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Heh, heh, heh. Ichigo or Michi reminded about a rambling page a couple days ago, and now I’m going to start one. –1/21/04 (BTW: The latest rambling are on top:

July 7, 2004. That's when I had the dream thing. It started in some unknown, unimportant bulding, and it was dark. There were many kids there not out of their own will, I figured, because an odd guy was taking the kids out in little groups. He ends up taking a 15 or 16-year-old boy and a little (around 8) boy.There may have been more in that group, nut I only remember those two. They go into a car, it's still dark out, and drive away from the building. They go up and down a street that looks very similar to Lindbergh except there's a Payless on one side like in PA. They hide by the Payless for a little bit, then keep going. (That was part of a dream I had before...) Anywho, they get to a large office-like building which is the old man's hideout. A lady, maybe 25, came in all dressed in black. She was of the slave children/teenagers? The old man and the lady start fighting, and the old man tells the two boys to run up the stairs, and stay away from shadows. The boys start running, but it changes into just me running away from two guys. I don't really ever see their faces well. I go up at least 6 staircases before anything really happens. One level looked somewhat churchy with the dark wood and stuff, but I only saw it for about one second...Two or three staircases had light green carpet on them. While on the last green staircase, I saw the lady with some guy start running toward me. (Does that mean the old guy was dead?) Well, I turn left and see the two guys that were chasing me at the top of those stairs. More afraid of the lady, I ran up the stairs and past the two guys. My mom came around the corner with a bloody sword on it. O_O Oh yeah, one guy had a sword, but when I hid behond my mom for a second, he didn't attack. Sooo, my mom gives me the sword, and I'm like, "Oh, crap!" in my head and run. I'm in a hallway that has bright white walls now. I turn left, and there's an office. I go in there to hide, but no good spot is in that room. The people working there don't even notice me though. By now, the sheriff's wife is also trying to find me. She has somewhat curly dirty blonde hair, and no, I haven't left anything out. I run out the door and to the left. There were a lot of doors in that hallway. They're made of wood and had nameplates beside them with children's names engraved on them. Those are some of the children's rooms. The hallway was dimmed, too. I get to the end of that hallway and go into another with the same looks. The end that one led into a large room though, with many, many children on and off of cots. I was looking for Lisa, Kayla, and Katie, but not Lauren because I had seen her on the bus earlier (different dream I can't really remember) and not the two Ashleys becasue they were on vacation. I find Kayla, and *cough* well, let's just say I put on a different shirt that I get from Eric.(Eric and Danny were across from Kayla.) That's all I remember.
Actually, I didn't even remember that much, but I found a notebook with the dream in it, and someone said they were reading my ramblings so I decided to finish this one. I also wrote down another dream...It's so weird and funny. This is 2005 now by the way. I might actually be redoing my site sometime...Might.

Well, how are you? I’m doing ok on this night of March 10th, 2004. I don’t know when this will actually be on my site since Angelfire isn’t working on my computer. I hope life’s been treating you better than me, but I shouldn’t have too many complaints. I have all the necessities a person needs, AND a loving family that tries to be there….most of the time. I’m just sort of bordering grumpiness because I might have to move this summer. It’s really sad because I know that it will most likely happen. It’s also pretty good because that means that my dad might actually have decent church, and we wouldn’t have to move again. Moving really is poopy, but I love traveling. Anyway, my family and I would most likely be moving back to Ohio. Scratch that…. My dad, mom, Chris, and me most likely would move. Noah probably would stay here to finish high school (he’ll be a senior next year) and Anna has an apartment and all that stuff here already. Hermy isn’t exactly living anywhere, besides the seminary so that isn’t too bad. He’d just come wherever we would move to. By the way, here to the people that don’t know, is St. Louis. If you don’t know who these people are that I just mentioned, then you might want to check out the family page….if you’re actually interested. Moving onward, lol, no pun intended, moving would be great for my family financially wise, and my mom would be closer to her relatives (the Amish peoples). I can’t believe she’s actually been away from her family for almost TEN years!!!! That’s a long time, especially when you’re in a totally different culture. Oi! So that would be a plus to moving. A minus: Katie, Lisa, Ashley, Ashley, Lauren, Kayla, ……..David, Stuart, Adam, Will, Justin…..and even 3rd hour teacher! Yeah. I also would be changing schools……again. I’ve been living hear for almost three years now!!!!!!! I think that’s a record, but I’m not sure.
(It’s now the 12th.) Anywho, there has been some crap that happened in a day. -_-yay. Why do people do drugs? Seriously. I know that some people didn’t know the bad effects, others wanted to escape, others were addicted thanks to their thoughtful moms/family/friends. I know all this junk, but why? Another thing. Why did Hitler feel it his right to kill all the people “different” from him? Or anyone else for that matter? I know he had a HUGE sucky life. He also didn’t have the best of teachings, but how did he sleep at night knowing people were dieing because of him? Did he not know the wrongness of taking a life, or did he ignore it? Where’s his body, too??????? Yeah. That last one wasn’t too serious. Eh, oh well. That stuff is some of the things I think about sometimes. Other things could be religion, food, clothes, Vash, why my stupid computer won’t work, the air, colors, music, lights, manga, anime, sports, guys ^^, why doesn’t this dumb thing work right?????, pencils, friends, family, sleep, thoughts, life, "Are things actually there when you’re not looking?" (or when the light source is cut off), and many more lame/funny/weird things. Thinking can be very fun, but then so can not thinking. Ever have those days when you’re just staring at something fascinated by it, and you realize that you weren’t just staring….not thinking or anything else, just staring??? Yeah, that happens to me sometimes. It’s sooo cool!!!!!! Lol, imagine how long this could be… I don’t even know when my computer is going to be fixed. Hope you’re enjoying yourself. I sure am. *trying to think of something serious to write*
GUESS WHAT????????????????????????????????????? Angelfire is working again! SUCCESS!

1/27/04-Howdy, this is my second rambling. :) I had another strange funky dream this morning after I found out we have NO SCHOOL!!! Go us! Anywho, I don’t know exactly how it started, but I remember when Marge, from the Simpsons, did a poster. She screwed up, and Lisa’s face was on Marge’s body and vice versa. It was very funny, but Lisa was almost crying. Bart, of course, made fun of her, and then all of a sudden he started to turn into a robot type thingie that looked almost like a spider for a little bit, but then it changed to look somewhat like a Gundum Wing robot… I didn’t want to concentrate on it so it wouldn’t take me, Bart, over. I kept watching Lisa and Marge arguing, but then I was outside. I fought another robot thing, and I won after a while. I chopped off its head for some reason and put it in a pillowcase. I put the robot type body into a coffin, but somebody stopped me. That person wanted to see in the coffin and opens the lid. The body gets out somehow, and someone starts coming out of it. I thought, “Watch, it’ll probably be a beautiful girl.” Of course, it was. She ran up the hill, and I followed her. The next thing I remember was that we were inside Buerkle school, but it wasn’t Buerkle. I think I turned into my self then, and was no longer Bart. (YAY!) I start climbing this wall after the beautiful girl, who at the top changed into Kayla. I kept climbing, and then the wall seemed to get bigger and lean out. It started getting scary, and then these stupid posters were in my way. I was climbing past them when I grabbed a poster. It started ripping because another poster was underneath it, and I thought: “Oh, yeah. This is Buerkle. They put posters on top of one another. After I thought that, I had this weird feeling like I was about ready to fall, but I was hanging onto the wall by what seemed like a tack. Like I always do, I fell, but this time I fell onto my bed. As soon as I was done falling, Kayla swung over the top of the wall, and I couldn’t see her. She started singing this church song from one of my dad’s CDs. It was scary because Kayla would tell you herself she’s not good at singing, but I don’t see how she’s that bad. Anywho, off the subject, I decided to run down the stairs and into a hallway leading up to the top of the school while Kayla couldn’t see me. The whole school was very big, and it was very bright with a lot of WHITE walls. I ran down the hall past the front doors, which Mr. Lansdorf was standing outside in the snow, and kept running through the halls. I got to the locker room for the swim team I guess, but there were guys in there, and yes Kayla, there were some with Speedos. They were getting drinks, and I was searching for a way out so I could keep going. I found this big silver, steel door that was Humongous. The handle was big and weird too. The guys were gone when I turned around, and there was the girls’ swim team. Since Kayla’s on it, I asked her sister, who was on it too, if they saw Kayla. They said no, and then I asked if I could stay with them and watch. The evil coach lady mumbled, “We are one short.” Then she said, “Sure, where’s your swimsuit?” I said, “I just want to watch. I don’t want to actually swim.” She goes, “That’s alright, but you still need a swimsuit.” “Let me get this straight. If I want to Watch the team swim and not actually swim I need to wear a swimsuit.” Nod. I then said I was just going to leave instead. I went out into the hallway, and there come Kayla and Elizabeth. They see me and start running the other way. I follow them into the gym, and there are these little kids playing volleyball. They are using the cushy balls, and also another kind that I used to play with when I was little. The little kids, I think they were all girls, were using a regular sized net, but they had a large fan on each side to help blow the balls over the net. I was helping along with them for a little bit, and I spiked some balls over, feeling very proud too. I then started talking to Katie, Kayla was there too, and she got mad at me when she was talking about a funeral the next day and I didn’t know whose it was. She actually forgot to call me and tell me, but I wasn’t going to say that and get her more upset. We play some more volleyball, and then I woke up… Isn’t it strange?

1/21/04-Ok, here I am doing a rambling page. If you’re reading this, then you are either very bored or something else… Go figure huh? Anywho, I just wanted to say thank you to the people that have been on my site because that means I’m basically thanking myself. I dunno what all I’m going to put on her because I don’t, but it’ll be spelled right because I’m using Microsoft Word. (Of course except for the words that aren’t actually words.) Wow, I’m boring. Maybe I’ll just write what’s on my mind. Here goes. I had a very crazy dream two nights ago with people in it I never knew existed. It started out with me going to some school dance or something like that, and I’m going with this guy, I think his name was Josh but a lot of the “unknown” guys are for me, and he’s like Rei Kashino, from MARS, and Yuu Matsuura, from Marmalade Boy. I think a little more like Rei. Anymoo, we were talking outside while standing and then sitting on some steps when theses girls and guys come out from somewhere and are dancing along the wide railing to 50’s style music. That would give you 50’s style dancing too. >.< It was like Grease, but without the all those songs… We ended up moving away to another stair outside of the school when here they come again interrupting out lovely talk, which I don’t remember. I think the dancing people were going somewhere else… Time for the mini-story. There were these two girls that looked like they were in 7th grade, and this was a dance with mostly 9th-12th. (They had plain blue dresses on, and one had blonde pigtails while the other had her blonde hair down.) They were following the dancers, and when the people started leaving the little girls wanted to go too. Some high school girl said that they couldn’t go, without being too nice about it, and then I remember seeing those two girls sitting on the stairs crying in their laps. The really funny part is that I remember seeing some sweat along the little girl’s seams on her back. Ok, mini-story done. This time we ended up leaving. We go to my house, and for some reason he starts teaching me how to defend myself from these monsters. (The ones I fight aren’t the real ones, but they looked like them.) I don’t know why this wasn’t strange that I was learning how to protect myself from weird demons, but whatever. I remember him telling me about the demon monster with no name, which was in my bathroom. My defense was not to look at it so it couldn’t take the shape of anyone I knew… I sort of saw his face, and he was wearing all black with a white face. There were red dashes around his face too, and I think that there would have been a ? on the middle of his face, but I didn’t look. I slammed the door shut, and pulled on the knob to keep him in there. It broke off and ran to my room. I ran to the living room, and I saw the time on the VCR. It was 7:20 A.M. I thought, “Oh, crap! I’m going to be late for school.” I run into my room and wake up…. That was a crazy strange dream.
(Song Title:Destiny's Island KH)
Layout Design © by Evelyn at Enchanted Dreams
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