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It was Halloween Night.
The year was 1979
I was 30 years old.
My doorbell rang, I was expecting more trick or treaters.

Instead I had a bag of fire on my porch~ My instinct told me
to hurry and stomp out the fire ~My ears told me someone was hiding in the bushes snickering. And then I smelled it. The bag was filled with dog poop, my shoes, and my socks were brown and slimy.
I recognized the culprit.
It was Then and There I plotted my REVENGE ~
And so I waited and waited.
It is now 20 years later
I know where he lives~ I have cased his house all week, I know his wife leaves for work every day at 6 PM.
So at 7 PM I park down the street, and walk to his porch, carrying the biggest, juiciest bag of dog poop there ever was.
I can't help but laugh out loud.
My plan is to light it, ring the door bell, hide in the shadows, and when he is up to his knees in dog poop~ I will jump out and yell
Aw Sweet, sweet revenge
Okay, now I light it, ring the bell and slither into the shadows.
I am really in hysterics, hey this is fun...Revenge at last !
And so I waited
and waited...
He didn't come out....He didn't answer the door...
Oh, cripes the fire is spreading now...

What can I do ? I am not an arsonist...
I looked around...nothing...Only one thing that I could do...
Yep.. you guessed it!
After 20 years of planning, you would think
the SOB would be at home !!!
so much for revenge..


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