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Saturday October 28, 2002
Kenpo Test...

Dear Journal,

This is my first entry. I know that I am testing soon and I am really not sure if I am looking forward to it or if I am dreading it. Maybe a little of both I suppose. It is my "Third Brown" test. This is going to be the most difficult of all my tests I think. Even my "Black" belt test. I say this because I just don't know what is coming with the next test. It is on a new level from that of any other test that I have taken thus far. Some things I know will happen. And some things... Not only that, but should I pass, then there is the matter of a whole new class to attend. That can prove a little intimidating as well... I think that I am not going to expect. The last instruction that I was given about it was that it would be sometime in the beggining of November to the beggining of December. So I know that it is coming soon. I anticipate the "Talk" everytime that I go the "The Karate School". The "Talk" is when Sifu pulls you aside after or during class and tells you when your next test date is. It's like waiting for the first day of school. You know that kind of anticipation.

As always,
Parkers Student

Monday October 30, 2002
Kenpo Injury etc...

Dear Journal,

Well I wasn't at Kenpo last Monday for personal reasons. But was here today. I have a semi-serious injury about my hip joint. It is hard for me to move certain ways that a lot of the techniques in Kenpo require. In class today I found it very hard to accomplish many movements that I normally can usually perform. It is really quite frusterating actually. I just hope that is not permenant. Hopefully it will resolve itself within a week here.

Also I am concerned because I have to go to Bakersfield to watch my cousins' deal where he gets to meet his "Grand Master". I hope that it doesn't worsen to point that I cannot make it. They are really excited about me in the martial arts (I think) and I just don't wanna let them down. It's hard being looked up to in my world, knowing that I am very far from perfect. But hey, someones got to do it!!! Just teasing...

Anyway, sorry about the miss-leading title of "Kenpo Injury". I know it sounds like I have some juicy tale of some limb I lost during class or something. In truth, I think that it really occured at work. And now I am just too lazy to change it. So there...

As Always,
Parkers Student

Tuesday December 31, 2002

Hello Hello,

It is me again. Wow, my test is January 11. That is really soon. Not as soon as I previously had anticipated. (see origional entry). But believe me, I needed the time to get ready. I still am not sure that I am all the way there.

Talk about a busy week that week too... I have a personal appointment on the 10th (that will last just about all day), and on the 11th is my test and finally on the 12th I have to be in Hollywood for the "Peoples Choice Awards". Man that is a lot of stress let me tell ya. I just hope that I can cope.

Anyway, other than that nothing really important to chat about. Thanx for dropping in though to check it out.

As Always,
Parkers Student

Tuesday March 30, 2004
Kenpo Injury etc...

Hello again,

Well I have been a brown belt for sometime and cant say that it has been bad. But gotta go for now. HEHEHE... I know, I know, just came back, and already leaving... Well I have to install some stupid computer stuff. Hi Nicole!!!

Parkers Student.