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I love Trigun. That's all there is to it.

This is a basic Trigun character page. There some very great characters in this anime and manga, but this all goes with the anime. My favorite one is Vash *sigh*. Too bad he's not real...If he was, then he would be about the only decent guy...


A.K.A.:the $$(double dollar)60,000,000,000 Man, the Humanoid Typhon, and other things...
Vash is the main character of this series. He likes to goof off very much, but he can be very serious. He is also a plant. (Look farther down to know what a plant is.) There are so many different things about Vash, but if you can you should just watch the shows. (They used to be on Cartoon Network: Adult Swim.) Anywho, Vash's creed is not to kill anyone, even his evil brother, Knives.


Knives is the evil twin of Vash, literally. Knives and Vash are twins. Go figure... Knives is pure EVIL and that's about all you can say about him. (I need to find a good pic of him grown up.)

Legato Bluesummers

Feel the power off of him! Actually, he's The servant dude of Knives. Legato is very loyal, and he would do ANYTHING for his master. A bad thing about that is that he is Powerful. (Yes, with a capital P.) He literally turned some soldiers inside out...Wait, that might not have been the anime. Anywho, he could do that and many more things that could kill you without even touching you. It's kinda freaky and cool.

Nicholas D. Wolfwood

Wolfwood is great. He seems to be the sort of bad good guy in this series. Here is a funny/weird twist. He's a priest...He has a traveling confessional which is a small church that can fit over your head. Anywho, he loves children, and he came from an orphanage before bumping into Vash. Oh yeah, Wolfwood's weapon is the big cross thingie. It can shoot missiles, too.:D

Meryl Stryfe?

Meryl has a very short temper with just about anyone, especially Vash though...She works for an insurance company with Millie, but the only reason I can think of why she got the job is that people can get very terrified of her. She also likes Vash after the first couple of episodes, but she denies for a long time.

Millie Thompson

Millie is the simplest person on this anime. She has a billion siblings that she writes to...blah blah blah...She does the cute family things, but if you touch a child she will whip out her stun gun and shoot you down. I am totally serious. O.O One time she had her gun pointed at Vash for a while because they didn't know who hurt the girl, and Vash was the only good explanation. She is very funny though...and occasionally brilliant. She is the essential good girl, but she ends up with Wolfwood. o_0 Who knew?

Kuroneko Sama

This is the cat in Trigun. It has no meaning to the plot, but it appears in every episode (except one, I think). It goes N'ya. It also apparently does not like cheaters because it stopped Wolfwood from cheating at chess or checkers...:P That's about it for the cat.


There are also some more characters that aren't really on here...yet. Here is a list of some of them.
Gun Ho Guns...
I'm really slow at finishing this... I'm sorry...


In Trigun, they just call power plants plants. There are human-like things inside glass that basically power the plants...They only have human appearences. That's about it.

Disclaimer: I only own the poems that are under My Poetry. I do not own TLOTR, Trigun, or any other anime/manga on here.

(Song Title:FF10 Battle Theme)
Disclaimer:I do not own anything on this site except for my poems and ramblings. I do not claim to own anything I put on this site either, except the things that actually say are by me. That means I own no anime, manga, or other things on here. ;_; There. That sounds repetative enough.
Layout Design © by Evelyn at Enchanted Dreams
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