IF .....
You've ever shot anyone for just looking at you. Any of your children were concieved in a car wash.
Your wife has ever said,"Come on over and move this transmission so I can take a bath." You think the last four words of the National Anthem are,"Gentlemen, start your engines !" You refer to your wife and mother-in-law as "dual air bags." There is more oil in your baseball cap then in your car. You have lots of hub caps on your house but none on your car. You paint your car with house paint.
You own half of a pick up truck. Your car burns more oil than gas.
The trunk of your car is tied down,and you're not hauling anything. Your muffler is held on by a coat hanger. Your car has never held a full tank of gas. You know how many bales of hay your car can haul. You have a rag for a gas cap. Your house doesn't have curtains but your truck does. There's a motor hanging from your tree in your yard. You use a fishing liscense as a form of
There are more fish on your walls than pictures. You've ever eaten out of a minnow bucket. Your wife would rather fish off a bridge than shop for clothes. Your wife has a set of earrings you use as fishing lures. Your chili's secret ingredient comes from the bait shop. You have ever been too drunk to fish. There are more than 10 pending lawsuits against your dog. You think Ole yeller is a movie about your brothers' tooth. You are allowed to bring your dog to work. The dog can't watch you eat without gagging. Your dog has a litter of puppies on the living room floor,and nobody
Your veternarian is also a taxidermist. Your dog passes gas and you claim it.(barking spiders) The dog catcher calls for a back up when visiting your house.
Your toilet paper has page numbers on it. You think a hot tub is a stolen bathroom fixture. The most common phrase heard in your house is "somebody go jiggle the
You've ever stood outside a bathroom and heckled someone inside. You have to wash your hands before going to the bathroom. Your 4th of July was ruined, because daddy got drunk and burnt the spam. You've ever lost a tooth opening a bottle of beer. You consider a six pack of beer and a bug zapper quality entertainment. You can drink beer through your
If you go to weddings to get rice for dinner. If the level in your pool goes down when your neighbor flushes. If you've ever bathed with flea and tick soap. If your wheelbarrow breaks and it takes four
If your primary source of income is the pawn
If none of your shirts cover your stomach. If bikers back down from your momma. If you've ever been too drunk to fish.
If someone asks to see your ID and you show
If your dad walks you to school cuz you're both
If you see a sign that says "Say No To Crack,"
If your fish finder cost more than your boat! If while mowing your yard, you find a car. If you use the same tree as your dog. If your wife gets caller I.D. so she can tell
If the keyless entry system for your car is a