
Contents List - Click on one or just scroll down |
Setting the 'path' environment variable
Getting & Installing JavaTo see/run Java programs in your web browser, you
need the Java runtime
How to run a Java ProgramIf creating a Java program with Eclipse, it can be run from
within Eclipse. 1. Create a DOS window shortcut on
the desktop. Start in: %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH% which will start the window in
C:\Documents and Settings\Fred D:\Data\Fred\My Documents\Programs\Java\<proj name>\classes 3. Select the 'Layout' tab, and
select the window size you want, eg 100 wide by 50 high. java <unique id>.<package name>.<program filename> Note: Don't put .class on the filename.
Setting the 'path' environment variableGo to Start.Control Panel.Performance and
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