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The Simpleton went to a whore house and
  knocked on the door.

When the Madam answered, he said, "Me want
  woman!"  The Madam looks at him kind of funny and said, "You want a woman huh?" He replies, "Yes.
Me want woman.  Me got money."

 "But do you have experience?" the Madam asked.  "Experience?"
 replied the Simpleton.  "Have you done this before?"  "No, but me want woman.  Me got money."

 The madam laughed and said, "I'll tell you what honey, you go out  into the forest over there and
practice with the knotholes in those
 trees and when you know what you're doing you come back and see me."

  The Simpleton went out into the forest and found a knothole to practice. The next week he went back to
the whorehouse and knocked on the door.  When the Madam answered, he exclaimed,
"Me want woman.  Me got experience!" So the Madam sent him upstairs with one of her girls.
     When they got upstairs the Simpleton told her to take off her clothes
and bend over. When she did, he took out a 2x4 and smacked her on the behind.
"What the heck did you do that for!" she exclaimed.

                        "Me check for bees."

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