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The match starts with the bell and both men entering a tie up.
Maven quickly turns the Tie Up into a Headlock.
Maven whips Stevie into the ropes.
When Stevie bounces back, Maven hits a clothesline.
Maven lifts Stevie up slightly and delevers a Firemans carry.
Stevie Richards gets back up and Maven Drop Kicks him to the outside.
Maven slides out under the bottom rope and chases Stevie around the ring.
Stevie slides back in at the opposite side.
Maven slides back in seconds later and is struck with a Clothesline from Stevie.
Victoria climbs onto the apron as Stevie disstracts the Referee.
Victoria flips over the top rope and hits a leg drop onto Maven
Stevie picks Maven back up and gives him a neckbreaker.
He then stomps into him.
Stevie drags Maven to the ropes and places his head in between the top and middle rope.
He bounces off the ropes and comes back.
He jumps on the back of Mavens head, choking him.
Maven bounces back and lands on the mat.
Stevie taunts the crowd only to receive Boos.
He then pins Maven and gets a 2 count.
He picks Maven back up and Maven starts to fight back with a few punches.
Stevie retaliates with a kick to the gut and a Snapmare.
Stevie lies down beside Maven and locks him in a Full Nelson Submission Hold.
Maven eventually struggles out after a minute of pain.
Stevie picks Maven up and goes for a Suplex, but, Maven reverses it and hits his own Suplex.
Both men get back up slowly and Maven quickly hits a clothesline knocking Stevie back down.
Maven picks Stevie back uop and whips him into the ropes.
Stevie bounces back and recieves a back elbow, knocking him to the ground once again.
He quickly gets back up and Maven goes for a dropkick.
Stevie moves out the way and Maven misses him.
Stevie covers and gets a 2 count.
He gets Maven back up and whips him against the ropes.
Maven ducks a clothesline and hits a spinning Heel kick.
Maven covers and gets a 2 count.
He gets Stevie back up and Stevie sneakily tries a neckbreaker.
Maven reverses.
With Stevie on the mat flat, Maven heats to the top rope.
Victoria climbs on the apron again and tries to push Maven down.
She is kicked off by Maven
Stevie slowly gets back up as Maven regains his balance.
Maven goes for a top rope dropkick and misses.
Stevie covers and gets a 2 count.
Maven gets up and whips Stevie against the ropes, he hits a backdrop and sends Stevie flying.
He climbs the top rope as stevie gets up.
He flips of the top rope and hits a great Flying Neckbreaker.
Maven covers and gets a 3 count.
Maven wins the match!