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Here are some of the pages that I have come across surfing the net. Some of them I got some of my ideas from, and the others I just found kewl. (And besides, every other site that I have been to has a links page. LOL! Well here they are. Have fun.

    Kenpo sites:

  • The Karate School
    This is the school that I attend in my home town.

  • Double Dragon Kenpo Karate
    This is a sister school to mine.

  • Pockets Ponies
    This is my "Leading Ladys" page. It is her sales page for her "My Little Ponys". Now she is just getting started, but I think that she is doing very well. Check it out.

    This is a buddie of mines site. It has some language, but really is just a journal from a conversation that is going to take a very long time. Kinda like a "Soap" you know, except there are several places for you to interact within the site. So have fun...