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Food Sensitivity
Many people suffer from individual food allergies, or allergies to entire groups of foods.  Such sensitivity, which is usually diagnosed by a doctor, often
has those items which may be the most healthful in the diet.
Milk, wheat, eggs, strawberries, pork, apples, nuts, and chocolate are
among the most common offenders. Although certain foods may not
be handled by your body properly, you will still need those nutrients
associated with these foods. If only a few foods cause adverse reactions this presents no great problem. But when many foods or an entire group of foods must be eliminated from your diet, the practice of maintaining adequate nutrition requires closer attention.
In order to be sure your body is receiving all the elements it needs to function properly, you need to determine what nutrients are provided in the foods you cannot eat, and find an alternative in another food that has those nutrients.
For example: If you have a milk allergy, you can select alternative sources of calcium, riboflavin and Vitamin A outside of the dairy family.
You can probably expand your  food awareness as well and discover many foods you might otherwise have missed out on.

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