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The Basic Natural- Organic Food Diet

The people who advocate this diet believe that basic natural foods
provide us with real sustenance. By choosing food  grown on 
chemical-free, nutrient-rich soil, as near as to their natural state 
as possible, that we will have 
the greatest chance of of healthy diet.
In this manner the body can heal ailments and protect itself 
against invasion from harmful bacteria, viruses, chemical intoxicants,
and pollutants.
The human body is a complex structure of billions of cells.
Food nutrients keep these cells in proper working order; they provide 
the essential materials for new cells to be built, for maintaining 
the balance of body fluids, etc.
The amount of nourishment supplied to the cells determines 
our health, and a minor lack of one or more nutrients can greatly
damage the cell structure.
There are over forty known nutrients known to be essential to 
the human cell;
If any are missing it is evident in a lack of energy, low spirits 
and less than optimum body functioning; in obesity and
heart disease and low blood sugar; in frequent colds and viruses,
temporary and permanent debilitating diseases.
Natural food advocates believe food processing is largely 
responsible for the high incidence of malnutrition and the 
overall poor health status of all the people.
The refining of the basic ingredients that compose prepared,
packaged foods removes much of the original food value;
synthetic food enrichment reinstates high percentages of some
food elements, but ignores the simultaneous need for others.
Processed foods add too much salt and sugar. Although not harmful,
they may satisfy our appetites but crowd out the use of more 
substantial foods.
If wholesome foods were obtainable, they say- meaning fruits 
and vegetables and grains grown on naturally fertilized soil;
untreated milk from animals allowed to graze on green pastures; 
meat and animal products from uncastrated animals  raised on 
natural grain, free of hormones, antibiotics and chemical feed- it 
may be possible for our diet to furnish all the nutrients 
our body needs daily in just the right amount.
The use of poor, chemically treated soil for growing produce,
the spraying of crops, and raising animals with drugs and 
chemicals, poor food handling-all has reduced the nutritive 
value before processing or cooking begins.
As a result the advocate organic food eater has to resort to food 
supplements such as found in health stores.
The Natural Food Breakfast
The aim of the natural-foods-diet breakfast is to balance a high-protein
food with some fat and carbohydrates. This provides a gradual release
of sugar into the bloodstream and maintains a high lever of energy over the longest period of time.
A minimum of 22 grams of protein is suggested. Such foods as meat,
fish, fowl, eggs, milk, and cheese, soy products and yogurt are
promoted as excellent protein sources.
Also protein can be further enhanced by the use of brewer's yeast, 
dry-milk powder, wheat germ, soy flour and ground nuts and seeds
in food preparation.
The Natural Food Lunch
Again the lunch should consist of protein, a moderate amount 
of carbohydrate and some fat. Although most people get lots of 
fat in their daily diet, the kind of fat referred to in the natural foods 
plan is unsaturated fat,important as a source of linoleic and linolenic acid,
to provide satiety and a slow release of sugar into the bloodstream, 
and to transport the fat-soluble vitamins A,D,E, and K.
All hydrogenated fats from processed peanut butter, processed
cheeses, solid cooking fat, and french fried foods are avoided.
Animal fat from beef, pork and lamb is limited, replaced by more
fish and fowl on the menu; highly saturated coconut oil and palm oil, 
found in imitation cream, filled milk, and infant formulas are rejected. 
The highest priority is given to 
unrefined nut and vegetable oils.
The Natural Food Dinner
Dinners on the Natural food plan are light, following the pattern of lunch.
To obtain high levels of vitamins and minerals, carbohydrates come
in the form of fresh fruit and vegetables.  White flour, white rice,
packaged cereals, and white sugar have no place in the Natural Food
kitchen...Instead they have whole-wheat flour,honey and molasses,
brown or converted rice, and other whole-grain cereals.
These foods are stressed as vital sources of B vitamins, vitamin E, 
calcium, iron, phosphorus, and magnesium.  Fresh produce is rich in
Vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, phosphorus, and all trace minerals.
Nuts and beans contribute B vitamins, iron, magnesium, and trace minerals.

What is the Danger ?
The overzealous follower can resort to too much pill-popping, 
creating the wrong
combinations of food nutrients. They can become victim to
vitamin toxicity ( rare )
Especially in the A,D and E vitamins. Many mistake that all foods 
sold as  health foods will make them "healthier" and then consume them in huge quantities.
They may also accept these foods on good faith that if it  is labeled
"natural foods" as being wholesome, and not read the fine print
on the label- they may discover such processed ingredients as 
sugar, hydrogenated vegetable shortening, MSG, corn syrup, etc.

The basic teachings of the Natural Foods Diet deserve high praise.
With nutrition education lacking,this movement has brought
increased food awareness.
Natural foods are more flavorable than processed ones.
They can reduce the craving for sweets and salt, and
because they are more satisfying, often lead to desired weight control.
By adding more bulk to the diet, natural foods also facilitate elimination.
Often criticized as a costly diet, a Natural foods Plan is
often less expensive than most other food patterns
since no money is wasted on high-calorie overprocessed 
foods with little nutritional value. And the advocates also say,
that hundreds of dollars are saved each year on medical  and dental bills.


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