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CosmoGIRL!: You're involved in so many things -- acting, your clothing line, bedding and now fragrance. You're so well-known, yet you seem to stay so real. How do you do that?

Ashley: The truth is that we could be in the Hollywood scene, but we choose not to. We hang out with our friends, we go to school, we're worried about our SAT's coming up -- we just do very normal, real things.

Mary-Kate: The mary-kateandashley brand is all about being yourself and doing what you love to do, which is great because that's exactly how we are, too.

CosmoGIRL!: Does your busy life outside of school make it easier for you to deal with the cliques and the peer pressure in school?

Mary-Kate: You have to deal with it anywhere. If it's not with friends, it's with business partners. But you learn not to take things as personally.

Ashley: I think it's probably easier because we can kind of remove ourselves from that and realize that these are all very petty situations and they're not that big a deal. But we also have a great group of friends and we're lucky.

CosmoGIRL!: Is it hard to switch gears from student to businesswoman?

Mary-Kate: You know, I never really feel like a businesswoman unless I have papers in my hand. Actually, today at school I was reading a script. I sat outside and I just wanted to finish reading it, and I was like, "Wow, this is kind of business-y."

Ashley: I think that my head is always in the business half the time. My mind is always working, but when I have to focus on something, I focus.

CosmoGIRL!: It must be hard to have close friends since you're so busy. Do the two of you hang out with the same group of friends?

Ashley: It's weird. When we were younger we used to have completely different groups of friends. But as we got older, we ended up having the same exact group of friends and we hang out all the time. It's great.

Mary-Kate: Yes! We've all done a lot of funny things together. We'll talk, do drive-bys past celebrities' houses, go out to movies and dinner. Things anyone else would do, I guess.


CosmoGIRL!: What about boyfriends? Are either of you dating anyone?

Mary-Kate: I'm not. I've had long-term relationships in high school, and I'm just kind of ready for a new vibe. I'd rather just go to college keeping my eyes open.

Ashley: I am. He's a little older than me and goes to college in a different city. It's kind of hard for me to talk about that though, since it's so personal.

CosmoGIRL!: Is it harder to meet guys, since you're famous?

Mary-Kate: It's not hard, but I'm just in high school. I know the people I've hung out with and I know the people I work with, but that's about it.

CosmoGIRL!: Do you think your parents are more protective than other s' parents?

Ashley: They're protective about certain things. Like, we never come home at an unreasonable hour.

Mary-Kate: They know that we're responsible. If we weren't, they'd be on our case about everything, but we are responsible and we've never really given them a reason to think otherwise.

CosmoGIRL!: Just like most other s! Do other celebrities come up and say hi to you at events?

Ashley: Some of the older actors do, if they have kids. That's fun when they do that!

CosmoGIRL!: You two have such an amazingly high public profile, what's it like to have grown up in front of the world?

Ashley: I have a lot of great people around me in my life, and that has helped me become the person that I want to be.

Mary-Kate: I feel like the more I've traveled and the older I get, the more I know, and the more I'm learning. It's easier for me to make decisions that will benefit me in the future. I just feel like the answers I have to questions or things that I decide are more accurate than when I was 11 or 12.

CosmoGIRL!: Okay, tell us something that people don't know about you that you wish they knew.

Mary-Kate: I feel like everyone knows my whole life! But there are certain things that the public shouldn't know. Not that there's anything to hide, but your whole life isn't out there for everyone -- you've got to keep some things to yourself.

Ashley: Well, I've got to be honest with you. We're just normal people and we live normal lives and we do all this other stuff for fun. We really are just normal kids.