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The  First Thanksgiving

It was the  first Thanksgiving 
                                that we had spent together. 
                    I was very anxious for him to meet my family. 
                            There was Grampa and Gramma, 
                                  my Mom and my Aunt,  along with  several cousins... 
                                   all seated at the table. 
 And boy oh boy was he a nervous wreck, he was
trying so hard to make a good
                    He had earlier confessed to me  that he wasn't 
     feeling all that well ~ that he had an upset stomach ~ with a lot of gas... 
  Well would you believe that only 5 minutes after we had sat down to eat, he
              couldn't hold it back and we all heard the trumpet sound. 
                                   Suddenly my Gramma 
                        looked under the table and called out to 
                                       our dog  Max... 
                          Max get out from under 
                                      the table !! 

      "Oh what a relief ," He whispered to me,"She thought it was the dog !" 
                         A little while later it happened again ~ 
                                  but louder and longer... 
               Again my Gramma, looked under the table and yelled , 
              "Max Get out from under the table !!" 
                                   "Whew" safe again... 
     All the dinner plates were collected, and our dessert was being served. I
                       noticed how fidgety he started to become. 
                     And oh no, once again we heard that familiar 
                    sound, only much louder and longer than ever. 
                        All was quiet around the table, and then 
                                  Gramma spoke again... 
                         "Max, get out from under 
                                       the table 
                    Before he craps all over you!" 

                                           hee hee 
                    needless to say he made a lasting impression ! 

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