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Inu Yasha! (or InuYasha!)

Inu Yasha is the main character. He ios a great half dog demon...He is only half demon because his mommy was human. anywho, his dad seemed like a good demon, but I don't actually know. Inu got Tetsusaiga from his dad, and it has very much power for destruction. By the way Tetsusaiga is a sword, and Tengsusaiga is one too...Inu Yasha is old because Kagome is actually from 1000 years in the future so that kinda ewwie for them.


Sesshomaru is Inu's older, hotter brother. He is a full demon because his faja (father) and mother were demons, but Inu's mom was human. He has two forms, one being his human type form withthe cool red things on his cheeks, and the other being a giant dog. It's cool because his saliva can become deadly poison. He's my favorite! Anywho, he has a follower dude named Jaken. Sesshomaru is an all powerful demon dude, and he has the sword, Tengsusaiga. I dunno how you actually spell that, but it's the opposite sword of Tetsusaiga. It heals people instead of killing them. Ain't it great? Sesshomaru would like to think he's all evil, but he isn't...


Kagome is the main girl character of Inu Yasha. She is also the reincarnation of Kikyo. That is why she ended up falling down into the well. She is very perky, and I think she has a good sense of character because she did free Inu from the tree before she even knew him. She also didn't really know anything about magic, but we'll just say she "saw" good in Inu. :)


One word for him. Hantai!!! Ok, now that that's out, he is a very cool guy. He's a traveling monk, but he only uses that excuse to get girls or a room... What a monk. Anywho, he can be good though, and he likes Sango. Ut isn't that hard to tell. His weapon would be his staff, but his hand is very weird because he has a black hole on his right hand from Naraku's curse on his family. It sucks in everything when it's uncovered, but Miroku keeps it covered unless he needs to use it against a bad guy. Oh yeah, it slowly gets bigger and eventually kills the person. ;_; I haven't seen one where Miroku dies so hopefully Naraku is killed before Miroku's hole eats him. He is one of the group, which includes Inu, Kagome, Shippo, Sango, Kirara, and sort of Myouga...


Kikyo seems to be bad at first because she is against Inu, but Naraku framed Inu and Kikyo to think they betrayed each other. She wants to kill Inu for a long time, but I think she starts to understand after awhile... She is very strong and good. Well, she was when she was alive, but then her soul was sort of resurrected....It's weird, but she has to "eat" souls to stay in the living world.. She was very powerful when she was alive and purified, I think, the Shikkon Jewel. That's why Kagome can see and purify? the shards.


Sango has the saddest history, I think. Her family and a lot of people from her village were demon fighters. they were all killed when Naraku controlled her little brother to kill everyone. That was his first battle too. Sango almost died, but she didn't... At first she thinks that Inu Yasha killed everyone else in her village, but she figures out the truth and joins the group. She is very strongwilled, but she has a soft side. Her weapon is a large boomerang. It is very strong and kills many demons easily. The wielder has to be powerful, too.


Shippo is odd. He's a fox demon that is tiny. I think he is a boy still. Shippo isn't too powerful, and he only does illusions, being a fox and all... Shippo met Inu and gang when he was looking for the Shikon no Tama (Shikon Jewel). His father was killed, and he was trying to avenge his death. He can be very funny also.

Kirara (Pronounced Kilala)

Kirara is a sort of magor minor character. It is a cat demon that is sort of owned by Sango. It can be the cute version or the powerful version depending on the need of its friends. =^o.o^= (Kitty!)


Kaede is Kikyo's younger sister who burned the Shikon no Tama, I like that name better, with her sister. She is very wise, but she doesn't travel with the group probably because of her age. Kaede was the one who had Inu put on the necklace that lets Kagome immobolize him with the word, "Sit." She's one tough lady...


EVIL!!! He hurted Sango's brother, and he did evil things to many, many, many other people/demons. He was maybe the one who tricked Inu and Kikyo. He also seems to hurt Sesshomaru, to my knowledge anyway. He was born from many diferent demons' bodies that had eaten a very evil man...(ewwie!) Naraku makes sure he stays safe, and manipulates people to do his dirty work. Naraku lso wears a white baboon skin...(He's NUTS!!!)

Jakan goes around with Sesshomaru. Since Sesshomaru is his master, Jakan obeys him very well. He also carries around the Staff of Heads. that makes hi msort of powerful, but when he doesn't have it, he can get beat up by Kagome! jakan also looks sort of like a greenish fish or other water creature...


Myouga is an old man who is a demon flee... He is supposed to watch over Inu Yasha's dad's grave, but he has no clue where that is at. He is a coward, but he can suck poison out of people's blood. He also knows many different demons, and other things like that because he is OLD! Myouga tends to get slapped a lot being a flee and all, he likes to suck human blood...

Anywho, I'll finish this later...
(Song Title: Time Scar)
Disclaimer:I do not own anything on this site except for my poems and ramblings. I do not claim to own anything I put on this site either, except the things that actually say are by me. That means I own no anime, manga, or other things on here. ;_; There. That sounds repetative enough.
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