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Yu Yu Hakusho Characters!!!

Of course, I needed a character page because I love this show, but I haven't had time to do this. The group of guys are Yusuke, Kurama, Hiei, and Kuwabara.

(1st Row, left to right: Hiei, Yusuke, and Kayko. 2nd Row: Kurama and Botan. 3rd Row: Kuwabara and Koenma)

Yusuke Urameshi

Yusuke is a great kid. He always seems to be a kid to me even though he would be the same age as me (14). Anywho, he ends up becoming a Spirit Detective because he died when he wasn't supposed to, and he ends up with the job. He acts tough a lot, but Kayko can break him easily. He is a great fighter, and after he becomes a Spirit Detective he gets stronger with his Spirit Gun. He is also in junior high school with Kuwabara. His Spirit Gun is cool and blue. It uses a lot of his energy though, and so Yusuke has to get stronger ans other stuff so he can use his Spitrit Gun more than once a day.


Kurama is a demon that is good. He met Yusuke almost right away, and they stick together for fighting big bad guys. He is around 300 years old, but he definitely doesn't show it.;) His weapon would be the Rose Whip. He gets a rose from behind his red hair, and he changes it into a whip. I thought he was sort of a wussy when I first saw him, when I first started watching anime, but he is my favorite character now! That's how great he is. Kurama is very calm, and he loves his mommy even though it's not his real one. Here's the story. He was about to die so he ended up going into human form as a very cute baby of some lady. The way he met Yusuke was because he stole this mirror to wish his mother healthy again. The thing is the wisher dies after he wishes...


Hiei is a really tough good guy. He also meets Yusuke almost right away. He is a fire apparition, or a fire demon, but he's only half... He has a sword that gets used often, and he is very fast and strong. He also has the Jagan, a thrid eye on his forehead. He sometimes covers it with a bandana. It isn't natural though. He got it in so he could watch out after his little sister, but he lost a LOT of power when he had the operation. He's a sweet big brother, ain't he??? The Jagan lets Hiei control weak humans, move objects (telekinesis), and do telepathy. He does his own thang all the time, but he is a very good friend to have. That is if you can get him to respect you.


Kuwabara is one of yusuke's friends. They started out not liking each other, but they ended up being frineds. He is a great fighter, but he's the non best of the four. Kuwabara is like Gimli because he's the comic relief, also like Shippo..., and he also has a thing for kittens. It's very cute. his weapon is the Spirit Sword. It is sort of like yusuke's Spirit Gun, but it doesn't seem to take as much energy out of the user...His Spirit Sword is made when he focuses his spirit energy into a sword..Yeah, and he can also make it into a javelin type thing.


Koenma is the boss of Yusuke, Botan, and everyone else in the Spirit world, except for his father. His dad, King Yama, seems to be the only one who can scare Koenma with a spanking, no less. :D Ok, Koenma looks like a baby and has a pacifier in his mouth ALL the time, but he's around 700 years old. He can turn himself into this very cute, but arrogant young man, though. I'll hopefully get pictures soon if you have no clue to what I'm talking about.


Botan, in our world, would be known as the Grim Reaper, but she is a very perky whatever. She's called a a "messenger" from the Spirit World...She takes her responsiblities very seriously even though she is always smiling or laughing...Always perky. ^^ Sometimes she sems to fly on this boat paddle. I don't actually know what it is. Botan also is Yusuke's assistant when it comes to his job of Spirit Detective. Kayko was jealous of her for a little while before she knew about Yusuke fighting demons and all.

Kayko is Yusuke's sort of girlfriend. They both like each other, but Kayko doesn't like it that Yusuke hidesthings from her so she tendst oslap him around a bit, literally. the power of a girl's slap is astonishing in anime! She is very strong, brave, intelligent, and all that. She is the best friend that Yusuke could ever have, and I'm sure she thinks about him more than that. ;) Oh yeah, she can be the only influence on Yusuke's stubborn side, and she can be the only one that can tell him what to do. Power to the girls!


Genkai was the master if the Spirit Wave, and she taught Yusuke all about it. She is very wise, and she tended to not be too nice to Yusuke...She did very many things that proved her strength. O.O She did the Spirit Wave, which is like the Spirit Gun, but it comes out of your whole body. She did that, and she only took the bad things off of these fighters' backs....without hurting the fighters!!!!!!! Her award would be "Strongest Woman Ever" in anime anyway. She is also the Masked Fighter during the Dark Tournament.


I almst forgot her. She seems to just be a sweet girl, but she's actually an ice apparition. She can freeze her surroundings, and so a side affect is that when she cries her tears turn into Very valuable jewels. She also knows a lot in Spiritual Healing... By the way, her brother happens to be Hiei, but she doesn't know it. Yukina goes t othe Dark Tournament hoping to find her brother.To make it worse, Kuwabara has a crush type thing on her. Can you imagine if they went out? LOL Kuwabara would get beat up by Hiei!


This would be Yusuke's mother who is drunk for a lot of the beginning shows. She has way too many mood swings to be a great parent, but she tries to teach Yusuke to make something of himself and his life...

As always, I will add more as soon as I can, but I want ot put it up now so that it looks like I have a lot of things.

Disclaimer:I do not own anything on this site except for my poems and ramblings. I do not claim to own anything I put on this site either, except the things that actually say are by me. That means I own no anime, manga, or other things on here. ;_; There. That sounds repetative enough.
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