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The Rings of Power

There were a total of twenty rings of power in Middle Earth. They were all very prettiful. :D

The Three Elven Rings

Galadriel's Ring:Nenya

Galadriel's ring is known as the White Ring or the Ring of Adament (maybe the Ring of Water, too). She received Nenya when the Rings were to be hidden from Sauron. Nenya gives the everlasting life to Lothlorien.

Elrond's Ring:Vilya

I don't know that much about Vilya, but I'm pretty sure it does the same thing as Nenya. That is, it probably protects Rivendell and keeps the Elf magic enriched...Vilya was also known as the Ring of Air or the Blue Ring (sapphire).

Mithrandir's Ring

Mithrandir, Gandalf, has a Ring, also. I noticed a ring on his hand in the third movie, but I never knew it was a Ring... I have no clue what it does, but maybe it helps protect Gandalf himself. Narya was called the Ring of Fire or the Red Ring (let's say it was a ruby, but I'm not sure).

The Seven Rings given to the Dwarf-lords.

The seven Dwarf Rings were lost or swallowed. Seriously, dragons got to them... That's all I know about them.

The Nine Rings for the Mortal Men.

These mortals became the Nazgul. The Rings basically enslaved them to Sauron and the One Ring. Those mortals used to be kings of long ago...


This would be Sauron's Ring of POWA (Power, to all your regular people). It can control all other Rings, so basically if Sauron would have gotten the Ring, then you would have an evil Gandalf, Galadriel, Elrond, and Sauron. "Run away! Run away!" It says in elf lettering, but in the Mordor tongue, "One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them. One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them." Isn't that lovely?

If you know more about the Rings, please e-mail it to me so I can add it. Thank you!

(Song Title:Fly Me to the Moon 1)
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