"Ai Shiteru Duo Ai Shiteru" Trowa said quietly to himself. /Why me? / He thought as he leaned back on to the couch.
"Hey Wu-kun I'm coming to help!" Duo said as he walked down the stairs. As he reached the raven-haired pilot was sitting on the bottom stair, looking less than pleased. Duo looked into the basement and saw a bunch of decorations all over the floor along with an empty box lying there as well. It was obvious the Wufei had dropped it. "Hey man I think you missed a spot over there, it's not covered in stuff!" Duo said trying to hold back his laughing. Wufei looked with to him with a death glare that would make Heero proud!
"Braided Baka!" Wufei spat out as Duo came to sit next to him on the step. Duo just stared at him with his eyes dancing with the sight of Wufei's defeated by the box. Wufei looked like he was gunna start to cry, his eyes were watering and his lips started to quiver. Duo raised a questioning eyebrow. / I wonder why he looks like he's trying not to cry either because I saw the obvious defeat, or he's painfully hard because I'm so sexy. / Duo thought to himself as he brought his arm around Wufei and rubbing his back, to sooth the shenlong pilot.
"Hey gezz Wu-Kun, don't cry no sense in crying over spilt milk.or in this case spilt Christmas decorations! Common I'm here to help, so I'm gunna help clean up the mess and bring the boxes up the filthy stairs in to the living room were I left Trowa" Duo left it at that, he bent down on the floor and started picking up the spilled decorations Wufei was stunned not that he knew why he just was. Wufei found himself staring at Duo ass. / Wow, Maxwell has such a nice ass! Wait what is wrong with me? Dunno I. I better help. It's only fair I made the damn mess. / Wufei got off his ass and started to help place the decorations in back in the box. " Hey Wu-Kun, what's wrong? You seem a little down." Duo asked as he put the angel in the box carefully wufei looked him he didn't know what to say.
"I just worried is all, just as we all are, Quatre and Heero you know? I managed to get it out if Heero that Christmas was his favorite holiday. It just seems odd that he'd miss it. Unless he's not if you catch my drift lol." Wufei said simply. With Duo's eyes as wide as saucers. / Cute. / Wufei quickly thought.
"Heero and Quatre together like together, together. I don't see the attraction for each other Heero and Quatre are total opposites. I don't see the connection, but hey I could be wrong!" said Duo laughing, a little shocked and surprised on what wufei had said. "Well it's better thinking that then thinking they're dead or captured. And Duo you and Heero are total opposites"- Wufei was interrupted by Duo.
"Ya.but we're not together, we're just friends- best friends. I have my eyes on some ones else! And I know they're not dead." "Oh so who is this person you like or persons since you made it sound plural?" wufei dug. Duo looked a little nervous. / Is he coming on to me? Oh god I hope he is! / Duo thought with a smirk.
"Just a couple of people I know, I'm hoping it will turn out so I can be with both of them, you know a couple of three." Duo replied with a round about answer. / Little do you know the guys I love are you and Trowa, He knows well unless he didn't hear me. But I didn't hear his reply I know he said something but not quite sure what he said. I hope he feels the same way. oh Trowa! Hehehe and right now I'm gunna give you a little clue that one of them is you! / He continued in thought.
"Yes, but who?" Wufei determined on getting the names. / Why do I want to know do I like Maxwell in that way. I have discovered that I am indeed gay, ok look at him with his elfish features and his beautiful violet eyes that dance and show and betray his emotions and oh god his hair. I love his hair; ever since I met him all I wanted to do is run my hands through that beautiful main of chestnut hair. Okay I am attracted to him, I want, him. / Warm lips brushing agents his own cut off Wufei's line of thinking "uh?" was all that came out.
"We're done cleaning up here common help me carry the box up." With that Duo quickly kissed Wufei and stood up. Wufei was in a daze. / What just happened here? Did he just kiss me? Yes he did, uh ok. / Wufei thought. And with that he and Duo carried the box up the stairs towards the living room. As they reached the living room, Duo signaled Wufei to stop. They put the box down where they were. Duo slowly peered around the corner to look at Trowa. Trowa was staring off into space, with his mouth hanging open. Trowa looked stoned. Duo poked Wufei to signal him to look around the corner. Duo had a hard time holding in his laughter as well as Wufei who was shaking holding in his laughter. "Come on lets get this box in there and we most be very quiet. We must not disturb Trowa I want to surprise him." Duo whispered with a bit of a chuckle. Duo and Wufei quietly and carefully brought the box into the living room. Wufei nodded to Duo to signal to put the box now that the box was in the living room. Duo took a deep breath and shouted " Yo, Tro what have you been smoking, you looked stoned!" Trowa immediately snapped out of it, looking at the laughing braided boy and the snickering Chinese pilot. Trowa was clueless he was just out of it.
"Um, hi?" Trowa said
"Barton are you alright you don't look so good and what were you thinking about to make you so, out of it?" Wufei asked
"I was just staring off into space trying to see the colonies which is impossible, but I try." Trowa replied. Sitting up coming to a stand. "So are those the decorations?"
"Some there is another box downstairs, small enough I can carry myself if not I'll yell." Wufei said heading off to the basement again to fetch the other box. But before he could leave the room Trowa spoke up.
"Wufei, don't go yet let's get started with this box, then when it's empty then we go get the box. Ok?" Wufei just nodded in agreement. It was just easier that way.
"Yoshi" wufei replied walking back over to them. After about 15 minutes of decorating in silence. With the acceptation of where should this go and give me a hand. The place was beginning to look good, there was garland hanging on the ceiling in the living room making a big 'X' and in the arc ways of doors on the main floor. They were almost done emptying the box when they heard the door open, but not the front or back door. The special door heading to the hanger where they keep their gundams. It was in the Kitchen, next to the fridge only about a foot apart. Duo, Trowa, and Wufei headed over towards the kitchen, which was just on the other side of the half wall that sort of divided the two rooms. By the sounds of it the person that was coming up the stairs and opening the door was carrying a lot of bags of things.
"Who do you think it is guys? And what on earth is he bringing up?" Duo said thinking aloud to Trowa and Wufei. Wufei looked like he was about to jump the person that was coming appearing in the door. Trowa put a reassuring hand on Wufei's shoulder to calm him down in case it was Heero or Quatre coming in, while saying.
"It's probably just Heero and/or Quatre coming in" and just as if on cue Quatre walked in the door. Looking up at the three boys Quatre smiled brightly then saying,
"Hello guys, miss me?" Trowa looked relived to see Quatre come in the door after worrying about him for so long. Wufei just had his usual scowl on his face, but his eyes said it all he was also glad the sandrock pilot was back safe. Duo just ran up to Quatre grabbing the 8 bags of whatever and putting them on the table before running up to Quatre and jumping him, and going into hysterics. Quatre put one hand on the counter to steady himself. Before bringing the braided pilot in for a hug. Trowa and Wufei laughed at the braided boy, not to be mean just because it was funny. They knew he would do something weird, but they didn't expect Duo to jump Quatre. Hey that was just what makes Duo, Duo.
"Quat, we were so worried about you! How come you took so long?" Duo asked calming down and slightly moving away to give Quatre some breathing space. Quatre smiled at Duo he was a little taken aback by Duo, but he didn't mind.
"We just ran into a little bit of trouble, but it's ok I'm back safe and sound, see?" Quatre said as he raised his arms and spun in a circle. Duo smiled before going slightly wry. And asked,
"Where is Heero?" Duo asked. Trowa and Wufei nodding in agreement with Duo's question. Quatre just looked at them before simply replying.
"He's coming." Noises could be heard from the hanger, like packages moving and bags. "We better go in to the living room we don't want to get in to Heero's way. With that the 4 of them went into the living room and sat down.Duo turns to look at Quatre and asks,
"Why did you send us, here to the living room and leave the groceries on the table?" Trowa and Wufei turned to Quatre to look at them. Duo was sitting next to Quatre on the couch in font of the fireplace, with Wufei and Trowa sitting on the loveseat to the left of them. Quatre just smiled at them,
"Heero is bringing up some secret stuff to put in my room and then put the groceries away, because there are things in them too that certain people can't see. yet. I came in here to chit chat with you and find out what you guys have been up to since Heero and I have been gone. I can see one of the things." Quatre said acknowledging all the decorations around the room and of course the tree! "I'll be right back, I'm going to see what is taking Heero so long" With that he left. Duo grinned after Quatre, Trowa's face remained blank and Wufei semi scowling, so they were pretty much back to acting normal. It was then when Duo noticed how different Trowa and Wufei acted around him when some one else was around. Trowa was acting like him not that long ago and Wufei was showing feelings, now that Quatre was back with them they are normal. Duo's grin grew with a few sparkles in his violet eyes. /I still act like a goofball no matter who is around! / Duo thought to himself before bursting out laughing and falling on the floor. When Quatre finally returned to the room with Heero, Duo was laughing rolling on the floor with mirth.
Wufei glanced at the longhaired pilot then at Quatre and Heero, then Trowa. "Do you have any idea why he is doing that?" He asked, gesturing vaguely.
"Perhaps the stress is getting to him?" Heero offered as Quatre eyed the laughing man suspiciously. The blond gave Duo a wide berth, eventually sliding in to the companion wingchair. "Stress?" Wufei snorted. "What stress? He couldn't possibly be stressed. Tired, yes, but not stressed."
"No, I suppose not," Heero, mused. "Do you think his mind has snapped?"
"Why 'no'?"
Wufei shrugged. "I don't think he has much of a mind left or if he had one in the first place, for it to have snapped," he said pointedly.
"Should we get him some help or something, like a head doctor?" Trowa suggested to the 'Sane' pilots. Wufei, Quatre, and Heero turned to look at Trowa with an evil look that yelled 'NO!' Trowa looked, put on the spot and at ease when they looked at him. He just simply shrugged his shoulders, "Ok, it was just a suggestion!"
Duo had finally gotten control over him self, and was viciously glaring at them all. "Would you guys stop talking about me as if I wasn't here?"
"You weren't here," Quatre put in lightly. "At least your mind wasn't"
"What were you laughing about?" Heero asked.
"Never mind," Duo said shortly. Duo's eyes widened in wonder, every one looked at him weirdly their faces said it all 'uh oh what is it.now?' they read. Duo stud up and brushed off his clothes and sat back down on the couch. Heero went and sat next to him. It was then well actually it was while he was in hysterics he came up with the best idea of all time. "You guys I have the most brilliant idea of all time!" Duo said suddenly Wufei looked at him.
"Like what? You can't be all that smart, not to mention crazy!" Wufei said in his usual cold tone. Duo actually managed to look hurt he sniffed as if he was about to start crying. Quatre looked over to Wufei he looked a little miffed.
"Wufei how can you be so mean to little Duo-Kun, what has he ever done to you?" The blonde asked. Wufei was taken aback by the comment.
"A snowball!" Wufei mumbled to himself. But no doubt every one in the room heard him. Duo was back to his goofy smile.
"You're not still mad about me hitting you with that snowball are you? In all fairness you hit me back." Wufei sat back in the loveseat in a huff with an 'HN' as he hit the back of it. Trowa looked over at him.
"I just don't think he likes being taken off guard, but it was funny!" The green-eyed pilot said trying not to laugh at the memory of earlier that day. Heero and Quatre gave Trowa a questioning look. "When we went out looking for a tree, Wufei walked a head and had his back turned to Duo so Duo took the opportunity to throw a snowball at him. Then I burst out laughing then Wu threw one at me, soon we were all engaged in a huge snowball fight," Trowa explained. Quatre and Heero had their mouths hanging open in wonder, well not Heero really his eyebrow shot up but his mouth was open.
"Um Tro-Chan are you feeling ok? You usually say that much in a week." Quatre managed to say. Duo just smiled at that /It's because he's talking about me kitty Cat! / Dou thought.
"Fine," Trowa simply said. Heero turned to Duo beside him.
"So what was that Brilliant Idea you had?" Heero asked. Duo smiled.
"Since it's a little late now and we haven't had dinner yet we eat and go to bed, you and Q. just got back from a mission supposedly and must be tired so my brilliant plan will have to wait till tomorrow. Well anyhoo the idea is we have a party to celebrate your safe return, we play a few interesting games, eat lots of junk food, and drink lots of booze." Duo said. Quatre looked at him.
"Um, Duo there is one little flaw in your plan.we're a little UNDERAGE! To be drinking!" Quatre explained.
"So, do you see any adults around, buying the booze won't be a problem Duo has a whole fridge full of beer in his room, it has his secret stash of food too " Wufei said.
"So whose in for tomorrow night?" Duo announced
"I'm in," Wufei said raising his hand.
"Me to," Trowa said also raising his hand.
"HAI!" Heero said in agreeing slightly raising his hand
"I'm obviously joining," Duo said. "All who's left is you Q. you in?" Quatre looked unsure but nodded his head.
"Ok I guess I'm in," Quatre said quietly "Now lets get dinner ready all ready, I'm hungry!" Every one smiled at Quatre, well for Trowa it was just a slight uplift of the lips, and Heero and Wufei nodded their heads. Duo obviously smiled.
About 5 minutes later there were all in the kitchen Quatre was cooking and Wufei was chopping fresh vegetables to go with the meal, well if there was any left with Duo devouring them all. The little demon was sitting on the counter next to the scowling Wufei who look very annoyed! Heero and Trowa were sitting at the table having their usual conversation.
"." Trowa asked.
"." Came Heero's reply.
"." Trowa retorted.
"." Heero yelled. And thus ends the most important conversation of the day. Trowa got up off the chair and walked over to Duo. Duo looked at him suspiciously.
"I can't believe he said that to me!" Trowa whispered viciously to Duo. Duo pulled Trowa closer to him so he was placed between his legs, Duo hugging him from behind resting his chin in the crook of Trowa's neck.
"Aw Tro-Chan is ok! Now Heero and you weren't fighting over me now eh?" Duo whispered softly into Trowa's ear. One of Trowa's eyebrows shot up.
"How'd you know?" Trowa whispered back. It was Duo's turn to raise an eyebrow. Wufei glanced over at Duo and Trowa; Wufei gave the pair a dirty look. Duo saw and gave an evil smirk in return; wufei noticed it held a promise behind the smirk. Wufei simple went back to what he was doing.
"I didn't know, it was an educated guess," Duo said. He didn't bother put it to a whisper. With that Duo lightly kissed Duo on the cheek and jumped off the counter staying as close to Trowa as he can without being in the guys pants. "Quatre is dinner ready yet?" Duo yelled. Quatre turned around and smiled he didn't missed the display between them.
"Yep! Let's eat," Quatre announced happily! With that they all moved towards the table and began to eat the beautiful dinner Quatre cooked up. Don't ask what it is, because I don't know what it is. It's Quatre's secret recipe. "So what are the plans for tomorrow besides the party you want to throw?" Quatre asked curiously. Duo looked up from his plate of food and looked around at the group. Heero was sitting at the end of the table where he normality sits he and Trowa were sitting to his left and Quatre and Wufei to Heero's right.
"Well you and Heero are just going to relax till party time, I will go fetch MORE food, Wufei and Trowa you can tidy up the living room a bit there is a bit of a mess in the from are decorating like the boxes in the middle of the nice blue carpet behind the couch!" Duo said to them all. They all nodded their heads in ok. With that they all finished their meals in silence, and went to bed. But what they didn't know that the snow was starting to fall faster and heavier. The light storm they had before has gotten much, much worse!
End Notes: This Chapter is a combanation of the origonal 4th and 5th chapters. just thought you'd like to know... >_> Yes I know I'm Pathetic...