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These two boys are my pride and joy. They are my twins Tayler and Tyler. The newest edition to the Ferguson family. They were born in Hollywoods Ceader Siani Hospital on July 17 2000. Tayler was 3lbs. 12oz. and Tyler 3lbs. 4oz. At birth, Tayler was 16 inches and Tyler 16 1/4 inches.

Well, if you have to know the reason that they were born in Hollywood, it is because my wife (Sissy) was shooting a film with Brendon Fraiser and David Spade. I don't know that I am allowed to release the name yet so I wont.

She didn't tell anyone that she was in labor almost all day. Isn't that crazy? Well anyway when the director finally yelled "THAT'S A WRAP!" some NINE hours later, she finally decided that it would be a good time to tell me that she thinks the babies were coming! So I frantically tell one of the crew, a PA or the AD (cannot remember) that if they didn't stop what they were doing right now they were going to have twins on there set.

So anyway long story short..... They (The Cast and Crew) were great and they even got us a brand new double stroller along with a gift card to "Toys R Us". Well, that is thier story, believe it or not!