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Life is what happens while you're making plans

(Leven is het meervoud van lef)



This relates about all adventures, experiences and new people I encounter during my new start in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where I entered a masters training program at the University Malaysia...

 Mainly meant to keep friends & family updated, it's also meant for anyone else who's interested. Just remember, always try to make your dreams come true ;o)

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Sunday, 4 May 2008
For a little girl's smile...
Mood:  blue
Topic: Everyday life (weirdness)

Today I’m rather sad once more… I have worked in UK for 3 months now and in that short time I have seen the grave social impact of the stunningly high number of broken families here. When I speak to people (mostly the single mothers), what I notice is that the red thread through most of their stories is that in many situations partners fail to work together to further their children’s wellbeing. Though I’m realistic enough to know that some relationships won’t stand the test of time, it fills me with disappointment that previous partners don’t seem to be able to work something out for their children.

Even more so sad since I’m in that same league as well. It is not easy to set aside your personal interests, face a previous partner who has disappointed you so often already, spend a lot of time and money on a regular basis to fly & train over to their house, all for the sole reason that you know it will put a smile on your little girl’s face.

Posted by RonRon at 23:21
Updated: Monday, 5 May 2008 00:51
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