Death and Rebirth
Chapter Two ~ Lost
By: Raven’s Midnight Light
Duo’s POV
Wufei and I are still lying in bed on our backs, I think Wufei is asleep but I’m not sure. I don’t want to risk waking him if he is, and I don’t think I can look at him at the moment. I feel so empty and slightly dirty but I don’t care well I do care about he empty part. The only time since Heero broke it off with me was when I had Wufei inside me pounding into me tearing me up inside. The only time I could block out the emotional grief. I feel so lost…
Wufei turns his head slightly and looks at Duo who was staring blankly at the ceiling he knew something was wrong because he came to him. Duo usually comes to him when he was in need of physical contact he couldn’t get from Heero because he was away on a mission. Wufei also found it odd that lately Heero has been ignoring Duo way more then usual. ‘Maybe something is going on between Heero and Duo. Heero has been pulling away from Duo a lot more now. Heero and Duo are one of the strangest couples I’ve ever seen. You can tell they obviously love each and they are really passionate. They can’t get enough of each other yet for some reason they pull away from each other and Duo ends up in my bed. Not that I don’t mind his company it’s just mind bubbling.’ Wufei thought as he watched Duo who was now drifting off to sleep. Just then Wufei could have sworn he saw a tear fall from Duo’s eye. Now he knew something was wrong. Wufei decided to listen to Duo when he wanted to talk for any reason at all, But right now he knew all Duo wanted was to sleep.
Downstairs Quatre was trying to make sense on what happened before. He didn’t know but he did agree with Wufei that Heero and Duo’s relationship was an odd one indeed. It always seemed like a push and pull kind of thing. The love, intensity, and passion was there but there was something missing that neither Wufei or Quatre could put a finger on.
Quatre got up off the couch and wondered around the main floor aimlessly trying to think of something. His senses were triggering and he could feel Duo was in pain but he knew from past experiences that if he pushed too soon to try to comfort or tried talking to him Duo would just push him further away. Quatre also had a feeling that this time reaching Duo would be much harder then any other time Duo was thrown into a depression.
EN: I know REALLY short. Truth is the chapter is not done XD GOMEN NASAI I was begged by ice_princess_1185 to update because she was dieing so me being me I updated what I had. I have no idea where I’m going with this fic I know how I want it to end up. I got the beginning and the end figured out and now I’m trying to figure out the middle. If you have any ideas on what I should do with Duo & this fic please let me know I will credit your ideas when/if I use them (most likely I will) >_< I’m such a pathetic author. Please have pity on me!