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     Fergie's Weight Watchers Freedom Plan
The Weight Watchers Freedom Plan lets you choose whatever you want to eat.
It is a basic common sense diet. You can still eat and lose weight.
Weight-Watchers customed designed a meal plan to help the Duchess of York get slim
while still enjoying her favorite dishes. You can still eat unlimited amounts of fruits and vegetables on this
program and still lose up to 2 pounds a week.

Fergie's Success Secrets
These simple strategies helped Sarah get into the sleek shape she's in- and they can work for you too.
Writing In A Food Journal
During meals you can sometimes look down at your plate and realize you've eaten a lot of food. Planning meals in advance and keeping a written record of what she eats keeps her from over indulging.
Treating Yourself To A Small Reward
Yes, there are moments of temptation for Sarah, but she knows how to handle them.
During the week, I might have the odd cookie, she admits with a smile. But just one. And that satisfies my need. Diet experts agree that an occasional treat keeps you from feeling deprived.
Finding An Exercise Routine You Like
Regular exercise is vital to staying fit, and she has found what works for her.
I sit on my bicycle for an hour, and do weights on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Getting Support From Others
Going to weight-watchers meetings has helped Fergie get the encouragement and camaraderie she needed.
Setting Small Realistic Goals
Taking your weight loss one step at a time will help ensure that you reach your goals.
Don't rush, it's not going to happen overnight. Keep preserving- and you'll get there.


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