Gourmet Food List U-Z
This is the most updated list I have of all the Gourmet Foods. These are the foods to buy and feed to your pet to get a high score on the Gourmet Food High Score Table. If an item has "Unbuyable" next to them, it means that they cost more than 100,000 Neopoints on the Shop Wiz. A few items are not on the shop wiz and have "No Info Available" next to them. **A-C**D-G**H-K**L-Q**R-T**U-Z**
Ugly Pinanna~Unbuyable
Ultimate Ice Negg~?
Ultra Nova Pop~Unbuyable
Ummagine Candy Cane
Unripe Puntec Wrap
Vanilla Kiko Fudge~Unbuyable
Veggie Deluxe Stuffed Pepper
Vein Cabbage
Vionanna Mince Pie~Unbuyable
Waffle Burger~Unbuyable
Walk the Plank
Water Faerie Mushroom~Unbuyable
Water Pizza~Unbuyable
Watermelon Roll
Welsh Rarebit
White Chocolate Asparagus Souffle
White Chocolate Covered Toffee
White Chocolate Nova
Whole Chilli Deluxe Pizza
Whole Garden Fresh Pizza
Whole Yummy Cloud Pizza
Wing of Korbat~Unbuyable
Wormy Slushie
Yellow Doughnutfruit
Yellow Draik Egg~Unbuyable
Yummy Drops~Unbuyable
Zafara Cherry Strudel
Zeenena Crepe
Zeenana Split
Zonutuk Fruit
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