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Do You Believe in
Halloween ?
Are You afraid of Ghosts and
Goblins ?

Do you hear things
go bump into the night ?

Aw  Go on ...
You say you don't believe in any of it at all ?
Okay now ~
Here's a little test
See how well you score !
If you answer yes to most of these
then you do believe in Halloween...
hee hee

Have you ever ....
thrown salt over your shoulder ?
knocked on wood ?
walked around a ladder instead of under it ?
read and followed your horoscope ?
got up on the wrong side of the bed ?
thrown rice at a wedding ?
carried a rabbits foot ?
how you doing so far ?
accidentally wore your clothes on the wrong side ?
said Bless You when someone sneezed ?
hung up a horseshoe in your house ?
did not step on the cracks in the sidewalk ?
kept the bride and groom apart on the day of the wedding, till the moment of marriage ?
or carried your bride over the threshold ?
look for the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow ?
wish upon a star ?
be afraid when a black cat runs in front of you ?
be apprehensive on Friday the 13 th ?
break a mirror and believe in 7 years of bad luck ?
kill a spider and make it rain ?
wash your car and make it rain ?
catch a ladybug and have it fly away ?
found a four leaf clover
plucked a daisy's petals
wore a lucky outfit

How Many did you say yes to ??
So now
Do You believe in Halloween ?
laugh out loud
I Know I do !
Have Fun
Be Safe
Happy Halloween

~knock on wood~
hee hee
