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Christmas Banquet

Here's a couple pics of me and my friends at our Christmas Banquet that our youth group put on at our church.

Well here's a group shot. L to R: Me, Kd, Bambi, Adam.

Me and Kd posing on this little fake ice pond they had. We were trying to be ballerinas or something I think...Anyways I think I look like the biggest fricknard in this pic so keep scrolling.

My new boyfriend. ;) Another thing they had at the banquet. Come on, blow up snowmen?!? What next?! I think they're awesome. I asked my mom if I could get one. She said no. My mom is mean.

This is me and Kd's talkshow we had after the Banquet. I believe it was called the Yippie Minnie Show. (Don't ask its a long story) Anyways, Kd seems to have thought it was too boring to even stay awake during the show. *sigh* Although I seem to be checking out some guy off to the side there...I wonder who that was...;)

This is Kd, Paul, and me. Paul was a "guest" on our talkshow. Apparently he either thought the show was also boring, was blinded by my sheer fricknardness, or was trying to be a gentlemen and not look at Kd's extremely exposed thigh. ;)

Ok our show sucks so why not just get wasted off icy cold lime drinks. Riigghhttt...

Ok so this is the only time you'll see me dressed up and smiling. So you better save this pic. These things don't happen very often.
