The Ultra-Mega-Fantastic Forum Debate

THEM [What started it all]

Dance Dance Revolution Konamix

You can really figure out the whole point of this game from the title. You play the game with a 4-way directional pad that you stand on (much like Nintendo's power pad, but with arrows instead of dots). Arrows come flying up from the bottom of the screen and you have to step on the corresponding arrows on your dance pad, all in a perfect rhythm with the music. Easy, right? *snort*

Actually, it's wicked hard. As you might guess, hitting three arrows at once is extremely difficult (because you only have two feet, count 'em) and keeping yourself centered on the pad is even harder. All in all, though, don't miss this game. It is, in my mind, the best game out there for PS1.


Dave: "I see a dream in your dance; I see tomorrow in your dance..." Finally, a quality video game that actually burns off calories! A messthank age to all parents who think that Nintendo is to blame for America's overweight population: Buy this game for your kids, they will you everyday.
Rating: 9/10

Nathan: DDR may be better in thearcades, but the home version is pretty good too (it just takes some getting used to). Get some friends together the first time you play and take turns making fools of yourself (and remember, EVERYBODY has to take a turn). Soundtrack could be better.
WARNING: The only people who will actually be good at DDR are a) the people who memorize every song, or b) the people who know all there is to know about dancing AND music.
Rating: 8.6/10

Reid: What can i say this game is my all time favorite arcade game. The ps version of DDR is harder because of the mat so i can't give it the best rating
Arcade Rating: 10/10
PS Rating: 8/10

Josh: Looks to be a really fun game. I had taken a go at it, but because i have such bad coordination i failed horribly. But overall its a fun but kind of difficult game
Rating: 7.5/10


Disagreement concerning your DDR Review
Posted on February 13, 2003 at 03:53:09 PM by r3d0g

One of you; my memmory doesn't recollect which one; gave the game a lower score because the game was harder with the dance pad. Ummm...well. Get a better dance pad. The game was originally intended for arcades. If you want a better experince pay the money. You also have one other option. Mod the gamepad. I'm performing my own little surgery on my gamepad very soon. Tutorials are available online so you can get that "arcade" feeling from the pad. Last, but not least, don't listen to that silly warning about not playing on a hard surface. It makes the game easier to play. At the moment I have a 6 by 6 piece of plywood under my pad to give it added temporary support. Just a thought.

Lastly, I thought you guys were all about the old school videogames? Reviewing a PLAYSTATION game??!! Ohhh the horrors!

Then again; i think you all have a case of nintendo fanboy nastalgia as you review Nintendo 64's not old school.

Lastly...and I have to put this in being a xbox wielding, pc gaming, ddr owning kinda guy.

Lets see you play Panzer Dragoon Orta on a nintendo

Laterz guyz. Nice site btw.


well i should say that origonally our festival didn't go past the super nes but we evolved over time as most things do. and panzer makes me cream my shorts


I've said it before and i'll say it again, Reid, you have a problem.


not being good at DDR myself and all, I just gotta say that um, everyone is entitled to their opinion and all, just like I myself am disgusted with xbox, I know other people like it, so um yeah there.


If you play to be disgusted with Xbox...please....put something ...such as an explanation behind your statements. I assume it is just that nintendo fanboyism yet again. :)


I have to admit, yes there is a lot of "nintendo fanboyism" (as you so eloquently and flatteringly put it) in me, and if you'll notice, we also play a lot of Gamecube and PS2, so N64 isn't really that much of a stretch, is it?

As far as DDR, I can't believe someone visited our site who has actually played it. You must be a friend of Reid or Dave. Yes we are aware of pad modding methods and such, and actually since I wrote that review I've gotten a couple of Ignition pads that work a lot better than my old one.

Now.. concerning xbox. THIS IS MY OPINION ONLY. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO AGREE WITH IT. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TRY TO CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE. 1. Microsoft already owned just about everything when it jumped into the console business, and I partially blame the company for knocking Sega out of the console market. I liked Sega. (and yes I know they still make games for all consoles) 2. Microsoft doesn't need anymore money. 3. see number two. 4. Xbox has an internal hard drive. hard drives CRASH. fact of life. if your memory card crashes you get a new memory card. if your hard drive crashes you're screwed. 5. Microsoft's track record as far as new products hasn't been so great. Think about all the versions of Windows they had to make before they finally got one that wouldn't crash all the time. 6. Gamecube comes with a 1-year warranty. xbox? 90 days OR pay an extra $50 fee for a 2 year warranty. 7. Zelda. 8. Remember the guys who had to go to court because none of the small-time programming companies with great ideas could their stuff on the market? Because the giant corporation controlled the market? Yeah, that was Microsoft. And they were (and are) so filthy rich that, well, they managed to buy their way out. And this is what I hold NOT against XBox as a system, but against Microsoft as a company. Xbox is obviously a fine piece of hardware and it obviously has some good games. But Microsoft has too much power as it is, and I have to draw the line somewhere. They may dominate OS's and software and computer gaming, but they will NOT take my consoles. So buy an



1st---I don't understand how you can have a personal vendetta against a successful company. Microsoft is rich...why? Because they make easy to use products. As for Microsoft not needing any more money...your point? If they make good games (which they do)...and good hardware (which they do)...why should their financial status make a difference. Sega is not free to better explore the software market.

2nd---¡§4. Xbox has an internal hard drive. Hard drives CRASH. Fact of life. If your memory card crashes you get a new memory card. If your hard drive crashes you're screwed.¡¨ „³this obviously shows that not a computer person. The reason why your hard drive ¡§crashes¡¨ as you because of a corruption of your windows OS caused by poor maintenance and lack of understanding of Windows ect. Your hard drive does not ¡§crash¡¨ for any other reason. It can...stop working after a period of does CDROMS... (i.e. PS2, Gamecube). Nothing lasts for ever. An Xbox Hard drive cannot ¡§crash¡¨ because the user has limited access to what processes/programs he can run. Corrupting and therefore "Crashing" an Xbox HD is impossible. It can simply malfunction due to ...say...dropping your Xbox...even then. It will probably still work. They're pretty sturdy. It's a western digital Caviar drive.

3rd---Xbox does come with a 1 year warrantee. I know...mine just ran out. It's on the bottom of the box. This is the manufacturers warrantee...just like game cubes... AND just like game cube¡¦ ¡ has a 90 store warrantee. Questions? Get your facts strait.

4th---As for Zelda? CELL Shading HELL! Gimmie a break. Worst choice ever. And...p.s.--> Microsoft now gets games from bye!

5th„³Buy an apple? Why? Those crash too. And...they suck. Gaming wise. Networking wise. Business wise. The only reason why they r still around is because stupid educational facilities like to use them cuz they r cheap, and incredibly childlike to use.

6th„³Windows OS has nothing to do with Xbox. A completely independently developed OS¡K.just using a mod...d version of Direct X. And...guess what. MAC has multiple OS¡¦s as well. Sooo...your point? My pc...s never crash...why? I know how to use them. People buy MACs because they r too lazy to actually learn about the product they bought. Microsoft even started to cater to the brainless idiots with the recent Windows XP. I mean...jeeze. How user friendly do we have to get before we have prancing ponies in pajamas running around the screen helping us type our research papers.

Finally...let me draw the line. If your going to post on your own forum. At least get the facts strait and don't talk about things that your don't know anything about.

At the sound of the your rebuttal! Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!!!


I have no "Nintendofanboyism" because Reid and everyone here knows I never had a nintendo until N64, I always had Sega. I do not like XBox because it is a computer/console. If you think about buying an XBox, then go buy yourself a computer. Yes I do like apple computers a lot, but I have a new respect for other machines, as long as you put Linux on it, I myself plan to put yellowdog linux on my machine maybe, not sure though.



"I do not like Xbox because it is a computer/console."-->Clearly, your an idiot. Because a videogame console has a hard drive, now its a computer? keyboard. Well......when we went from cartridges to cdroms in consoles (i.e.: playstation) it MUST be a computer. [NOTE SARCASM]
If anything¡ was the first that may have even been considered a ¡§computer¡¨. Remember : ¡§Sony Playstation Computer Entertainment System¡¨ . It has a processor¡Kjust like evertying else. The PS2 has a HD out for it now I believe as well. The line between computers and consoles is seriously getting very grey. Your going to have to adjust.

I am seriously scared for your computer. Some how...I may not be able to handle Linux. I mean...if you like apples and all? That¡¦s just some foreshadowing right there. Go play some Oregon Trail. [¡K.although¡Ka good game¡K ƒº ]

Simply because Microsoft makes Windows operating systems for computers...does not make their first video game console a computer. They took an innovative approach to making a console and ending up making the most advanced console on the market. Your problem?

Hard Drive = faster loading times, no need for memory cards, better streaming fmvs, custom music....the list goes on.


Note To All Users
Posted on February 17, 2003 at 02:43:39 PM by MasterOfMario

This is just a reminder of our rules on this forum:

1. No Name Calling, no matter how low of a degree it is (from "idiot" ---> expletives)

2. People are all titled to their individual opinions. No unnecessary "bashing" of other members.

3. This ARTISENE forum is a priviledge, not a right. For whatever reasons the moderators think necessary, it can be taken down at any time.

This is just a reminder to everyone, in the wake of a heating battle in the most recent topic.

Blue Man Group


Re(1): Note To All Users
Posted on February 18, 2003 at 00:35:26 AM by r3d0g

Somehow I doubt that any of you were expecting this...but...I apologize…but merely for a limited amount of my posting. I apologize for the idiot statement. Insultation was not the classiest thing to do in that situation; however, please look at the timestamp of the post. It was...what...2 AM? I was overtired, slaphappy and hopped up on way to much caffeine. While I take responsibility for my own actions, I believe that my insult was an understandable slipup under the circumstances.

Also, while my postings may be considered “bashing” from some, I believe it was merely a heated debate. What is wrong with that? It seems to me that my postings are the most exciting writings your have on this forum. What’s wrong with a little argument or debate? It’s not as if your site restrains itself from talking about other things besides classic video games (or video games in general for that matter).

“3. This ARTISENE forum is a priviledge, not a right. For whatever reasons the moderators think necessary, it can be taken down at any time.”
---You would take down the forum because of me? Gimmie a break.

I believe that moderators on power trips can crush individuality, creativity and free thought. Wouldn’t want to disagree with the conformists!

Note; however, that I keep coming back to post. I enjoy a good debate. I like this forum. Let us just not squash a good debate!


I agree Dave
Posted on February 17, 2003 at 05:34:41 PM by Mr. Xcitement

I agree the battle should end, especialy since computers were brought up and I was personaly attacked, when I DO know a lot about them, and end of discussion there, and for one other thing, I have had my MAC for over a year and it has yet to crash and I have plenty of games I love, and yes Oregon Trail of the old apples was a good game and I would still rank it a great classic. Well if anyone would like to still think that I know nothing about what I speak of, e-mail me, cause I will probably surprise you, and I'm hoping that this war was not caused by me telling more people about the site, which would mean people I know did this, and therefore I am sorry and apologize for my part of this battle.

good computers


Yes…computers were brought up.

Just…not by me.

Take note of that.

And yet, after that statement you continue to talk about computers. Or rather MACs and Apples…which are in a different classification altogether. At least in MY opinion.

Also….lets not be all melodramatic. This was not a “battle” as you say. No one got out any guns (or any profanity for that matter).

Computers that don't have a handle