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This is just a page for miscellenious pictures that I have of friends and stuff. Not all of them are martial artists, but they are all pretty cool. If they have a web page, you will be able to tell by a noticable border around thier picture. Just click on the picture, and it should take you there. So, enjoy the pictures.

Parkers Student


This is my mother. She supports me the best that she can in the martial arts, but is a bit uneasy about it. She also holds a rank in a martial art. Other than the martial arts, my mother is a M.A. (Medical Assistant). She loves musicals, and the theater. My mother is very supportive in my life, other than in Kenpo. Sometimes she can seem a bit high strung, but I know that she is just trying to help me see what she has learned to be right. (You GO GIRL)!!!! Well anyway, that is about all there is to know about her without getting sued for exposing her personal life. LOL!!! Well anyway, to the right is my mother doggy "Dexter". He is new to the family, but certainly fits in. He has mucho energy, but holds no rank in the martial arts... :O)

This is Sissy's doggy Tobious. He is very hyper, and loves to jump on everything and everyone.....