The next morning everything was quiet and still snowing...
"AHHHHHHHH HOLY FUCK AHHHHHH" Could be heard from down stairs. Heero and Wufei ran from downstairs to see what the yelling was about. Trowa and Quatre Ran from their rooms on the main floor also to see what the yelling was about. The all can to a stop behind Duo who was holding the door open. You couldn't see the forest just a few feet away, you saw snow LOTS of snow all the up the door.
"Um... so Duo what where you yelling about?" ask Quatre obviously seeing the packed snow in front of the door. Duo closed the door and turned around and looked panicked.
"WHAT AM, WAS I YELLING ABOUT WE ARE SNOWED IN THE SAFE HOUSE AND IT'S BURIED IN SNOW ALL THE WAY UP TO JUPIDER!" Duo yelled ever louder and all in one breathe. The others just stared at Duo in shock with their mouths hanging open. Heero walked in to the living room and pulled open the curtains he saw the snow packed way up high. By the looks of it they wouldn’t be able to get out through the hanger either, the snow would just fall down and crush everything and trap their Gundams.
“Duo’s right we are trapped, I’m going to go email the doctors about our situation and make sure they don’t send us any missions because by the looks of things we’re not going anywhere for the next few days.” Heero explained as he took off upstairs. Everyone looked upset but non worse than Duo he was panicking, truth be told this was his worst fear he hated being trapped with no way out, like being stuck at a dead end surrounded by enemies ready to shoot and kill him. Wufei looked over to him and looked worried he walked up behind the braided youth and wrapped his arm around him, hugging him lightly to calm him down.
“Shush, now Duo everything is going to be ok just stay calm we have a party to get ready for remember we can’t do it with out you! We need you Duo!” Wufei whispered to Duo but loud enough for Trowa to hear who was standing beside them to the right. Trowa looked over to Duo and placed his hand on Duo’s shoulder, at the touch Duo looked up to Trowa who nodded his head.
“We do!” Trowa agreed with Wufei. Trowa and Wufei looked at each other and smiled, glad that Duo is starting to calm down. Duo closed his eyes and leaned into Wufei’s hug and the hand on his shoulder from Trowa. Quatre didn’t miss a thing; he was standing there the whole time. He has his angelic smile on his face he could feel that they all cared about each other deeply but the only thing is all three of them where to stubborn to admit it.
By the look of them Duo is the magnet pulling together and after that most likely the glue. Quatre thought to himself. The three of them would make a great couple or should I say trio! Quatre giggled to himself. I better go check on Heero! With that Quatre walked up the stairs to Heero’s room. Duo looked content with being in Wufei’s arms and having Trowa’s hand on his shoulder. He longed to have more body contact with them, to feel his naked body agents theirs. It was only a dream.
“Trowa, Wufei lets go eat some breakfast I’m hungry, then we have a party to get ready for.” Duo said quietly not wanting the contact to end. But his stomach said different. Wufei slowly let go he didn’t want to let go of Duo either. Trowa let his hand fall from Duo’s shoulder.
“Duo what do you want for breakfast?” Trowa asked quietly. Duo looked up at him and smiled.
“French Toast please.” Duo replied happily. Trowa smiled and laughed lightly.
“Your wish is my command! And you Wufei what will you be having?” Trowa asked looking to Wufei. Wufei looked surprised he didn’t expect to be asked. Wufei blushed slightly under Trowa’s gaze. Trowa smile grew slightly at this.
“Fr-French T-t-Toast sounds good!” Wufei stuttered. Trowa smiled this time, Duo took a few steps away from Wufei and Trowa moved in a few steps. Trowa lightly brushed his hand down the Chinese pilot’s face. Caressing his cheek. He’s so beautiful just like Duo, I want them so bad. Trowa thought to himself.
“Common you guys, you two go sit at the table I’ll make you the French toast!” Trowa said walking to the kitchen. Leaving one very startled Chinese boy and a smirking Duo. My plan is slowly falling into place I’ll have Trowa and Wufei in no time, to have and to hold, to fuck and to party, to love and worship we have unspoken bond! Duo Thought.
“Be there in a second Trowa!” Duo said waving after Trowa. Duo turned to Wufei. “Hey Wufei what’s up? You look like you have just seen a ghost! You’re pale and stuff.”
Wufei didn’t answer he just looked at Duo with a thoughtful look on his face. Duo is so beautiful with his long hair and violate eyes. Trowa is so strong and hansom, he has this mysterious gleam about him. I think I like them really like them. But that would mean I’m gay right? Oh boy, forgive me Nataku for I have sinned! I can’t have them both or can I? I don’t know I’ll just play it by ear. As Wufei thought he could barely hear his name being called by the annoyed Shinigami.
“He must be in a real stupor not to hear me yelling at him, there is only one last thing to do and if that doesn’t work I’ll just hit him over the head with a frying pan!” Duo thought aloud to himself. Duo stepped closer to the Chinese boy so that their faces were only a centimetre apart. He grabbed Wufei by the sides of the face and slammed Wufei’s lips against his, kissing Wufei. Wufei immediately brought back out of his stupor. Oh my god Duo is fucking kissing me for the second time. What now come on brain, work bad time for you to shut down on me brain. Baka Brain! Wufei franticly thought. He was surprised when he began kissing back. Apparently this was the signal Duo was waiting for, he pulled away.
“Welcome back to reality! Wu-Man!” Duo said. Wufei blushed and stared at the floor finding it rather interesting at the moment. “Wufei, we better head into the kitchen I can smell the French toast from here and I’m hungry!”
“Ok, let’s go eat Trowa’s fantastic French toast!” Wufei replied smiling. With that they walked in the kitchen to Trowa placing their plates of French toast on the table along with his.
“Good timing! Just finished better eat them before they get cold!” Trowa said smiling brightly. Duo’s mouth was watering at the sight and not just because of the food. Common Trowa in an apron think about it, it was so cute! Wufei had the same look on his face. The pair standing in the door nodded and went to sit down. Trowa sat down too. The three of them ate in silence for what seem like forever, when Trowa finally spoke up. “So…um what kind of games where you thinking of making us play at the party Duo?” Duo looked up at Trowa across from him mouth full of food. Duo swallowed and replied.
“Well, some of the games I was thinking of are: Truth or Dare, Seven Minutes in Heaven, I’ve Never and a few ordinary games like clue or something. Maybe some dancing after if we’re not to drunk by then.” Duo laughed. He knew the other pilots wouldn’t know about a couple of them games but he wasn’t going to say anything unless they asked which Wufei did.
“Um we all know what Truth or Dare and Clue are but, what’s seven minutes in heaven and I’ve Never?” Trowa nodded in agreement at Wufei question. Duo smiled.
“Well, Seven Minutes in Heaven is when two people are placed in a closet or any closed space alone to do what ever they want for seven minutes. When seven minutes are up the others outside the room come in and drag you out, where you talk about what ever you did in that time, them the next pair go in… and so on till every body has been every body. ‘I’ve Never’ is a drinking game; where we all go in a circle and state something they’ve never done. Like, un, ‘I’ve never kicked the wall impotently when the computer didn’t work’,”
“Duo!” screamed Heero a little miffed from the kitchen door as he and Quatre walked in. Quatre just laughed, Trowa and Wufei just raised an eyebrow.
“Go on.” Said Quatre.
“OR like ‘I’ve never eaten a live rat’,” Duo amended hastily. “Then, anyone who HAS done that thing has to drink. NOT the whole glass, unless you want to, but slightly more then a sip. Any Questions?”
“Is it too late to back out?” Quatre asked.
“Yes, the doors are locked and we are snowed in, we also can knock you door down if you lock yourself in your room!” explained Wufei.
“Oh!” Quatre simply stated. Heero nudged him.
“Loosen up, have some fun that’s what you’re always telling me or should I say all of you guys say! I’m gunna try!” Everyone was staring at Heero when he said this. Duo was smiling like he never smiled before.
“So, walls DO listen when I talk to them.” Duo said in amazement. Everyone but Heero laughed at Duo’s joke, but you can tell Heero was trying not to smile. He could never help but been in a good mood lately. He just couldn’t find a reason not to be, he was with Quatre, he had his health and his friends were all happy. Not that he’d actually vocally admit that he cared but he did. I may be cold sadistic suicidal hostile solider on the outside but they’ll never know I’m really a bid softy on the inside. Well Quatre seen that side of me on a couple occasions but that’s it! Now where did I leave my gun? Heero thought to himself.
Everyone sat around the table talking about anything that came to mind. Heero even got asked how he hid his gun in his spandex, and what he wears underneath them. But he never told them he just simply stated ‘Top Secret’ and every one laughed. They talked about good things, happy things, sad things, and scary things, well a whole bunch of things. It was probably the longest conversation they had with out saying much. Some things came out to the open some didn’t.
(A.N: Trowa, Duo, and Wufei still don’t know that the other likes the other! Oh you know what I mean!)
That’s when alarms starting going off around the safe house. The pilots looked around in shock, like a bolt of lightning they ran down to the hanger to see what set them off. When they got down there, then Heero typed some things into the big master computer and the screen came on showing a bunch of Aries mobile suits heading their way.
“How many are there?” Quatre asked.
“About twenty-five” Heero Replied.
“Will they be able to see this place? We berried in snow and if they attack we won’t be able to do anything about it we’re stuck down here!” Wufei asked. Duo was getting scared, which was strange.
“Let’s see I think we have a surveillance camera that’s not buried facing the roof.” Heero said. Typing more things on the keyboard. Luckily enough they did. “The roof is completely covered but we need to turn off the heat in case they have heat seeking equipment on them.” Came Heero’s reply. Quatre walked to the thermostat and turned it off, the temperature dropping quickly. Duo was shaking and not just because it was getting colder by the second. This was the second part of his worst fear. The being backed in to a corner by an enemy with no way out, they were all trapped. This time Trowa wrapped his arms around Duo to calm him; Wufei also came closer and took a hold of Duo’s hand. Duo calmed a bit but not a lot, enough to keep him level headed.
“What do you they are doing Heero?” Duo asked quietly. Heero turned to look at him his face serious.
“Well they either found us and are coming to attack us knowing that we are trapped due to the weather last night, OR they are scouting the area looking for buried houses to unbury them.” Heero explained.
“I have mixed feelings on this one, guys. Part of me wants them to find us to ‘save’ us and the other is hoping they just fly past us!” Duo said. The other nodded in agreement.
“I think I can speak for all of us when I say, we all feel the same way!” Quatre said. “Duo are you cluster phobic?”
“I don’t like being buried under a ton of snow!” Trapped like a caged animal. Quatre nodded thoughtfully. That answered a few questions. Quatre thought. The silence was interrupted by Heero’s voice.
“This is it guys cross your fingers! They’re closing in now. There are only 20 feet away!” Everyone closed their eyes and crossed their fingers praying to god they wouldn’t be found. If they were killed like this it would be embarrassing! The Aries were coming closer and closer and then they flew right past the safe house. Duo Cracked an eye open to look at the monitor and sighed in relief. The other four looked at the screen and also sighed in relief.
“You know I was partly hoping that they would find us because at least we would be out of the snow. Most likely dead but at least we wouldn’t be freezing to death.” Duo said. Which shocked everyone. Quatre giggled and waited a few more minutes before heading over to the thermostat and turned the head back up.
“You more or less said that before Maxwell!” Wufei said. Still a little nerve racked about the whole situation. He looked over to Duo who seemed to calmed down. Heero stud up and turned to face them all.
“We have a mission.” Heero informatively. Everyone looked at him with a ‘Are you kidding look’ which Heero shook his head.
“What’s the mission?” Trowa asked. Duo was giving Heero the ‘you must be the dumbest guy on the planet to think we could get out of here’ look.
“To Dig ourselves out from under the snow. There are shovels and buckets in the basement.” Heero said firmly. Duo’s mouth was hanging open.
“Your kidding right? We have to dig our way out of here?” Heero nodded. “What would happen if we didn’t?”
“Well, we’d either suffocate, freeze, starve… the possibilities more or less come down to death because by the weather reports the temperature is not going down so we can’t count on it melting on it’s own for at least 3 weeks.” Quatre explained. Duo sighed in defeat. Looking up at Trowa who still held him. Duo smiled he had an idea.
“Well the I nominate Heero and Wufei for the digging part, because I’m not digging upwards in the snow I’m terrified of being buried in it as you found out already. So how are we going to pull this off throw the show into the house then the people who are not digging carry the snow to the bathroom and dumping it in the shower stall and bath tub to melt and occasionally running hot water to melt the snow?” Duo said surprising everyone. Wufei was glaring at him because Duo said he had to dig.
“Wow, Duo you hit the nail on the head. I never knew you were so smart.” Heero said in his normal grumpy voice but there was a slight uplift of the lips.
“So why did you nominate ME to dig?” Wufei asked a little grumpily.
“Not just you Heero too! Have the Mr. Machos do the digging while Trowa and I bring the snow to the bathroom where Quatre is making it melt with his warm heart!” Duo said smiling. Heero slightly nodding in agreement to the plan only feeling slightly miffed that he isn’t the one telling everyone what to do. Quatre smiled brightly.
“Aw how sweet Duo, thank you but the Hot water will be doing most of the work I’m melting the snow.” Quatre laughed a little. Duo smiled back laughing a little as well swinging his hand which was holding Wufei’s making his swing as well. Wufei looked at his hand and raised an eye brow.
“Well then let’s get going.” Heero said. Duo pouted.
“Can we eat first?” Duo said. Trowa smiled.
“We ate all ready Duo.” Heero said flatly
“I know.” Duo said giving Heero puppy dog eyes and curling his bottom lip.
“Have a heart Heero, Duo can’t work on a empty stomach.” Trowa said. Making everyone stare at him. “What?”
“Fine we eat, again...” Heero said walking out of the hanger to the kitchen to get another breakfast. Trowa let go of Duo then fallowed Heero up the stairs, soon fallowed by Quatre. Wufei was about to fallow but Duo wouldn’t let go of his hand. Wufei glanced at Duo curiously tilting his head slightly. Duo ginned letting go of Wufei’s hand. Duo stepped right up to Wufei so that their bodies were almost touching. Wufei tried to step back but Duo wrapped an arm around his waist keeping him pressed against Duo’s body. Duo cupped Wufei’s face in other hand. Duo leaned over and lightly kissed Wufei on the lips. After a few seconds Wufei began to kiss back moaned into Duo’s mouth. Duo broke the kiss grinning.
“Now, was that hard?” Duo asked referring to the kiss. Wufei raised an eye brow.
“No.” Wufei answered very confusedly. Duo laughed a bit before tapping him on the shoulder.
“That’s a boy!” Duo said happily before running back up to the kitchen leaving Wufei in another shocked Stupor. Wufei shook his head then fallowed Duo to the kitchen.
Later that day...
"This really sucks!" Duo said as he dumped his bucket of snow into the bathtub while Quatre ran some hot water to help it melt.
"I know but it's worth it to see Heero's sweaty muscular chest while he digs." Quatre said with an unfamiliar devilish grin. Duo stepped back in shock laughing.
"WOAH! Q-Ball, I didn't know you were such a little pervert?" Duo said laughing. Duo stepped closer to Quatre "Sooo Q-Ball what is the deal with you and Heero?" Duo asked. Quatre looked at him with wide eyes. "You see, your mission should have only been a week at most but you two were gone several. You had us all worried about you! The you come home out of no where and I swear Heero had a bounce in his step." Duo elaborated. Quatre nodded in understanding and smiled.
"Well you see, I've had a bit of a crush on Heero for awhile before the mission and apparently he had a thing for me as well. We told each other how we felt before we finished our mission then when it was over we started fucking like rabbits and lost track of time." Quatre said blushing a little. Duo was grinning like an idiot he just had his suspicions confirmed.
"Way to go Q-Ball!" Duo said happily. "WOOT WOOT!" Duo yelled cheerfully, the pair started laughing.
"You know Duo, you can be a little more helpful and actually do some more heavy lifting, instead of dragging one bucket in here then taking a half an hour break blabbing." Trowa said a little miffed coming into the bathroom with his bucket of snow. Dumping the snow into the bathtub. Duo gave an apologetic look.
"Sorry Tro, but you know me I don't like to sweat! But because I love you I'm going to work some more! See ya in a minute Q." Duo said quickly grabbed his bucket and ran out of the bathroom to the main hall to get more snow. Trowa blinked while Quatre was giggling at Duo's comment of 'I love you'.
"Aw Trowa, Duo loves you! Isn't that cute!" Quatre said making the tall green-eyed pilot blush a little. "Don't be so shy I know you like him I see the way you look at Duo, I also see the way you've been looking at Wufei. Seems like Duo and Wufei are sharing the same lustful looks towards each other and you." Quatre said right before Duo walked in and dumped more snow in the bathtub then left again. But not before his eyes had a chance to do a once over look at Trowa. Quatre raised an eyebrow and smirked. Trowa noticed the look to he couldn't deny his own recent infatuation with Duo or Wufei or was it more? Trowa didn't know he knew he had a strong feeling of freedom and contentment whenever he was with them both or in individual company. Quatre cleared his throat catching the green-eyed pilot's attention. Trowa blinked at Quatre a little dazed looking. Quatre laughed a bit. "I think just proved my point! You should make a move or something, it's not like Duo hasn't been trying." Quatre said elbowing Trowa in the gut.
"Um, I think you may be right." Trowa said slowly slightly unsure of himself. The Duo walked in again with another bucket full of snow looking a little miffed.
"Hey Trowa I thought just a minute ago you were yelling at me to get my butt moving and now you're the one slacking off!" Duo said Dumping the Snow all over Trowa instead of in the bathtub. Quatre burst out laughing at the snow covered Trowa just smiled sheepishly.
"OK, ok Quatre was just giving me advise. I'm off to work now see! Oh and Duo you have a very cute butt!" Trowa said as he walked slowly out of the bath. Slapping Duo on the ass as he left. Duo's jaw dropped.
"IYA!" Duo squealed as he put his hands over his ass after Trowa slapped it. Quatre was grinning like a devil. Duo stared stunned then looked back at Quatre with the stunned look. Quatre almost burst out laughing a the look.
"Duo go get some more snow." Quatre said with a semi-stern voice pointing at the door. Duo simply nodded and walked out of the bathroom.
When Duo got to the front door Wufei and Trowa were chuckling to each other and Heero was struggling not to smile. Duo just blinked in confusion and decided just to refill his bucket with snow, which then he brought back in to the bathroom and emptied it. Coming back out a minute later Trowa walked passed him with his bucket of snow. Duo walked over to Wufei slowly. "Hi." Duo simply said for the first time in his life he couldn't think of anything to say, the sight of Wufei at this moment turned him into goo. Wufei tuned to look at him when Duo didn't continue. Wufei's shirt was off and his back and chest was lightly coated with sweat. Some of Wufei's hair had worked its way out of its ponytail and was framing his face. Duo couldn't help but blush.
"Yes, Duo?" Wufei asked looking at the braided boy with an unreadable blank face. Duo just looked at the ground and shook his head.
"Never mind." came Duo's reply, this was one of the rare moments Duo was afraid to say something stupid.
Heero was watching the two out of the corner of his eye and smirked. Even he could tell that Duo liked Wufei and Trowa. He could also see that Wufei and Trowa felt the same way. Heero would also go as far as saying that Wufei and Trowa liked each other too. Heero stopped watching them and continued digging and imagining Quartre in very suggestive ways.
Duo sighed and just tuned and grabbed more snow and went back to the bathroom. Passing Trowa again. The rest of the day was more or less the same just going at what they were supposed to do in silence, with the occasional cough, sneeze or a dramatic sigh from Duo. The trio also stole quick glances at each other when they weren't looking. Sometimes even when they were just to pass a silent message saying 'I want you.'
End Notes: This is just the original chapter 6, now chapter 3... >_> Well the blurb from 7 is there too. from 'Later That Day' on is Chapter 7 (original).