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Ok, this will be my family page because I feel like having one. I will add a friends page later so watch out Michi, Kat, BaNanA, Katie, and all you ppl out there that talk to me, even in public. *evil grin* Ok, firstly, I want to introduce them to you.

First, there's my mommy!

My mom is Ada, but half of my friends call her mom too. :) She's a sweet lady, and here's the kicker. She's Amish. lol, If you don't know me, then you probably won't believe me, but it's true. She was born Amish, and she still wears Amish clothing. So do I, for that fact...I'll get pics up soon. i dunno what else to put. Dont' ever get on her bad side because she can be like Mother Jones, of course my mom doesn't swear though.


There's also my dad. It would take forever trying to explain anyone in my family so I'll just d orough drafts. My dad dad likes being called by his middle name, Josef, and he's a priest so it's Fr. Josef. His family, and mine obviously, were from Austria. They were directly descended from the Hapsburgs, which are known to be have bad noses...Anywho, he likes history, theology, and many more things like CSI and Law&Order. His music tastes are mostly either church type or in the 50's and 60's. I like those things too, but I like many more things he doesn't.


Christian would be my oldest brother. He's the one that actually introduced me to anime. (YAY! Go Chris.) He can be a sweet brother, but he is a brother...Nuff said on that. He likes anime, horses, drawing, tv, and of course, girls. He will be going to college this fall, as far as I know (for Agriculture mostly?). I think he's also going to be working at a hospital for right now. Music wise, Chris likes rap, pop, and other stuff along those lines. They are mostly dumb since they seem to have a guideline of having at least three swear words in one line. All of us kids like Ramstein though!!!!


Hermy is the second oldest child. He's actually in Pennsylvania right now because that's where he goes to seminary. He comes home on breaks though. :) He likes books!, girls, tv, singing!, sports, among other things. He is also in The Air Force Reserves. His hair used to be poofy, but now it's short. Herm is know by most of my friends as shirt because in our dialect of German his nickname, Hermy/Herm, stands for shirt. Anywho, that's about it for him. I almost forgot, Herm tends to get rid of cars somehow. he's on his third car as of whenever my parents take it out to him soon... It's a black Focus. herm likes church music, maybe some country, older pop which is alternative now?, and classical.


This beith my only sister. She's awesome. Anna has her own apartment, and she also has a nice, light greenish Ford Focus. She also wears regular clothes...All of the kids do, more or less, except for me. Anna has a roommate that is crazy, but she's saner than me. She likes guys, relaxing, sleeping, and anything else that gets her to be happy...I guess. She works at Jack in the Box right now as manager, but she's looking for a better job. She also, duh, loves talking. No one in our family is actually quiet, except for maybe my mom, sometimes. Anna likes different and pop...


Noah is the funniest one in our family. His goal in life so far seems to be to make sure everyone he meets has enough laughs for a while. He can act too stupid though sometimes, and when you're around it ALL the time it can be annoying. Yup Noah, that's right. You can be annoying...I know I can too. *rolls eyes* Anyway, he loves all the things guys seem to like, girls, sports, and nice cars. He also likes to play sports on Playstation 2 a lot, drawing, and mostly good music. Some of it can be quite stupid really though. (Ok, seriously, "Shake it like a polariod picture." come on..."


This would be me. "Hello!" I am the one that is creating this site! What a shocker. Anymoo, I am 14 until July 31st. (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) I LOVE almost any music there is: Classical, country, rock, some rap, occasional pop, R&B, blues, chanting, other church music, metal, techno, and more...I also play the saxophone!! Yay, and I'm trying to learn how to play the flute, but considering that I don't own one...The piano is going to be learned by me soon hopefully. I also like writing. I haven't written too many things, but if you have seen my rambling page, then you will know what my friends hear many mornings when I first see them. "I had another strange dream..." lol, I don't own a car, but hopefully I'll be getting a Scion or something like it when I do get one. What else? I talk a lot! I also am major fruit when it comes to watching motorcycle races. I dunno why, but I really can just sort of zone out and watch them keep going. The weird thing is, I very much dislike car races...Yeah. Ummm, I like talking to people that I might not know, but have things in common with. I could go on with one subject forever. I could also change the subject at least six times in one minute. Oh, yeah... Appearence wise, I am only 5 feet tall, with shoes. I dress Amish, but sometimes for some reasons, I don't.... Ok, that's all I have for me right now, but I know I'll think of something later.

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+ Icy's Fanfic: Destiny's Cycle