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This page is dedicated to the woman that I love... Sissy. I know I know, it's about time that I got a picture up and on the page. But hey, computer stuff isn't cheap. Well anyway, you may now continue on with the story...:O)hehehe.

I first met her in 1996. I was a senior in high school. She was a sophomore. I noticed her staring at me one day. So I called her that night, totally put her on the spot about it, and the next thing that I know, we're together.

Well, in 1996 I joined the military (Army) so that we could have a stable life together.... Somewhere during my enlistment, and my discharge, we lost touch. (as long distance loves often do). Well four years later, and three kids later (two for me)(one for her), we coincidently end up in the same town (our home town), at the same time. Not only that, but, uncanny as it seemed, we both just got out of the relationships that we were in and were both planning our own divorces.

It's really been a miracle that we found each other again, and that we are not only best friends, but life partners now, too. She is the greatest thing that has happened to me next to KENPO.

And now here we are married to eachother, the way that I knew it always SHOULD have been. We are so happy together, and only have one regret. That is, we regret both marrying the TWO BIGGEST mistakes in our lives.

Well that is it. Other than the fact that we now have TWINS. If you would like to see them, just click the link below.


Parkers Student....