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Dave's Rock Collection

These are from many different States of the USA.

Obsidian Rocks

 Rock #19


rock #2

rock #3

rock #4

rock #5

rock #6

rock #7

rock #8

rock #9

rock #10

rock #11

rock #12

rock #13

rock #14

rock #15

rock #16

rock #17

rock #18
Top ^

Go to Casey's Cruise to Alaskan Glaciers
Go to the Ice Core Laboratory
Go to Dave's Rock Specimens
Go to Bierstadt "49er" Mountain Climbing
Go to Climate Change Activities
Rocky Mountain National Park Part 1
Rocky Mountain National Park Part 2
Rocky Mountain National Park Part 3
Go to Activities and other things
These are some weblinks for Montana and Idaho photos !
Go to: Life on Mars Slides?
 Go to: Earth Concretions Vs. Mars slides?
 Go to: Allan's Best Outcrop2?
 Go to: Thursday MT_ID field Outcrops?

 Go to: Mesa & other Tuesday Activities?
   Go to: ID Butte and Misc. Activities?

  Go to: HRes Craters of the Moon Part 1?
  Go to: HRes Craters of the Moon Part 2?
  Go to: HRes Indian Lava tube Cave?