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The Gain Weight Diet

Just as some people have trouble with obesity, others may  face the problem
of being underweight. And the underweight  can face low energy.
Sometimes it is because they don't eat enough, or they may ingest ample
calories, but due to illness, stress or other metabolism they fail to oxidize  food
for necessary energy.
For those people whose weight deficiency comes from under eating, or illness,
the proper diet can be effective in achieving normal weight.
Increasing the daily calorie intake is the first step toward it's cure.
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Find your energy requirements to compute your present calorie intake.
Here you will see how many additional calories you will need to gain weight.
Also you need to pay attention to the nutritional value of your diet.
The needs for the underweight are greater in the area's of protein, vitamins and minerals.
Remember the foods that have empty calories, such as :
candy, soda, pretzels, potato chips, pastries may help to gain extra calories,
but they are seriously lacking in good nutritional values.
A High protein diet is needed to re build bones,blood and all cells, and to create new
body tissues not just pounds of fat.
Foods rich in fats can really help in adding energy value to the diet,
however Fat is digested more slowly than other nutrients, and may prove
so satisfying that the small eater is not hungry, skips meals, and fails
to consume more potential calories needed.
Too much fat in the diet can cause coronary problems in the underweight, 
just as in the obese. The total fat in the diet should still be below 35%
of the daily calories. The largest of these fats should be the unsaturated variety.
Vitamin A and  along with the B vitamins, is said to improve the
appetite, which will encourage you to eat more.
When planning a menu, consider adding sauces, salad dressing,
grains, beans, nuts, dried fruits, and whole-grain breads to round out your meals.
Choose whole milk and fruit juices rather than water, coffee or tea.
Although meat and cheese are important foods, they should not be
overemphasized since their high fat content makes them quickly satisfying
and those who have small appetites may eliminate other items on the menu.
It is better to have smaller portions of several items than large quantities of
one food when trying to gain weight.
So in planning a gain-weight diet, you must pay attention 
to the nutritional value of your menu.


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