Mood: blue
Now, about a week after the whole disaster, it becomes fully clear what exactly happened. For not being fully informed somehow eventually was merely caused by not having access to a decent television station as well as somehow not having lied my eyes on the news papers the subsequent 2 days after that... Many heart breaking stories that made it to the papers. Also heart warming on the other hand to see that so many people – not having that much money themselves – started gathering goods and money to help their neighbouring country; Indonesia. Finally religion (the main organisations) turns out to be good for something... As the matter of fact, 4 of my colleagues in surgery (where I'm currently stationed), are planning to join several aid organisations this week. that's when it downed upon me that – being so close to the whole thing – I could also contribute in helping the people in the disaster areas in being there for them as a doctor. After all, in Aceh for example, all 3 hospitals catering the whole city, have totally been washed away by the water, taking with it the lives of all the nurses and doctors working there. Being mainly trained in obstetrics however, I felt I would only have a minor role in helping out the victims. That's why I decided to help in another, maybe less inspiring way by deciding to donate my last Monday’s earnings in the private clinic to the international red cross, as for the presence of my colleagues ix no good if there's no money to get them medicines or equipment to work with... hope it inspires others nevertheless though being less heroic. Shireen, Sia and the others; good luck & take care !!