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Take this driving test and see how much you know about the open road!

Good Luck!!


Your friend calls you on your cell phone while you are driving; she desperately needs your advice. What do you do?
Pull over and answer the phone
Wait until traffic lightens up and then answer
Answer the phone

What does an open hand on a walking sign mean?

Talk to the hand
Don't go there
Don't cross the street

If your friend sees a cute guy and you are driving, what do you do?

Look to see if he is as cute as she says
Honk the horn and scream out the window
Keep driving and ask her to give you details

How many sides does a stop sign have?


What is a U-turn?

It means it's your turn to drive
The U-shaped part of the road
The U shaped turn you make in your car

What do you do if you see a cute dog on the road?

Go faster
Slow down or stop
Nothing, keep going at normal speed

What is the rear-view mirror for?

To put on lip gloss
To see traffic behind you
To see if you have anything in your teeth

You are the only one in the car and you are jamming. The CD you are listening to immediately stops. What do you do?

Turn off the CD player and listen to the radio
Try to fix it while driving
Grab another CD from the backseat and put it in
