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I had to put this on here. Kuroneko-sama is just too awesome for me to not make a page like this.

Episode 1 "The (double dollar)$$60,000,000,000 Man"
Kuroneko is seen in a bar on the table.

Episode 2 "Truth of Mistake"
Kitty is getting walked by an old man, with a leash!

Episode 3 "Peace Maker"
It is seen walking across an open window. (It's so cute.)
Kuroneko-sama is also meowing at the moon at one point.

Episode 4 "Love and Peace"
The poor baby gets sort of thrown off of a bar table. (Maybe it likes the drinks...)

Episode 5 "Hard Puncher"

Kitty is seen in an old lady's lap, with one brown ear, when Vash crashes through her house while running away from the crazy mob.

Episode 6 "Lost July"

Kuroneko comes out of a garbage can when Milly lifts the lid off.

Episode 7 "B.D.N."
Cute kitty is on a calendar on the steamship in the food area.
Kuroneko is also seen in a casino...Bad, gambling kitty:(

Episode 8 "So, Between Wasteland and Sky"
Kuroneko is by Vash when he's on the deck of the steamship.

Episode 9 "Murder Machine"
Kitty comes out of Woofwood's bag, on the bus.

Episode 10 "Quick Draw"
YAY!! It's taking a nap outside of Vash's window.
Kuroneko is also seen when Milly *giggles* gets drunk.

Episode 11 "Escape From Pain"

Kuroneko stops Wolfwood from cheating at chess, in a tent thingie.

Episode 12 "Diablo"
This time Kuroneko is sleeping by Meryl and Milly, on a bench.

It also appears when Vash and the others are playing ball with the kids.

Episode 13 "Vash the Stampede"

Milly, holding, a garbage can, tries catching a paper Meryl threw and out pops Kuroneko from the trash can.
Kuroneko's picture is also on beer can.O.o

Episode 14 "Little Arcadia"
Kitty is on top of a mailbox thingie when Meryl drops her letters in (at the end of the episode).

Episode 15 "Demon's Eye"
I think Kuroneko is on the floor when a gang enters the saloon that Vash is in.

Episode 16 "Fifth Moon"

Kuroneko falls on Vash's head when he's trying to get the people to leave. It beith very funny.

Episode 17 "Rem Saverem"
Rem is explaining to Vash about "Project Seeds" thingie, and Kuroneko-sama is in a lap of a person in one of those cold sleep tubes...I never saw that before.

Episode 18 "Good-bye, For Now"
Kuroneko is on the the granmother's lap is this one...I think. *scratches head*

Episode 19 "Hang Fire"
Wolfwood is talking to Vash, and he says,"...a cat..." Wolfwood was having a serious talk with Vash, too. *rolls eyes*

Episode 20 "Flying Ship"

Kuroneko and another kitty are eating Vash's food, that has a signal in it, underneath the bed.

Episode 21 "Out of Time"
Kuroneko is seen by Meryl and Milly when they're holding onto a pole so they won't die...but then it's seen on the ship by the doctor right after that.

Episode 22 "Altenative"
Heh heh...Kitty is thrown at Wolfwood twice by orphans.^^
Kuroneko also is between Wolfwood's legs after he gets groceries.

Episode 23 "Paradise"
In Wolfwood's flashback, Kuroneko is sitting in the guy's lap that is by Chapel.

Episode 24 "Sin"
The kitty is sitting on the stand counter when Vash is getting DONUTS!!!Oh, yeah!

Episode 25 "Live Through"
Kuroneko-sama is right next to Vash's chair, and when Vash tries to pet it, it scratches him. ;_; I could kiss his boo-boo.

Episode 26 "Beneath This Sky So Blue"
Kitty is left of Meryl when it gives a "N'ya" and runs away after the well acts all weird...

If you have any more, please let me know.=|^.^|=
I think I have more pictures....

If you know which episodes go with the pictures I have down here please tell me. *bows*:)ty

Aren't they great?^^
(Song Title:FF9 Vivi's Theme)
Disclaimer:I do not own anything on this site except for my poems and ramblings. I do not claim to own anything I put on this site either, except the things that actually say are by me. That means I own no anime, manga, or other things on here. ;_; There. That sounds repetative enough.
Layout Design © by Evelyn at Enchanted Dreams
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