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The best part of being 16?
Ashley: The driving
Mary-Kate: Being able to work on your own schedule, without waiting for someone to take you somewhere.

What happened when you woke up on your birthday?
Ashley: My family and boyfriend came in my room at 7:45a.m. and woke me up with food. There were, like three people videotaping.
Mary-Kate: I was tired. I didn’t go to sleep until 3a.m. because of anxiety about the driver’s test.

Dating anyone?
Ashley: Um-hmmm [yes].
Mary-Kate: yes.

What do you look for in a date?
Ashley: I would never want to date an actor type. That just causes drama.
Mary-Kate: I don’t really have a "type". I like funny people.

Choose: Justin Timberlake or Ozzy’s son Jack Osbourne.
Ashley: Justin for his looks and Jack for his humor.
Mary-Kate: oh my gosh!! Justin! I’ve seen the Osbourne show and I don’t think I’m quite fond on Jack’s level, you know?

Favourite school subject?

Ashley: Math or science. Definitely not history.
Mary-Kate: it really depends on the teacher.

Ever think of doing a Doublemint commercial?
Ashley: Actually, no.
Mary-Kate: We’d have to see when it came up.

Any hobbies?
Ashley: I play golf.
Mary-Kate: I horseback ride and do yoga.